Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

That’s good for stroking the conservative ego but thats all its good for.
Actually, not true. It saves money, and it keeps Pelosi in DC so she can do her job ... which she will continue to refuse to do anyway.

Imagine whining that government workers aren’t getting paid...then jetting off for a week of being AWOL through their next paycheck.
These people are truely insane...and their followers dupes.

If I am a Trump hater and died in the wool Democrat, I would be questioning hard what exactly Democrat leaders are doing besides “get Trump”. These same Democrat leaders have articulated the same security and illegal immigration concerns that Trump has sites yet provide no alternative.... just bash the Wall.

When’s the next boon dagle?

They rely on their media control. Reasonable enough in the past but we can go around their media conglomerates now.
Also they are used to dealing with pre-selected spineless Republicans. New game now.
The Democrats are a little slow to cartch on to a new milieu.
Nancy CANNOT deny his State of the Union speech. Read your Constitution, dumbass!
She can postpone/deny the use of the House to address Congress though, his moment in the sun. That is not a Constitutional requirement. He could get Miller to write if for him and mail it in, the Constitution would be satisfied.

He could give his speech in the Senate.
Pelosi is a classless piece of shit. That Bitch gets to go down in history as the first Speaker of The House to ever 'dis-invite' a president from a State of The Union Address. No one has ever committed such a vile act before Nancy Pelosi chose to do so.
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Nancy CANNOT deny his State of the Union speech. Read your Constitution, dumbass!
She can postpone/deny the use of the House to address Congress though, his moment in the sun. That is not a Constitutional requirement. He could get Miller to write if for him and mail it in, the Constitution would be satisfied.

He could give his speech in the Senate.

Pelosi can't stop him from appearing in the House. She can sit her fat ass at home behind her wall I guess, but she can't stop the POTUS from speaking at the House.
If I am a Trump hater and died in the wool Democrat, I would be questioning hard what exactly Democrat leaders are doing besides “get Trump”. These same Democrat leaders have articulated the same security and illegal immigration concerns that Trump has sites yet provide no alternative.... just bash the Wall. When’s the next boon dagle?
WHILE articulating (SAYING) the same security and illegal immigration concerns that Trump has, what they are actually DOING does not match those words.....
- Operating, defending, running, and funding illegal Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from US Laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers

- 'Shutting down the Govt' by refusing to negotiate, refusing to compromise - even rejecting offers of things they want / have campaigned for / have promised to their Constituents (like DACA) because their ONLY objective is to hurt Trump's 2020 re-election chances by giving him NOTHING, not to work together to re-open the government.

Pelosi's exposed trip to be out of the country for a week, in the middle of a govt shutdown - when she is the Speaker of the House - is an undeniable signal that she does not give a d@mn about the govt being shut down and how that may be hurting people, that she has ZERO intention of making any effort to work with the Senate and President to compromise, deal, and come up with something to re-open the govt.

Sorry, but that is what they call a 'game-changer'. Trump said he would be more than happy to call this his shutdown for the sake of our national security, but when one person is sitting at the negotiating table and is making offers and the other person refuses to come to the table, you can not realistically claim that the shutdown is the fault of the one sitting at the table offering deals. At that point, it is all on the person who refuses to come to the table......and as we just saw by Pelosi trying to skip town, that would be HER!
If I am a Trump hater and died in the wool Democrat, I would be questioning hard what exactly Democrat leaders are doing besides “get Trump”. These same Democrat leaders have articulated the same security and illegal immigration concerns that Trump has sites yet provide no alternative.... just bash the Wall. When’s the next boon dagle?
WHILE articulating (SAYING) the same security and illegal immigration concerns that Trump has, what they are actually DOING does not match those words.....
- Operating, defending, running, and funding illegal Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from US Laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers

- 'Shutting down the Govt' by refusing to negotiate, refusing to compromise - even rejecting offers of things they want / have campaigned for / have promised to their Constituents (like DACA) because their ONLY objective is to hurt Trump's 2020 re-election chances by giving him NOTHING, not to work together to re-open the government.

