TRump desegregated Palm Beach, that is why racist democrats hate him

LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

So...please tell us how LBJ...who did this...

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

The introduction to the book says that as Johnson became president in 1963, some civil rights leaders were not convinced of Johnson’s good faith, due to his voting record. "He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937,

for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill – against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.

We found that excerpt in the book as well as these vignettes:

--In 1947, after President Harry S Truman sent Congress proposals against lynching and segregation in interstate transportation, Johnson called the proposed civil rights program a "farce and a sham--an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty."

--In his 1948 speech in Austin kicking off his Senate campaign, Johnson declared he was against Truman’s attempt to end the poll tax because, Johnson said, "it is the province of the state to run its own elections." Johnson also was against proposals against lynching "because the federal government," Johnson said, "has no more business enacting a law against one form of murder than against another."

Next, we asked an expert in the offices of the U.S. Senate to check on Johnson’s votes on civil rights measures as a lawmaker. By email, Betty Koed, an associate historian for the Senate, said that according to information compiled by the Senate Library, in "the rare cases when" such "bills came to a roll call vote, it appears that" Johnson "consistently voted against" them or voted to stop consideration. (See detail in her email, here.)

Would be impossilbe to believe he said he would have ******* voting democrat for 200 years....please...tell us how that is impossible...with an eyewitness testifying to it...moron.
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

---- And again, that's one guy writing a book, a known hack, quoting hearsay from another guy, on a quote that is unrecorded and uncorroborated anywhere by anyone. Two degrees of separation, with no evidence. And your link goes to a video of somebody else QUOTING that same hack writer who was allegedly quoting from somebody else -- THREE degrees of separation with no evidence.

In other words all you posted was the Echobubble reinforcing its own myth, pulling the same bullshit boner you're pulling here, spreading myths you can't document. Because there IS NO documentation.

And of course I already knew where this one came from, which is why I forced you to expose yourself.

Moreover your own link refers to "questionably sourced".

Btw you also linked to another message board, which is illegal here. Whatever it takes to mythmonger, right?

Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr., are BOTH completely off the topic of Rump and his alleged "desegregation" of Palm Beach, which was already debunked on page one. It's interesting that y'all are so desperate to change your own subject.
Last edited:
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

---- And again, that's one guy writing a book, a known hack, quoting hearsay from another guy, on a quote that is unrecorded and uncorroborated anywhere by anyone. Two degrees of separation, with no evidence. And your link goes to a video of somebody else QUOTING that same hack writer who was allegedly quoting from somebody else -- THREE degrees of separation with no evidence.

In other words all you posted was the Echobubble reinforcing its own myth, pulling the same bullshit boner you're pulling here, spreading myths you can't document. Because there IS NO documentation.

And of course I already knew where this one came from, which is why I forced you to expose yourself.

Moreover your own link refers to "questionably sourced".

Btw you also linked to another message board, which is illegal here. Whatever it takes to mythmonger, right?

You have the actual name of the source.....and now you deny it happened.....what there is is a history of anti black votes, and political ambition.....

you are a hack and an asshole....
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

---- And again, that's one guy writing a book, a known hack, quoting hearsay from another guy, on a quote that is unrecorded and uncorroborated anywhere by anyone. Two degrees of separation, with no evidence. And your link goes to a video of somebody else QUOTING that same hack writer who was allegedly quoting from somebody else -- THREE degrees of separation with no evidence.

In other words all you posted was the Echobubble reinforcing its own myth, pulling the same bullshit boner you're pulling here, spreading myths you can't document. Because there IS NO documentation.

And of course I already knew where this one came from, which is why I forced you to expose yourself.

Moreover your own link refers to "questionably sourced".

Btw you also linked to another message board, which is illegal here. Whatever it takes to mythmonger, right?

Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr., are BOTH completely off the topic of Rump and his alleged "desegregation" of Palm Beach, which was already debunked on page one. It's interesting that y'all are so desperate to change your own subject.

Fuck you had the actual name of the source....
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

---- And again, that's one guy writing a book, a known hack, quoting hearsay from another guy, on a quote that is unrecorded and uncorroborated anywhere by anyone. Two degrees of separation, with no evidence. And your link goes to a video of somebody else QUOTING that same hack writer who was allegedly quoting from somebody else -- THREE degrees of separation with no evidence.

