Trump: Deport children of immigrants living illegally in the US

You little xenophobes will need an amendment to the Constitution. Good luck with that...
As long as that amendment doesn't include Jews I'm guessing you would vote for it.
I have no issues with the Jews, beyond the fact that they are humans and humans are a disease of course, just Zionists. If you want to help the Jews, end Israel...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country illegally. He also wants to end "birthright citizenship" for their children, he said Sunday. And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only "the good ones."

Trump described his expanded vision of how to secure American borders during a wide-ranging interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," saying that he would push to end the constitutionally protected citizenship rights of children of any family living illegally inside the U.S.

"They have to go," Trump said, adding: "What they're doing, they're having a baby. And then all of a sudden, nobody knows...the baby's here."

Native-born children of immigrants - even those living illegally in the U.S. - have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1868.

News from The Associated Press

The "Good ones" are those who don't have criminal records, I think he is right. Why should we let criminals stay here?
We need to end birthright citizenship for anyone that can sneak in illegally. That wasn't the point of having it. Just being born here doesn't mean shit if your parent's are illegal. Fuck you and fuck them. No gain. All get deported.

You shouldn't be a citizen unless at least one of your parents is a citizen when you are born.
Yes, at least one parent must be a citizen. Not because you popped out while your mom was on the run from deportation.
The US Constitution says different and the Trump suckers don't have what it takes to change it. Not the smarts, not the motivation and to many of them are to lazy to even try. Talkers, not doers.
Why do you claim it is only "brown?" It's any illegal that breaks the law. Where did I say "brown person who breaks the law?"
Brown is the color you want gone...

The accusations of racism are oh so tiresome.
Tiresome, and entirely true...
I'm brown and don't like illegals so what part of fuck you and your racism bullshit don't you get you racist fuck?
What part of whitey America doesn't like you either, lawn-boy?
So I'm going to assume you are calling me lawn boy because I'm not a lilly white Jew hating democrat and somehow you think I won't be the one paying you to wipe my ass and lick my balls clean're white. The only white people that have a problem with me is the democrats. Only because I refuse to play the victim in their effort to actually make me a victim.

I'm not a victim because I don't follow your bullshit.
Now back to Mexico's laws on immigration. America really should copy them.

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:
  • in the country legally;
  • have the means to sustain themselves economically;
  • not destined to be burdens on society;
  • of economic and social benefit to society;
  • of good character and have no criminal records; and
  • contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:

  • immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
  • foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
  • foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
  • foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
  • foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
  • those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Mexico s Immigration Law Let s Try It Here at Home Human Events
Great post, TD!
You little xenophobes will need an amendment to the Constitution. Good luck with that...
As long as that amendment doesn't include Jews I'm guessing you would vote for it.
I have no issues with the Jews, beyond the fact that they are humans and humans are a disease of course, just Zionists. If you want to help the Jews, end Israel...
Wow, If you want to help the lowly Jew you hate then all you have to do is call them a disease and end them. You actually have the nerve to call other people racist after this. You're a piece of shit.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country illegally. He also wants to end "birthright citizenship" for their children, he said Sunday. And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only "the good ones."

Trump described his expanded vision of how to secure American borders during a wide-ranging interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," saying that he would push to end the constitutionally protected citizenship rights of children of any family living illegally inside the U.S.

"They have to go," Trump said, adding: "What they're doing, they're having a baby. And then all of a sudden, nobody knows...the baby's here."

Native-born children of immigrants - even those living illegally in the U.S. - have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1868.

News from The Associated Press

The "Good ones" are those who don't have criminal records, I think he is right. Why should we let criminals stay here?
I saw three problems with Trump's plan.
1. SCOTUS has upheld birthright citizens and the chance that the court would reverse itself is almost nil.
2. Both Republicans and Democrats in congress have rejected the idea of building a wall as expensive and ineffective.
3. Trump's plan to make Mexico pay for the wall is ridiculous. It would violate existing treaties with Mexico such as NAFTA. His suggestion of putting Tariffs on Mexican goods would be illegal and if the courts upheld it, it would start a trade war with America's largest trading partner. Trump must think all of his supporters are complete idiots.
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You little xenophobes will need an amendment to the Constitution. Good luck with that...

