Trump defends “Hang Mike Pence!” Chant during insurrection.

Where does President Trump defend the "hang" chants? All he said was "the people were very angry". Which is a fact, they were very angry. Just like the Trump Haters when he won in 2016 were very angry. Stop trying to find something that isn't there, OP.
I agree that's a good defense, and true, too. It's like the "Lock Her Up!" chants. Not serious.
“Former President Trump — in a taped interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC News that was shared with Axios — defended, quite extensively, supporters who threatened to "hang" former Vice President Mike Pence.

Karl: "They were saying 'hang Mike Pence.'"

  • Trump: "Because it's common sense, Jon. It's common sense that you're supposed to protect. How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that? And I'm telling you: 50/50, it's right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them. Anybody I spoke to — almost all of them at least pretty much agree, and some very much agree with me — because he's passing on a vote that he knows is fraudulent. How can you pass a vote that you know is fraudulent? Now, when I spoke to him, I really talked about all of the fraudulent things that happened during the election. I didn't talk about the main point, which is the legislatures did not approve — five states. The legislatures did not approve all of those changes that made the difference between a very easy win for me in the states, or a loss that was very close, because the losses were all very close."

A former President defending those that wanted to hang his vice-president is as disturbing as it gets for our Constitutional Republic.

We all know Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but throwing your own vice-president to the wolves!

To think there are those who would still vote for this trash.

I'm good with the calls to hang pence as well.....swamp critters need to be removed and to know that we want them gone.
“Former President Trump — in a taped interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC News that was shared with Axios — defended, quite extensively, supporters who threatened to "hang" former Vice President Mike Pence.

Karl: "They were saying 'hang Mike Pence.'"

  • Trump: "Because it's common sense, Jon. It's common sense that you're supposed to protect. How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that? And I'm telling you: 50/50, it's right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them. Anybody I spoke to — almost all of them at least pretty much agree, and some very much agree with me — because he's passing on a vote that he knows is fraudulent. How can you pass a vote that you know is fraudulent? Now, when I spoke to him, I really talked about all of the fraudulent things that happened during the election. I didn't talk about the main point, which is the legislatures did not approve — five states. The legislatures did not approve all of those changes that made the difference between a very easy win for me in the states, or a loss that was very close, because the losses were all very close."

A former President defending those that wanted to hang his vice-president is as disturbing as it gets for our Constitutional Republic.

We all know Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but throwing your own vice-president to the wolves!

To think there are those who would still vote for this trash.

Where did he defend their actions?
This kind of thing should be surprising, and it just isn’t anymore.

What a vile piece of trash that people here supported. And they still don’t wonder how this idiot got thrown out of the white house.

Good riddance.
I quoted Trump’s statement in its entirety, Klink.

The full article is linked to.
You apparently didn’t read his words or listen to them with any shred of comprehension. The former President was continuing a prior response AS he got questioned about the sub-moron chant calling for the hanging of Vice President Pence. HE NEVER endorsed the “hang Pence” chant.

If President Trump he did ever endorse that scumbag mutant chant, I’d condemn him without hesitation.
Where does President Trump defend the "hang" chants? All he said was "the people were very angry".
Where did he defend their actions?
Guys, think of it as 'the-dog-that-didn't-bark'.
He had a hanging curveball on the corner of the plate, and easy bases-on...he shoulda knocked it outta the park and condemned the chant of those Duped & Snookered dunderheads.
He'd be home free.
But he whiffed.
Not bright.

"I'm good with the calls to hang pence as well..."

Ah, yes.
Everybody who is surprised by the above assertion by the above poster......well, raise your hand.

After all, anyone who celebrates in living in a neighborhood where lots of 'F*ck Biden' flags are being flown for the political education of the neighborhood's elementary children....well, 'Hang Pence' seems to be quite in character.

Where does President Trump defend the "hang" chants? All he said was "the people were very angry". Which is a fact, they were very angry. Just like the Trump Haters when he won in 2016 were very angry. Stop trying to find something that isn't there, OP.
"It is common sense."

You MAGA nuts just spin facts hoping that someone will believe your lie. Just like you spun this....

Not only did he mock him in words...he mimicked his arm movement. trump is a SLUG.
“Former President Trump — in a taped interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC News that was shared with Axios — defended, quite extensively, supporters who threatened to "hang" former Vice President Mike Pence.

Karl: "They were saying 'hang Mike Pence.'"

  • Trump: "Because it's common sense, Jon. It's common sense that you're supposed to protect. How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that? And I'm telling you: 50/50, it's right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them. Anybody I spoke to — almost all of them at least pretty much agree, and some very much agree with me — because he's passing on a vote that he knows is fraudulent. How can you pass a vote that you know is fraudulent? Now, when I spoke to him, I really talked about all of the fraudulent things that happened during the election. I didn't talk about the main point, which is the legislatures did not approve — five states. The legislatures did not approve all of those changes that made the difference between a very easy win for me in the states, or a loss that was very close, because the losses were all very close."

A former President defending those that wanted to hang his vice-president is as disturbing as it gets for our Constitutional Republic.

We all know Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but throwing your own vice-president to the wolves!

To think there are those who would still vote for this trash.


ZOMG! This is the exact same way that he colluded with Russia and defended Nazis at Charlottesville!!

When I heard this this morning, I could not believe someone could be as callous and mean to say something like this. I mean, not even Putin is stupid enough to publicly justify a "public hanging.:

The man is not only a cancer on the country, he is a heartless, authoritarian wannabe that should never hold a position of power again. If he were the local dog catcher, he would find a way to screw that job up.

He has unleashed on our country a stream of terror and intimidation from threats to mask wearers to shouting matches at school board meetings. They are all connected to his refusal to accept truth and facts. The MAGA world is out of control.

I mean, you Nazis are sensitive and never engage such horrible behavior.


“Former President Trump — in a taped interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC News that was shared with Axios — defended, quite extensively, supporters who threatened to "hang" former Vice President Mike Pence.

Karl: "They were saying 'hang Mike Pence.'"

  • Trump: "Because it's common sense, Jon. It's common sense that you're supposed to protect. How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that? And I'm telling you: 50/50, it's right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them. Anybody I spoke to — almost all of them at least pretty much agree, and some very much agree with me — because he's passing on a vote that he knows is fraudulent. How can you pass a vote that you know is fraudulent? Now, when I spoke to him, I really talked about all of the fraudulent things that happened during the election. I didn't talk about the main point, which is the legislatures did not approve — five states. The legislatures did not approve all of those changes that made the difference between a very easy win for me in the states, or a loss that was very close, because the losses were all very close."

A former President defending those that wanted to hang his vice-president is as disturbing as it gets for our Constitutional Republic.

We all know Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but throwing your own vice-president to the wolves!

To think there are those who would still vote for this trash.

I am disappointed in Trump's response here to Karl's gottcha question....

Not something I can agree with him on.

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