Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Trump has balls of steel.
Some lawmakers were already on the Air Force bus loading outside of the Capitol.
This is GOLDEN!
A POTUS denying a senior citizen woman, government transportation has 'balls of steel' in your eyes?


I consider a soldier/first responder or a MotoGP rider a qualifier for the moniker 'balls of steel'.

But with you, it's just someone sitting on their fat ass and signing an order denying an old, political opponent, government transportation?

What's next?

If Trump drinks regular instead of Diet Coke...I guess that is grounds for 'balls of steel' as well to you.

No offense, but you sound like a bit of a wimp.

We are done here.

Have a nice AND SAFE day.

Trump is Commander n' Chief and says what flies and when, if at all.
This legally applies also to saggy-titted House Majority Leaders and their minions, McSuckit.
Don't like it?; then move to Venezuela.
SO when trump says shit ,you ask what color??? The follower of a POS like trump is as bad as he is

An exploding head, folks!

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30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.
Trump has balls of steel.
Some lawmakers were already on the Air Force bus loading outside of the Capitol.
This is GOLDEN!
A POTUS denying a senior citizen woman, government transportation has 'balls of steel' in your eyes?


I consider a soldier/first responder or a MotoGP rider a qualifier for the moniker 'balls of steel'.

But with you, it's just someone sitting on their fat ass and signing an order denying an old, political opponent, government transportation?

What's next?

If Trump drinks regular instead of Diet Coke...I guess that is grounds for 'balls of steel' as well to you.

No offense, but you sound like a bit of a wimp.

We are done here.

Have a nice AND SAFE day.

Trump is Commander n' Chief and says what flies and when, if at all.
This legally applies also to saggy-titted House Majority Leaders and their minions, McSuckit.
Don't like it?; then move to Venezuela.
SO when trump says shit ,you ask what color??? The follower of a POS like trump is as bad as he is

An exploding head, folks!
Boom! A pea sized brain falls out.
In real life we call it a fucking traitorous president putting others lives in jeopardy Hopefully his end soon

Lives are in jeopardy? Name them lol.
the trip was secret YOUR ah gave it up a scumbag like no other

No he ended the trip, the government is shut down now is not the time for a taxpayer funded vacation for House Dem's.
Beeeeeeeeaaaauuuutttccchhh slap!
In real life we call it a fucking traitorous president putting others lives in jeopardy Hopefully his end soon

Lives are in jeopardy? Name them lol.
the trip was secret YOUR ah gave it up a scumbag like no other

No he ended the trip, the government is shut down now is not the time for a taxpayer funded vacation for House Dem's.
Beeeeeeeeaaaauuuutttccchhh slap!

His ancestors felt that one.
In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”
I warned them, they would rue the day they made an enemy of Trump. He's NOT one of them, hes not a politician, he doesn't need to steer contracts to friends and family to get rich like Pelosi and Reid.

Hes a NYC real estate developer, he negotiated trash disposal contracts when the real fucking Gambino family ran the business. That you think you come out ahead from playing these political games with him is laughable. A fucking Joke!!
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30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.
If you libs are still wondering......this is why we voted for TRUMP!!!!!!!
There is no way I’d go on the trip now if I were in the Congressional Delegation. You’re going to Afghanistan to visit the troops. The Army takes you out to a remote base that comes under attack frequently. Then all of the sudden, the disgusting pervert in the Oval Office commands the troops to leave the CODDEL there and they refuse to drive the delegation back to Khandahar.

It underscores just how little trust you can have in the blob.

I think she should fly Allegiant airlines. They have piss poor maintenance.
A the Hindenburg.

30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

“Security measures” are fucking gay...they don’t work.
So this is the tone conservative republicans want in our federal government?
As though telling everyone that GOP policies are going to KILL PEOPLE! is sooooo high brow and stately! :rolleyes:
And you too go on record confirming that this is the tone that conservative republicans want in our federal government?