That much is true. The Article V convention will take care of that.
Open the door and there are no limits, including tossing the Constitution in the garbage. Go for it...

all amendments have to be approved by 3/4 of the states, so there is no possibility of a "runaway convention."

I know the thought of Article V scares the shit out of people like you.
Brown is the color you want gone...

The accusations of racism are oh so tiresome.
Tiresome, and entirely true...
I'm brown and don't like illegals so what part of fuck you and your racism bullshit don't you get you racist fuck?
What part of whitey America doesn't like you either, lawn-boy?
So I'm going to assume you are calling me lawn boy because I'm not a lilly white Jew hating democrat and somehow you think I won't be the one paying you to wipe my ass and lick my balls clean're white. The only white people that have a problem with me is the democrats. Only because I refuse to play the victim in their effort to actually make me a victim.

I'm not a victim because I don't follow your bullshit.
Brown is the color you want gone...

The accusations of racism are oh so tiresome.
Tiresome, and entirely true...
I'm brown and don't like illegals so what part of fuck you and your racism bullshit don't you get you racist fuck?
What part of whitey America doesn't like you either, lawn-boy?
So I'm going to assume you are calling me lawn boy because I'm not a lilly white Jew hating democrat and somehow you think I won't be the one paying you to wipe my ass and lick my balls clean're white. The only white people that have a problem with me is the democrats. Only because I refuse to play the victim in their effort to actually make me a victim.

I'm not a victim because I don't follow your bullshit.
You aren't a victim, you're a walking target, a brown one whitey will let mow the lawn or change diapers but not respect. You are Jesus, the gardener, who comes on Tuesday and drinks from the hose...
You little xenophobes will need an amendment to the Constitution. Good luck with that...

That much is true. The Article V convention will take care of that.
Open the door and there are no limits, including tossing the Constitution in the garbage. Go for it...

all amendments have to be approved by 3/4 of the states, so there is no possibility of a "runaway convention."

I know the thought of Article V scares the shit out of people like you.
Once a Convention is called, there are no limits on what they do, none.

The current Constitution was a runaway. They were supposed to be "amending" the previous one, and tossed it instead...
1. SCOTUS has upheld birthright citizens and the chance that the court would reverse itself is almost nil.

That's the thing, they aren't citizens. Get that through your thick liberal head.

However, our immigration laws are constitutional. So, why don't we follow them?

You want there to be anchor babies, you want people violating our borders freely. You want to render our laws meaningless out of a twisted sense of "compassion." Just by this concept alone you advocate criminal behavior. Just by this. Alone.

2. Both Republicans and Democrats in congress have rejected the idea of building a wall as expensive and ineffective.

We wouldn't need a wall if we simply chose to enforce the law.

Trump's plan to make Mexico pay for the wall is ridiculous. It would violate existing treaties with Mexico such as NAFTA. His suggestion of putting Tariffs on Mexican goods would be illegal and if the courts upheld it, it would start a trade war with America's largest treading partner. Trump must think all of his supporters are complete idiots.

Great! You're more worried about our trade agreements with Mexico, rather than their lax policies on their people flooding in here illegally. The Mexican government is not doing anything to stop them. In a way, they are not respecting our sovereignty as a nation. The idiots are people like you, and people who think like you on immigration.

Trade wars be damned. Sensibilities be damned. You liberals are the one sole obstacle in the way of enforcing immigration laws effectively.
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He's an idiot.

Why Yes, Bernie is certifiable!!!!!!!


He just wants corporations to pay as much as everyone else...These bastards have fucking destroyed middle class.

Those bastards EMPLOY the middle class, you fucking moron!
Walmart workers are obviously middle class.

