Trump CRUSHES Canuck Resistance

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
The chief negotiator for the Great White North had spent the last couple months huddling with American communists instead of hammering out a new NAFTA. She must have believed CNN
that he was doomed to impeachment and they could start fresh with a new sucker in the White House. Oops! Once again, Trump finagles a backdoor deal...this time with the beaners and the canucks get left with their tiny peckers hanging out. Since Trudy tried to sabotage the G7 talks, Trump has been looking to sandbag him and now it looks like he's done it. The deadline for them to sign on with the US/Mehico deal is tomorrow and their chief negotiator made a mad dash back from Europe to finally do her job.....The best part? Trump has killed their 300% dairy tariff which pretty much dooms Trudeau and his fake eyebrow from ever getting reelected.....Sweet.


Donald Trump says Canada badly wants in new NAFTA deal as Friday deadline looms
I've been waiting 25 years, since Gore gave Perot the elbow to intimidate him on Larry King, for NAFTA to hit the dumpster it belongs in. The same big shots who sold out the US by allowing China to join the WTO were behind NAFTA...cheapest labor dollar possible while American cities and towns were ripped apart when their factories closed. Thank God for Donald J. Trump.
Trudeau wasn't much resistance...I mean look at the twerp. Pretty much personifies leftist girly men
Trudeau wasn't much resistance...I mean look at the twerp. Pretty much personifies leftist girly men

Trudeau had Quebec behind him...Montreal etc. but everybody west of there hates him and since Trump got the Keystone XL approved, they know who's their daddy. Trudeau may even be impeached now that he's sold out their dairy farmers....Upstate New York and Wisconsin will BURY them in bottled milk (canuck milk is sold in a bag) cheese, and eggs. Plus Fiat/Chrysler has production up there and can't handle a 25% Trump tariff...Trudy has no choice but to knuckle under.

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