Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

Tell that to Trump -- he whines about not being popular incessantly

Which is why he needs weekly rallies to stroke his fragile and insecure ego..

As far as effective, well....right now we are experiencing our longest bull market in US history...a bull market that began in 2009 -- who was president from 2009 to 2016? I bet you Trump knows.
You don't get it, and it's by your own design. Obama gets on his knees every night and thanks the Fed Reserve for helping him out for his entire 8 years.. It was the weakest post recession economy since the depression.
I wish you folks will make your mind up

First you say Obama destroyed and ruined America -- then concede that "yea, the economy isn't destroyed, but that's because of the Feds" --- whom you also hate

Let's see how you deflect out of this one....Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by more than Trump did -- except, republicans didn't care about black unemployment rates until Trump got elected

Tell me how its a bad thing that Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by over 7% and its a good thing that Trump lowered it by over 1%?

Let the deflection begin
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.

It is more of an accomplishment than to say "libs are stupid"! Everyone already knows that!
Stupid enough to win back to back elections in a landslide.....and still be seen as the most popular president in recent history -- before him, another dumb democrat held that title.

Think Trump will be seen as nationally popular after his term?

I don't know what you have been smoking, but you need to lay off it for a while.

You just proved my point!

BTW, what back to back elections did Democrats win? 2016? 2018? These were the last two. Counting 2014 they are 0 for 3!

The coalition that Reagan built is collapsing as Republicans move too far to the right. Republicans lost the suburban vote especially the suburban female vote. They lost among voters 45 and under. They lost every demographic group except whites. We are witnessing what could be the beginning of the end for the Trump Republican Party.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Ah...another tiny trump meltdown? :777:
CNN is suing the president because their rep had a meltdown on public TV and he's having a meltdown. too funny jack.
Last edited:
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.

It is more of an accomplishment than to say "libs are stupid"! Everyone already knows that!
Stupid enough to win back to back elections in a landslide.....and still be seen as the most popular president in recent history -- before him, another dumb democrat held that title.

Think Trump will be seen as nationally popular after his term?
You really think being popular is what Trump cares about? Is it important for you to be liked? Many of us have higher goals in life than being liked by a bunch of ignorant angry leftist trash.
Good thing for you that you don't want to be liked. Mission Accomplished.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Ah...another tiny trump meltdown? :777:
Let us all know how that CNN lawsuit turns out, will ya.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

“The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.”
― Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.

Quite the sad state of affairs if the press are representatives of the people.

You don't represent the people. You represent far right looney tunes.

Yeah, fortunately I only represent myself...dumbass.

You are representative of dumbass Trump supporters.
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.

It is more of an accomplishment than to say "libs are stupid"! Everyone already knows that!
Stupid enough to win back to back elections in a landslide.....and still be seen as the most popular president in recent history -- before him, another dumb democrat held that title.

Think Trump will be seen as nationally popular after his term?
Hmmm, the choice between a most popular president or an efficient president?????

I and I'm sure most Americans will take the efficient president.

You can have bragging rights to the most popular president, okay?
Tell that to Trump -- he whines about not being popular incessantly

Which is why he needs weekly rallies to stroke his fragile and insecure ego..

As far as effective, well....right now we are experiencing our longest bull market in US history...a bull market that began in 2009 -- who was president from 2009 to 2016? I bet you Trump knows.
There isn't anyone on the democrat side that get as many people to attend a rally like Trump does. lied. Popularity IS the most important thing.
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.

It is more of an accomplishment than to say "libs are stupid"! Everyone already knows that!
Stupid enough to win back to back elections in a landslide.....and still be seen as the most popular president in recent history -- before him, another dumb democrat held that title.

Think Trump will be seen as nationally popular after his term?
You really think being popular is what Trump cares about? Is it important for you to be liked? Many of us have higher goals in life than being liked by a bunch of ignorant angry leftist trash.
Good thing for you that you don't want to be liked. Mission Accomplished.
Yep. Why would I want to be liked by a bunch of anonymous leftist ignorant hateful internet losers?
Tell that to Trump -- he whines about not being popular incessantly

Which is why he needs weekly rallies to stroke his fragile and insecure ego..

As far as effective, well....right now we are experiencing our longest bull market in US history...a bull market that began in 2009 -- who was president from 2009 to 2016? I bet you Trump knows.
You don't get it, and it's by your own design. Obama gets on his knees every night and thanks the Fed Reserve for helping him out for his entire 8 years.. It was the weakest post recession economy since the depression.
I wish you folks will make your mind up

First you say Obama destroyed and ruined America -- then concede that "yea, the economy isn't destroyed, but that's because of the Feds" --- whom you also hate

Let's see how you deflect out of this one....Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by more than Trump did -- except, republicans didn't care about black unemployment rates until Trump got elected

Tell me how its a bad thing that Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by over 7% and its a good thing that Trump lowered it by over 1%?