Come on Bodecea!!! You're angry that DJT trumped the move Pelosi thought was the ultimate political insult to Trump and the rest of America by disinviting the president. What comes next?

She didn't disinvite him. She made a suggestion. Okay, not a very good one. She was just getting here digs in. I wonder what the crowd in the Congress would look like for that State of the Union? Will they have to pay people to fill seats? And I guess Trump would have to bring in his own personal security detail. But he's not be disinvited.

Certainly based upon the suggestion and Pelosi's security concerns, DJT is correct in sagely postponing the Co-Del to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan.

30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.
The wall is part of that package. Democrats need to end the shutdown.

30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.

TX and AZ do want a wall as does 28 other states. What did a CNN poll tell you to believe?

I have a lot of friends on the border who I talk with. Yes, all the Republican Elected Officials except for Abbot soundly support Trump on this. Then again, they would support Trump if he were mowing people down at 1600 Pen Ave with a Machine Gun and a M-1 Abrams as well. This is also why Texas, normally a solid red state, moved into the Purple Category. The GOP lost 14 seats in the Texas Legislature in 2018. And Beto almost knocked off the favorite son for Congress. In 2000 Colorado was a solid red state. In 2008, it moved to a purple state. In 2018, it moved to a solid blue state. It has nothing to do what the Dems are going. It is what the GOP is doing and not doing that is causing this. Texas and Florida are following suit. Even Arizona is head that direction. So keep this up. 2020 isn't going to be very flattering if the trend continues.
This is the kind of shit that the dumb whore in the Oval Office would pull. He must think he's a "man."
He just showed he is in charge. He put Nancy out on the corner.

Typical from a Trumpbot.

Women are the enemy to them - to be used and abused...but never respected.

And whenever one of their own gets the tiniest victory over a gal - no matter how silly/petty - Trumpbots rejoice.
Oh.....a temper tantrum is what you call manly? Ok, that explains a great deal.
Pres.Trump didn't throw a temper tantrum.

He just beat Pelosi at her own game, exposed her as a hypocrite, and made it perfectly clear who was the boss. .... :thup:
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30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.

TX and AZ do want a wall as does 28 other states. What did a CNN poll tell you to believe?

I have a lot of friends on the border who I talk with. Yes, all the Republican Elected Officials except for Abbot soundly support Trump on this. Then again, they would support Trump if he were mowing people down at 1600 Pen Ave with a Machine Gun and a M-1 Abrams as well. This is also why Texas, normally a solid red state, moved into the Purple Category. The GOP lost 14 seats in the Texas Legislature in 2018. And Beto almost knocked off the favorite son for Congress. In 2000 Colorado was a solid red state. In 2008, it moved to a purple state. In 2018, it moved to a solid blue state. It has nothing to do what the Dems are going. It is what the GOP is doing and not doing that is causing this. Texas and Florida are following suit. Even Arizona is head that direction. So keep this up. 2020 isn't going to be very flattering if the trend continues.

Are you saying it’s time for the GOP to support and embrace the Wetback invasion? Give it to us straight.
Chuck and Nancy now crying when they could be working with Trump trying to work on border security. They do not care. Only about ditching their office overlooking legal immigration. Sad!
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30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.
The wall is part of that package. Democrats need to end the shutdown.

In the normal budget, there is 1.3 billion allocated for increasing the Security along that border in the form of Wall, multi layered fencing, electronic devices and more border patrols. Using that money, to day, in the last 12 years, there has been 773 miles of security wall and fencing done already by Bush, Jr. and Obama. Plus repairs, and increases. Do you know how many miles of wall Trump has increased even though it's been allocated 2.6 billion in the last 2 years? Zero, Nada, Zip. Tell me again that he should be trusted on this one. Tell me again that he's going to spend that 5.X billion in one lump sum wisely when he has already squandered 2.6 billion already allocated.

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