In other words all you posted was the Echobubble reinforcing its own myth, pulling the same bullshit boner you're pulling here, spreading myths you can't document. Because there IS NO documentation.

And of course I already knew where this one came from, which is why I forced you to expose yourself.

Moreover your own link refers to "questionably sourced".

Btw you also linked to another message board, which is illegal here. Whatever it takes to mythmonger, right?

Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr., are BOTH completely off the topic of Rump and his alleged "desegregation" of Palm Beach, which was already debunked on page one. It's interesting that y'all are so desperate to change your own subject.

Fuck you had the actual name of the source....

And I already knew his name. That's why I trapped you, because I already knew you were flinging bullshit.

Now you do too.
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

---- And again, that's one guy writing a book, a known hack, quoting hearsay from another guy, on a quote that is unrecorded and uncorroborated anywhere by anyone. Two degrees of separation, with no evidence. And your link goes to a video of somebody else QUOTING that same hack writer who was allegedly quoting from somebody else -- THREE degrees of separation with no evidence.

In other words all you posted was the Echobubble reinforcing its own myth, pulling the same bullshit boner you're pulling here, spreading myths you can't document. Because there IS NO documentation.

And of course I already knew where this one came from, which is why I forced you to expose yourself.

Moreover your own link refers to "questionably sourced".

Btw you also linked to another message board, which is illegal here. Whatever it takes to mythmonger, right?

Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr., are BOTH completely off the topic of Rump and his alleged "desegregation" of Palm Beach, which was already debunked on page one. It's interesting that y'all are so desperate to change your own subject.

Fuck you had the actual name of the source....

And I already knew his name. That's why I trapped you, because I already knew you were flinging bullshit.

Now you do too.

There was no trap asswipe.......there is an actual, named source.........someone trustworthy enough to be a steward on Air Force One who states that the racist LBJ said it.........and having shown you Lbs actual racist record you can't deny that it is more than just likely that he said it......
In 1964 the Republicans nominated for President one of the few Senators to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That was the year everything shifted in the Republican Party. Democrats proposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Johnson pushed it through- but it could not have passed without active Republican support because Conservatives- Democrat and Republican- opposed it.

One of those Conservatives was Barry Goldwater.

The GOP chose him to be their 1964 Presidential candidate.

And the GOP Party changed forever.

Oh believe me, this version of the Republican Party could never handle Goldwater.

You prolly know better than not that political I, but would think today Goldwater wouldn't run with the GOP, but the LP. Regardless, both parties' enemy is Hillary Clinton. However, the LP wouldn't vote for the GOP based on that.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but you're pretty confused about one thing. The enemy of "both" parties who serve the power structure is a clear, coherent, critically thinking public who knows better than to buy into the partisanshit.

I was trying to find out what you knew about Barry Goldwater, and you showed you have no idea about Barry Goldwater and why he voted that way. What it did do was expose you for the feces for brains libbie that you are. The racists are still in your party and you can't even admit it or are too ignorant to know. Even the Westboro Baptist Church is in your party. The mentally ill know no bounds.

a) I don't have a party, pay attention
b) I didn't say anything about how Goldwater voted
c) Goldwater vociferously warned against allowing the religiosos to take over the Republican Party, which they have
d) Racism is an AMERICAN societal problem that has all of us woven into its fabric, thus no on is totally immune, while the incessant finger pointing allows sweet denial
e) I still have no idea what you're blathering on about

At this point, I do not care what you know about Goldwater. You're a wacko.

a. I do not care about whether you have a party or not. To answer the way you did towards me when all I did was looking for what you knew makes you a wacko. More liberal than conservative.
b. Again, I tried to find out more about the point you were trying to make and now I do not care anymore. You're a wacko.
c. And this has to do with what? Goldwater was more libertarian, but he did rally the more conservative members of the GOP which I am not.
d. Racism is an American problem that is still rooted in the Democratic Party. Can I help it if you can't get it through your pointy head?
e. I'm not one blathering you wacko.
Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

More made-up bullshit.

Prove me wrong, wacko.

Ha ha. You just did by going to the BS card on a true story :9:.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican

Haha, you moron. Time for the low-hangin' fruit salad. Roll it.

