Trump Cruz Palin Bachmann

Does the GOP base have enough courage to send Trump into the General Election?
We thought no way the democratic establishment would listen to us and give the nomination to a one term community organizer black Jr. Senator named Barrack Obama but they did.

Today Republicans pretend that didn't happen. Obama was not grass roots because he took money from rich people too they say. Republicans are intellectually dishonest.

Jimmy Carter was for the rich too. That's why they made him a 1 term president. They killed Kennedy and impeached Clinton.

Yea, sure there's no difference. Lol. They sure care a lot for something that doesn't matter, huh?

Republicans can't get Ron Paul or Ross Perot or trump nominated.

They nominated bush McCain and Romney, not us.

Ted Kennedy handpicked Obama.
That was a huge endorsement for Obama. Obama was like the next JFK. Smooth.
Obama is no JFK. Not even close.
What did you like about Kennedy?
No. They didn't want to vote for the candidates picked by the media.

And who is "you" ?
Are you a liar or do you believe that shit?

Analyze the year leading up to both of Obama's midterms and all of the news was negative. I remember the BP oil spill this one is that things attributed to Obama losing the 2010 midterm stop being a liar or stupid

How did I lie?
If you believe the corporate media helps Obama you're either dumb or a liar. I didn't say you lied. If you say you didn't lie you admit your dumb believing that right wing lie.

No? Then explain how John McCain got the nomination when all the conservatives hate him?

The GOP establishment selected McCain by taking out any candidate in the primary who had a shot, just like they are trying to do here with Trump. Only Trump doesn't need their money so they have no choke hold on him.

And who helped them do that I wonder?
Thanks for admitting people are sick of the GOP. They didn't win 12&10 because people voted for them they won because people were fed up and didn't vote.

You tea bagged America.

No. They didn't want to vote for the candidates picked by the media.

And who is "you" ?
Are you a liar or do you believe that shit?

Analyze the year leading up to both of Obama's midterms and all of the news was negative. I remember the BP oil spill this one is that things attributed to Obama losing the 2010 midterm stop being a liar or stupid

How did I lie?
If you believe the corporate media helps Obama you're either dumb or a liar. I didn't say you lied. If you say you didn't lie you admit your dumb believing that right wing lie.

Oh please the MSM line up to kiss Obama's ass, the bias is so bad even Saturday Night Live mocks it.
They point the camera at trump and he speaks. Stop blaming the msm. Starting to sound like a conspiracy nut
No. They didn't want to vote for the candidates picked by the media.

And who is "you" ?
Are you a liar or do you believe that shit?

Analyze the year leading up to both of Obama's midterms and all of the news was negative. I remember the BP oil spill this one is that things attributed to Obama losing the 2010 midterm stop being a liar or stupid

How did I lie?
If you believe the corporate media helps Obama you're either dumb or a liar. I didn't say you lied. If you say you didn't lie you admit your dumb believing that right wing lie.

Oh please the MSM line up to kiss Obama's ass, the bias is so bad even Saturday Night Live mocks it.
They point the camera at trump and he speaks. Stop blaming the msm. Starting to sound like a conspiracy nut

Do you have ADD or something? You said, "If you believe the corporate media helps Obama you're either dumb or a liar." to which I basically said you are full of shit and then you admit the media helps Obama. My God man make sense.
Why has Trump soared, while the other three fizzled? Trump obviously has something very special that is igniting the GOP base that the others don't have. What is it?

Obviously people agree with what he's saying.

If you ask him a question he'll tell you exactly what he thinks and he doesn't give a shit if you don't like the answer.

Rather refreshing when you consider that the whole of Govt. in DC are mouth breathers who only tell you what they think you want to hear.
Why has Trump soared, while the other three fizzled? Trump obviously has something very special that is igniting the GOP base that the others don't have. What is it?

Saying that Palin soared high, becoming VP candidate, and losing.

Trump hasn't done much other than failed at previous attempts, and with ages to go he's ahead, oh no. Will he be able to keep insulting people and still be popular enough to get the nomination? Doubt it.
I don't think the polling numbers are coming from either Republicans or Democrats despite what the pollsters would you believe. Rather, from angry Americans who may have registered with one party or the other but are not card-carrying devotees. There's a hell of a lot of anger out there just waiting (or maybe no longer waiting) to be mined.

I agree. Probably people sick of both parties
Thanks for admitting people are sick of the GOP. They didn't win 12&10 because people voted for them they won because people were fed up and didn't vote.

You tea bagged America.

The GOP won in 2010.

United States elections 2010 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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