Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
+wharton, that's double ivy

Even though the claim is often made that he received a lot of his support simply because he is black, I have never met anyone who said that is why they voted for him. I do know lots of people who were reticent to vote for him the first time because he was black, but had to because the thought of McCain and Palin was just too terrifying. It was much easier to vote for him the second time though.

I don't know why anybody would vote for the shithead. Only a dumbass would.

He was not qualified and as we have seen from some of the sorry crap he as pulled as President he is not very educated or knowledgeable of anything.

He did not get educated in college. That is clear. He may have attended and somebody may have given him a diploma but the man is not educated. Not by a long shot. In fact he is very ignorant and stupid. That is why I suspect he is nothing more than an Affirmation Action minority who didn't make it on merit but because of some ridiculous quota. That is probably the real reason he won't release his college transcripts.

Why do you think he won't release his transcripts?

He is really only George Sores's little trained monkey in the White House thanks to all the Moon Bats that voted for him.

97% of the Black people in this country voted for him because he was Black and 100% of the White Guilt Libtards. The rest of the idiots were member of this despicable coalition of the greedy asshole trying to get something out of the government that they didn't earn.

I didn't vote for either Hussein Shithead or McCain (because he was too Liberal). Why did you vote for a dumbass that gave us bad government? What were you thinking? Were you high on pot when you cast your vote? Did you make that same mistake in 2012 that you made in 2008?

By the way, that idiot clown Biden makes Palin look like a genius.
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”

Great points. Until the left digs into Obama's college records with the same enthusiasm, they don't have a right to criticize any Republican.

I promise you I will never criticize Scott Walker's college records- that he has never shown us.

And never will.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.

Third time you have made that claim.

I challenged you on it the first two times.

Now I am just going to point out that you are flat out lying.

No President has voluntarily released all of his college transcripts before or while in office.

Even though the claim is often made that he received a lot of his support simply because he is black, I have never met anyone who said that is why they voted for him. I do know lots of people who were reticent to vote for him the first time because he was black, but had to because the thought of McCain and Palin was just too terrifying. It was much easier to vote for him the second time though.

Why do you think he won't release his transcripts?

Because he is acting like every other President.

Why do you demand transcripts from this specific President- and not any previous Presidential candidate, or President?
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
Not a self proclaimed racist but I am proud of my race and it's accomplishments. How about you? Are you proud of your race? Or does political correctness prevent you from answering?

it blows my mind that anyone can think they are better than anyone else. or that they could have been born as those they despise or treat differently.

so no, i am not proud of my race... it's creepy, apparently so are you...

quit fucking it up for those of us nice birthers... that's not what we are about...

it's about the constitution and the cover up for me... nothing else

people like you are the reason i work alone.

i think i don't remember you now.... from years ago... yuk

hey are you that creepy guy at oryr ?? get your shit together man... sometimes the obots are right..

I'm not fucking anything up. As I stated, I'm a patriot. I want Article 2 Section 1 upheld, not subverted. But again, you need to be racially aware. You need to be awakened. I suggest you read this authored by a true American patriot.


you can be whatever you want here, that's the good part. the sad part is that you can do/be whatever you want here.

you are a good example of detestable crossing paths with the very freedom you abuse. that's your right...

what i see is you quoting southerners from half a century ago, trying to may them seem racist, or "proud of my race" like you.

but that's not the case, i'm sure you've heard all this before. you get it someday, maybe.

let me ask you something fairly personal, did you grow up with this ?
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.

Even though the claim is often made that he received a lot of his support simply because he is black, I have never met anyone who said that is why they voted for him. I do know lots of people who were reticent to vote for him the first time because he was black, but had to because the thought of McCain and Palin was just too terrifying. It was much easier to vote for him the second time though.

I don't know why anybody would vote for the shithead. Only a dumbass would.

He was not qualified and as we have seen from some of the sorry crap he as pulled as President he is not very educated or knowledgeable of anything.

He did not get educated in college. That is clear. He may have attended and somebody may have given him a diploma but the man is not educated. Not by a long shot. In fact he is very ignorant and stupid. That is why I suspect he is nothing more than an Affirmation Action minority who didn't make it on merit but because of some ridiculous quota. That is probably the real reason he won't release his college transcripts.