Let the deflection begin
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
Oh please, the only thing I said was that with Obama's regulations regarding the economy, is that they stifled the recovery. It wasn't until Trumps EO's that deregulated those
regulations did the economy become stronger. That is undeniable.....although you will deny them. So move along Biff.
Less jobs were created in Trump's first 18 months than in Obama's last 18 months...

Republicans, President Obama last 19 months created 380,000 more jobs than President Trump first 19 months

What regulations are you talking about and why did removing them end up with Trump having less job growth? Simply saying "regulations, regulations, regulations" doesn't mean shit if you can't tell me what regulations??

From the article: "While Trump frequently crows about the number of regulations he will cut, and has even promised to reduce regulation to pre-1960s levels—a time before mandatory seat belts and air bags or protections to ensure clear air and water—he does not frequently discuss the specifics of his efforts. Doing so would reveal that deregulation is simply a code word for letting big businesses cut corners at everyone else’s expense"

Kindly tell me what regulations you are speaking of and I will look it up.

Commentary: How Trump Is Letting Businesses Steal Money From Workers
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Ah...another tiny trump meltdown? :777:
CNN is suing the president because their rep had a meltdown on public TV and he's have a meltdown? too funny jack.
How come your source of info FOX stands with CNN ?
It is more of an accomplishment than to say "libs are stupid"! Everyone already knows that!
Stupid enough to win back to back elections in a landslide.....and still be seen as the most popular president in recent history -- before him, another dumb democrat held that title.

Think Trump will be seen as nationally popular after his term?
Hmmm, the choice between a most popular president or an efficient president?????

I and I'm sure most Americans will take the efficient president.

You can have bragging rights to the most popular president, okay?
Tell that to Trump -- he whines about not being popular incessantly

Which is why he needs weekly rallies to stroke his fragile and insecure ego..

As far as effective, well....right now we are experiencing our longest bull market in US history...a bull market that began in 2009 -- who was president from 2009 to 2016? I bet you Trump knows.
There isn't anyone on the democrat side that get as many people to attend a rally like Trump does. lied. Popularity IS the most important thing.
Popular with the right people. American citizens that play by the rules and love God and country. You know, the very people that your kind despise, the "deplorables".
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Ah...another tiny trump meltdown? :777:
Let us all know how that CNN lawsuit turns out, will ya.
I will...I will....and it's even more fun with FOX filling an amicus brief in support of CNN.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....


Black the Orange Virus out, then. No other media outlets should cover him anymore. Leave it to state run Fox News to disseminate all Virus/WH propaganda. Problem solved. :113:

As per your other thread too, pinhead,

I covered this months ago, you're a moron:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....


Black the Orange Virus out, then. No other media outlets should cover him anymore. Leave it to state run Fox News to disseminate all Virus/WH propaganda. Problem solved. :113:

As per your other thread too, pinhead,

I covered this months ago, you're a moron:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Thanks, shit heel. You've already bleated that don't like my Orange Virus moniker. Guess what, snowflake? I don't give a fuck. You'll get over the butt hurt eventually, promise. :itsok:
CNN hates him but has covered him nonstop as it’s the only way they get any ratings. The Left doesn’t have a leg to stand on as they vilify the likes of Ben Shapiro. They have lost all credibility.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Ah...another tiny trump meltdown? :777:
Let us all know how that CNN lawsuit turns out, will ya.
I will...I will....and it's even more fun with FOX filling an amicus brief in support of CNN.
Of course Fox is going to support CNN on this. Doesn't mean they agree with CNN. It's office politics.
How come your source of info FOX stands with CNN ?
How does that matter?

When Barry and Hillary aided terrorists in Libya, it doesn't really matter who supported him when he did it. Who supported him does not make aiding and abetting terrorists right.

The media is expressing solidarity in supporting a rude, disrespectful prick who hijacked a Press Conference and was appropriately punished. Doesn't make what the rude prick did right.
CNN hates him but has covered him nonstop as it’s the only way they get any ratings. The Left doesn’t have a leg to stand on as they vilify the likes of Ben Shapiro. They have lost all credibility.
CNN needs Trump far more than Trump needs CNN. Anyone with a brain knows that.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....


There actually is nothing ridiculous about it. The White House belongs to the people not Trump.

Trump should hold no news conferences until HE learns respect. He was obnoxious and offensive. and deserved to have his ass punched out.

You and Trump are the fake news. He has told thousands of lies. The other people you speak of respected the office while Trump has soiled the White House. It should be fumigated after he leaves. Reagan, Bush and W were class acts unlike Trump.

F* you!

A reporter's job is to see that their questions are answered. Voters do believe that at the very least Trump gives aid and comfort to white supremacists. He is a racist.
again, you ain't too bright there. again, the pres did answer the question asked. again, you should learn about the actual event. It isn't the Acosta show, it's the american's show and others get turns and why it's designed the way it is. Acosta wants it to be his show and trump said, uh, nope!!

You are clearly the ne who is not bright. He gave a answer but did not answer the question. Acosta followed up because he did not answer the question. You are the one who should quite giving us propaganda. Acosta did the right thing. If Trump had answered rather than obfuscating it would never have happened.

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