Pelosi's exposed trip to be out of the country for a week, in the middle of a govt shutdown - when she is the Speaker of the House - is an undeniable signal that she does not give a d@mn about the govt being shut down and how that may be hurting people, that she has ZERO intention of making any effort to work with the Senate and President to compromise, deal, and come up with something to re-open the govt.

Sorry, but that is what they call a 'game-changer'. Trump said he would be more than happy to call this his shutdown for the sake of our national security, but when one person is sitting at the negotiating table and is making offers and the other person refuses to come to the table, you can not realistically claim that the shutdown is the fault of the one sitting at the table offering deals. At that point, it is all on the person who refuses to come to the table......and as we just saw by Pelosi trying to skip town, that would be HER!

The only mistake Trump has made here is after telling the world essentially that he would gladly take credit for the shut down he turned right around and blamed it on Democrats.

He has to stop shooting himself in the foot like that. Just own it "yes I've shut shit down until the Dems give US border security funding"
Pelosi can't stop him from appearing in the House. She can sit her fat ass at home behind her wall I guess, but she can't stop the POTUS from speaking at the House.

I am against 'Political Theater'....but if Pelosi wants to engage in this 'Political Theater' BS by 'not letting' the President use the House to give the State of the Union Address, GO FOR IT - PLAY HER GAME:

The President should get McConnell to publicly offer the Senate Chambers for the President to give his State of the Union Speech, and then he should hold it there.

The Senate can not hold invite the USSC Justices to the Senate to attend the Speech and keep all of the House Members out (sorry GOP House members....)

At the beginning of the Speech the President can tell America how Speaker of the House Pelosi LIED about the DHS and Secret Service being unable to provide security at the House simply because she wanted to deny him, the President, the opportunity to give the SotU speech in the House as it has been done for so long - point out the significance of the SotU not being given in the House (Un-precedented), such a massive display of bitter divisive partisanship.

He should point out the fact that not all of the US govt is in attendance at the Speech because the Senate could not hold everyone, that the members of the House, now controlled by a Democrat Majority and a Speaker who partisanly did not want to allow him to give the SotU speech and who did not want to attend or LISTEN to his Speech...

... MUCH LIKE PELOSI AND DEMOCRATS NOW REFUSE TO LISTEN TO THE DHS, BORDER PARTOL, AND EVEN OBAMA'S OWN HAND-PICKED CHIEF OF THE BORDER PATROL has come out to say the President is right, how he has said the Democrats and Leftist media are just wrong, and how he laughed at CNN's reporter for helping prove the President is right about the wall.

Point out that the division the American people see 'now' (in the Senate with 1/2 of Congress missing) is a Congress divided by partisanship (partisan hate), the results of Nancy Pelosi's failed / poor leadership in the House and HER decision not to allow him to give the SotU speech in the House as it is always done...point out that he is standing in the Senate 'tonight' instead of the House because Pelosi cares more about the Democratic party than America, that she hates him more than she loves this country, and that the only reason the govt is shut down and the only reason he is speaking from the Senate instead of the House is because Pelosi's only goal in this 'battle' is to deny Trump of anything and everything, to hurt him politically and hurt his chances for re-election in 2020.

"While members of her party - some in the House - have broken ranks and are reaching out to him and Republicans to try to negotiate a deal, Pelosi is trying to skip town to prolong the shutdown instead of staying in DC to try to work on re-opening the govt."

If Pelosi wants to engage in petty political theatrics, if Trump gives his SotU speech from the Senate and says something like THAT, Pelosi and the Democrats would be F*ED!

Pelosi doesn't have as strong a hand as she think she does...and after getting caught LYING about DHS and the SS to justify her petty refusal to allow the President to give his speech from the House floor, she is taking a serious PA hit right now. I would advise her to play nice and PUBLICLY make sure the President knows he is welcome to give his speech from the House.
The only mistake Trump has made here is after telling the world essentially that he would gladly take credit for the shut down he turned right around and blamed it on Democrats.

He has to stop shooting himself in the foot like that. Just own it "yes I've shut shit down until the Dems give US border security funding"
He took / is taking credit for the initial shutdown - he is correctly blaming Pelosi for KEEPING THE SHUTDOWN GOING, as she refuses to come to the table, refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and even tried to skip town in the middle of the shutdown instead of staying in DC and working to end it.
Pelosi is a classless piece of shit. That Bitch gets to go down in history as the first Speaker of The House to ever 'dis-invite' a president from a State of The Union Address. No one has ever committed such a vile act before Nancy Pelosi chose to do so.
so, cant she and her possy just take a bus instead?
How do you force Pelosi to flee not only Washington but the entire country?