Why do you think he won't release his transcripts?

He is really only George Sores's little trained monkey in the White House thanks to all the Moon Bats that voted for him.

97% of the Black people in this country voted for him because he was Black and 100% of the White Guilt Libtards. The rest of the idiots were member of this despicable coalition of the greedy asshole trying to get something out of the government that they didn't earn.

I didn't vote for either Hussein Shithead or McCain (because he was too Liberal). Why did you vote for a dumbass that gave us bad government? What were you thinking? Were you high on pot when you cast your vote? Did you make that same mistake in 2012 that you made in 2008?

By the way, that idiot clown Biden makes Palin look like a genius.

At least he isn't a half term drunken slut.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.

And thus the racist rationalizes why a black man is more successful than the racist could ever hope to be....
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.


Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.

So now the Harvard Law Review's opinions are for sale to the highest bidder? You're crazier than I thought.

Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.

And thus the racist rationalizes why a black man is more successful than the racist could ever hope to be....
Obama has never earned personal success, never. He always had to have help.
Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.

And thus the racist rationalizes why a black man is more successful than the racist could ever hope to be....
Obama has never earned personal success, never. He always had to have help.

Why don't you just admit you are a lying idiot, and the only thing that Trump ever crucified is that poor dead animal he keeps on his head.
Yeah, it's a mystery, those years at Harvard. Plunged into darkness.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Selected by affirmative action no less. Where are the articles he published in the Law Review Journal he allegedly edited.

Maybe you could ask these folks:

Robin West, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Foreword: Taking Freedom Seriously; West, Robin. 104 Harv. L. Rev. 43 (1990-1991)

And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused on individual responsibilities as much as on liberties, which criticized both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Forward typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," wrote Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Forward is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, recalling him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite, even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."

Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Vicki Schultz, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Telling Stories about Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument; Schultz, Vicki. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1749 (1989-1990)
Yale professor Vicki Schultz, then an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin law school, wrote a lengthy article for the June 1990 issue titled "Telling Stories About Women and Work" that compared how the courts handled sexual and racial discrimination cases. She was concerned that "some African-American scholars might be offended by the comparison," but says Obama was "incredibly reassuring and smart and nonideological" about the way he approached the piece.
They were most likely paid to say that as the media was making a fairy tale composite of Obama's fraudulent life narrative.

And thus the racist rationalizes why a black man is more successful than the racist could ever hope to be....
Obama has never earned personal success, never. He always had to have help.

Perhaps- but even with all of the help you have received, Obama is a millionaire President, admired by millions, and you are nothing but a racist loser, wallowing in your hatred against Americans.
if it weren't for trumps father giving him his money, he'd be a total failure and actually he is. Every business trump touched or started failed. his show is all he has left and that's a failure too. who give a rats ass what trump says?
His TV show's pretty good.
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
Not a self proclaimed racist but I am proud of my race and it's accomplishments. How about you? Are you proud of your race? Or does political correctness prevent you from answering?

it blows my mind that anyone can think they are better than anyone else. or that they could have been born as those they despise or treat differently.

so no, i am not proud of my race... it's creepy, apparently so are you...

quit fucking it up for those of us nice birthers... that's not what we are about...

it's about the constitution and the cover up for me... nothing else

people like you are the reason i work alone.

i think i don't remember you now.... from years ago... yuk

hey are you that creepy guy at oryr ?? get your shit together man... sometimes the obots are right..

I'm not fucking anything up. As I stated, I'm a patriot. I want Article 2 Section 1 upheld, not subverted. But again, you need to be racially aware. You need to be awakened. I suggest you read this authored by a true American patriot.


you can be whatever you want here, that's the good part. the sad part is that you can do/be whatever you want here.

you are a good example of detestable crossing paths with the very freedom you abuse. that's your right...

what i see is you quoting southerners from half a century ago, trying to may them seem racist, or "proud of my race" like you.

but that's not the case, i'm sure you've heard all this before. you get it someday, maybe.

let me ask you something fairly personal, did you grow up with this ?

McGarrett is the best example of the modern American conservative I have ever run into.

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