If they don't like being paid what they are being paid, they should quit! I'm serious here. I mean, there are millions of illegals out there for Wal-Mart to choose from. Now there are some folks who don't care what you pay them. And when that happens, those employees won't be in any class, but on the streets. Then you'll be crying about how Wal-Mart won't employ Americans, screaming your income inequality tripe... ohhh poor pity me!

Moreover, here's a little something else. People like you don't want to bring them up to the middle class, you want to bring everyone else to their income level. Either they prosper or nobody does. What a destructive way of thinking.
He's an idiot.

Why Yes, Bernie is certifiable!!!!!!!


He just wants corporations to pay as much as everyone else...These bastards have fucking destroyed middle class.

Those bastards EMPLOY the middle class, you fucking moron!
Walmart workers are obviously middle class.

If they don't like being paid what they are being paid, they should quit! I'm serious here. I mean, there are millions of illegals out there for Wal-Mart to choose from. Now there are some folks who don't care what you pay them. And when that happens, those employees won't be in any class, but on the streets. Then you'll be crying about how Wal-Mart won't employ Americans, screaming your income inequality tripe... ohhh poor pity me!

Moreover, here's a little something else. People like you don't want to bring them up to the middle class, you want to bring everyone else to their income level. Either they prosper or nobody does. What a destructive way of thinking.
Yeah, lots of jobs around that pay high wages these days, especially for those in poverty, amirite?
Yeah, lots of jobs around that pay high wages these days, especially for those in poverty, amirite?

What about those poor illegals? They need to be paid a living wage too, amirite?

I miss the days where people had to actually earn a raise... work for a higher salary, prove their worth. But hey, I know Wal-Mart sells lots of silver platters, perhaps they should deliver pink slips instead of pay raises on them.

Buy one, get the pink slip free. What a whopper of a deal!

I mean, it's either them or us, amirite? Knowing people like you, you'll feel more compassion for the poor destitute illegals than you will for Americans. You want living wage for Americans, but also for people entering this country illegally, amirite? So where do your loyalties lie, my friend?
Yeah, lots of jobs around that pay high wages these days, especially for those in poverty, amirite?

What about those poor illegals? They need to be paid a living wage too, amirite?

I miss the days where people had to actually earn a raise... work for a higher salary, prove their worth. But hey, I know Wal-Mart sells lots of silver platters, perhaps they should deliver pink slips instead of pay raises on them.

I mean, it's either them or us, amirite? Knowing people like you, you'll feel more compassion for the poor destitute illegals than you will for Americans. You want living wage for Americans, but also for people entering this country illegally, amirite? So where do your loyalties lie, my friend?
I feel sorry for the illegal immigrants, I really do. People do earn raises, and do prove their worth, you idiot.
I really do. People do earn raises, and do prove their worth, you idiot.

Tell that to the snotty teenagers demanding $15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, you moron. They don't earn raises, they demand them. Just like the employees at Wal-Mart and liberals like you do. It's easier to make a demand than to earn it yourself.

I really do. People do earn raises, and do prove their worth, you idiot.

Tell that to the snotty teenagers demanding $15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, you moron. They don't earn raises, they demand them. Just like the employees at Wal-Mart and liberals like you do.

I don't think teenagers make up the backbone of the raise the wage movements, the statistics on minimum wage workers don't back your bullshit either.
Demographics of Low-Wage Workers Raise The Minimum Wage
Also, productivity is at all time highs, and wages are still stagnant. The minimum wage needs to be adjusted to the cost of living on a state by state level, a good federal wage to start would be 10.10
Also, productivity is at all time highs, and wages are still stagnant. The minimum wage needs to be adjusted to the cost of living on a state by state level, a good federal wage to start would be 10.10

So, how can we call it "minimum" if we keep raising it? Ha!

I don't think teenagers make up the backbone of the raise the wage movements, the statistics on minimum wage workers don't back your bullshit either.
Demographics of Low-Wage Workers Raise The Minimum Wage

As for that link of yours, I don't take supposed facts from websites run by activists. You'll try harder than that, won't you?

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