Bring a couple of family members whose loved ones have been murdered by the Illegals Pelosi is standing with to try to meet with her....schedule a march in DC that will end at her office.....bah-dah-bing, bah-dah-boom, she's jumping on a bus to go to the nearest military base to take her 'Uncle Sam Uber' military flight out of the country for a the middle of her shutdown. :p

Except the President said, "DENIED!"

Nancy CANNOT deny his State of the Union speech. Read your Constitution, dumbass!
She can postpone/deny the use of the House to address Congress though, his moment in the sun. That is not a Constitutional requirement. He could get Miller to write if for him and mail it in, the Constitution would be satisfied.

He could give his speech in the Senate.

Pelosi can't stop him from appearing in the House. She can sit her fat ass at home behind her wall I guess, but she can't stop the POTUS from speaking at the House.

But it would be another slap in the face to Pelosi.
There should be protests and sit ins 24-7 outside her office, or her spa, or Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt or wherever the Hell that drunk hag is at.

We live in a system of checks & balances, commonly referred to as a Democracy. The majority of Americans do not want a wall, .Neither does 9 REPUBLICAN congressional districts along the border, whom want to go with high tech solutions. There is no National emergency according to Texas Republican congressman, Will Hurd, who's district covers 840 miles of the border.
Hurd Out with Plans for "High Tech" Border Wall | KTSA
GOP Rep. Will Hurd tells Trump to put his money where his mouth is - Personal Liberty®
GOP Rep. Will Hurd on border wall shutdown: ‘If this is a crisis, the people that are dealing with this crisis should get paid’ - The Washington Post


Texas Republican congressman, Will Hurd who's district cover 840 miles of the border.

Republicans do not want Trump's WALL either. They did not vote for it over the last 2 years when they had a full house. This is just a political stunt to blame Democrats for no WALL.

They don't want a WALL, because walls and fences do not work.

A 2-1/2 minute video will explain it.

This tunnel (one of 240) found in the San Diego Region, was discovered and reported on FOX NEWS in April 2016, while many on that network are still trying to shove Trump's WALL down your throats


Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

So you half brained Trump tards are going to have to decide if you really want border security, or just a signature worthless campaign WALL to save Trump's ass.

If true that is why Trump was elected. Many of the Repubs helped the left move to socialism and now going to communism.

You've elected a dictator, a tyrant that is using Federal Government workers as pawns to extort billions of taxpayer dollars to build a 1000 mile wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built.

If Pelosi were to cave in on Trump's demand for his worthless signature wall, he would shut down the government every two weeks for something else he wanted. It would also set a precedent for other Presidents to use the same tactic to get what "they" want.

That's not how a democracy works. The President, the Senate & the House all are equal separation of government, and they share equal power. And again, if Republicans in the house & Senate would have wanted Trump's wall they would have approved it in Trump's first 2 years in office.

Clearly House & Senate Republicans didn't want Trump's wall either. This is nothing more than a political maneuver to blame Democrats for no wall. Something they can campaign on in the future, and that's all this is about.


It's not that Democrats don't want border security, they do. They want high tech solutions for border control as do 9 REPUBLICAN congressional districts along the border. Walls and fences cannot protect the border. We've spent billions on fences and walls and they're always compromised.

Click here to see those recommendations from Will Hurd, Republican Texas congressman who's district covers 840 miles of the border. The only one that doesn't want high tech solutions is TRUMP. He wants his campaign worthless signature wall. Click here to redirect.
Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Anything that can be seen--CAN--and will ALWAYS be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.
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Trump kicks ass! Watch his numbers go up.

Which other way could they possibly go.

That doesn't mean they don't support Trump, dumbass.

Of course it doesn't. Clearly it means the 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers' fielding percentage at the shortstop position was just one percentage point shy of the same stat for the Detroit Tigers. What else could it possibly mean.

The world of self-delusion. Damn murky in there.

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