Trump decimated Isis Biden gives The Taliban Afghanistan and potentially thousands of hostages !

America always leaves equipment behind and any american citizens that didnt get the memo that there was going to be a withdrawal obviously were not thinking correctly about life after the withdrawal.
we dont leave our people behind coward !
America always leaves equipment behind and any american citizens that didnt get the memo that there was going to be a withdrawal obviously were not thinking correctly about life after the withdrawal.
You are right. But now we are an empire in decline and you do not understand it. It costs us several times more to create new technologies to stay ahead of others. The stuff we build now is massively expensive. We are soft. A nation with billions of pages of rules and laws for employment as we are now going to "pure equity". Now equality but equity.
no matter how much you deflect faggot ...and yes you are a faggot.... Biden screwed up !
^ Triggered ^

The extent you think folks give a fuck about Biden "screwing up" something that the US military has never done in US history (gracefully exit from a war it has lost) -- will be outweighed by folks who are thrilled that a sitting president finally had the balls to end a 20 year war instead of paying lip service to it like a pussy...
You are right. But now we are an empire in decline and you do not understand it. It costs us several times more to create new technologies to stay ahead of others. The stuff we build now is massively expensive. We are soft. A nation with billions of pages of rules and laws for employment as we are now going to "pure equity". Now equality but equity.
So to you, you gauge the value of a country by their ability to invade, wage war and occupy other countries for decades upon decades??


Most neo-cons like yourself feel that way....
I'm really sorry you cant beat your women with impunity but that really has nothing to do with the topic.
You still do not understand what I am meaning. I am not a slave master to people. I want us to build things and do great things at a an efficient price without treating people like slaves. We live in a much more slack self important nation and have been for decades. The enemy coming here will treat citizens like pure shit. and you are in a rainbow world.
We are soft. A nation with billions of pages of rules and laws for employment as we are now going to "pure equity". Now equality but equity.
You cant have equality without equity. If one group has ill gotten gains on the back of another group, the group that lost that equity needs it back to pull even so we can have equality.
So to you, you gauge the value of a country by their ability to invade, wage war and occupy other countries for decades upon decades??


Most neo-cons like yourself feel that way....
I believe that we are Pax America. That is our boundaries is where we build and expand great ness with. Our boundaries are the world. If we pay a little more for a product, then so be it. But we do not let the peasant become self destructive as employees as to destroy what we have is good. Auto workers and steel workers after WW 2 held the nation hostage. Today those industries are a lot smaller then what was. Pensions costs thousands of dollars per item produced while people who use get and got screwed over in quality. I m not a war monger. We are a global power and have a nation in China that we are trying to contain who have more naval vessels then us. Their technology is advancing and they have caught up in some and will in others over the next couple of decades. You are of globalism. When we signed off on international treaties we started ourselves in entanglements that the Founding Fathers warned us about. So we see pictures and video of children all around the world that affects our views and costs the taxpayer endless resources and makes tens of millions of Americans poorer.
You still do not understand what I am meaning. I am not a slave master to people. I want us to build things and do great things at a an efficient price without treating people like slaves. We live in a much more slack self important nation and have been for decades. The enemy coming here will treat citizens like pure shit. and you are in a rainbow world.
You know the amount of "self importance" you would have to have to think you can invade another country and force them to do what you tell them?

As much as you clowns pretend to be anti-war, anti-interventionists -- in order to try to score cheap political points against "the libs" -- you are willing to use the same talking points a Dick Cheney used.....

Ron Paul even said.....if you think invading Afghanistan to force them to adopt your way of life works, imagine it happening to your country? Imagine another country invading us to force us to adopt their way of life....would that play out well?? Only a narcissistic imperialist wouldn't understand how stupid that thinking is...

This is like Jimmy Carter deciding to troll Gerald Ford about how badly pulling out of Saigon went.....but seeing as tho Jimmy Carter is a graduate of the NAVAL academy...he had more respect than that.....instead he said this about America after Vietnam....Optimistically, he quoted Bob Dylan and said....America is too busy being born instead of too busy dying....

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