>> I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. My Grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent. I assumed that since Granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African American voters were Republicans*. Granddaddy convinced a large block of Blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties. The truth of the matter is that God isn't a Republican or a Democrat or a Tea Party voter. God doesn't vote. The squabbling and division among the parties is tragic. << -- Alveda King: 'Put the Political Strife Out to Pasture'
Which aligns with what King himself said:
>> I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses.
And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for. But what I’m saying is this, that we must gain the ballot and use it wisely2.”

(2. During a sermon in Atlanta one month earlier, King revealed that he had been offered money by both political parties to rally black voters for the 1956 election: They told me they had $75,000 to spend towards obtaining the Negro vote. A large part of this money would have been set aside for my own advantage. I studied their offers long and prayed over it again and again. Then I told them I couldn’t do it. I knew it would have given me anopportunity to educate my children and would have given me my first possessions in the world, but I could not sacrifice my soul in the structure of partisan politics” (“King Warns Leaders Of PartisanPolitics,” Montgomery Advertiser, 14 January 1958). << -- Interview transcript here
--- and of course that letter to a supporter that said:

>> Thanks for your very kind letter of September 17, making inquiry concerning the way the Negro will vote in the coming election. I am of the impression that the Negro voter will go largely for the Democratic Party.

I haven’t fully decided which candidate I will vote for. In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket. At this point I am still in a state of indecision. Stevenson seems to be more forthright on the race question than Eisenhower, but the Democratic Party is so inexplicably bound to the South that it does leave doubt in the minds of those interested in civil rights. Let us all hope that the candidate most concerned with the welfare for all people of America will win the election.

Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,
(letter to Viva Sloan, 2 October 1956) << -- The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers

This is where you get taken when you depend on Googly Images and YouTube for your history -- instead of actual history. Sorry, history is history.... you don't get to rewrite it.

* - actually Alveda King is wrong here too; African Americans started voting toward the Democratic Party early in FDR's administration. They did spike in 1964 but the pattern was already established for three decades. We've done this before too. Part of the evolution/devolution of the two parties since the 19th century noted earlier.

You illiterate mythologists never learn that running the same myth over and over never makes it somehow change history into what you wish it had been.

Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

More made-up bullshit.

Prove me wrong, wacko.

Ha ha. You just did by going to the BS card on a true story :9:.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican

Haha, you moron. Time for the low-hangin' fruit salad. Roll it.

>> I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. My Grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent. I assumed that since Granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African American voters were Republicans*. Granddaddy convinced a large block of Blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties. The truth of the matter is that God isn't a Republican or a Democrat or a Tea Party voter. God doesn't vote. The squabbling and division among the parties is tragic. << -- Alveda King: 'Put the Political Strife Out to Pasture'
Which aligns with what King himself said:
>> I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses.
And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for. But what I’m saying is this, that we must gain the ballot and use it wisely2.”

(2. During a sermon in Atlanta one month earlier, King revealed that he had been offered money by both political parties to rally black voters for the 1956 election: They told me they had $75,000 to spend towards obtaining the Negro vote. A large part of this money would have been set aside for my own advantage. I studied their offers long and prayed over it again and again. Then I told them I couldn’t do it. I knew it would have given me anopportunity to educate my children and would have given me my first possessions in the world, but I could not sacrifice my soul in the structure of partisan politics” (“King Warns Leaders Of PartisanPolitics,” Montgomery Advertiser, 14 January 1958). << -- Interview transcript here
--- and of course that letter to a supporter that said:

>> Thanks for your very kind letter of September 17, making inquiry concerning the way the Negro will vote in the coming election. I am of the impression that the Negro voter will go largely for the Democratic Party.

I haven’t fully decided which candidate I will vote for. In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket. At this point I am still in a state of indecision. Stevenson seems to be more forthright on the race question than Eisenhower, but the Democratic Party is so inexplicably bound to the South that it does leave doubt in the minds of those interested in civil rights. Let us all hope that the candidate most concerned with the welfare for all people of America will win the election.

Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,
(letter to Viva Sloan, 2 October 1956) << -- The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers

This is where you get taken when you depend on Googly Images and YouTube for your history -- instead of actual history. Sorry, history is history.... you don't get to rewrite it.

* - actually Alveda King is wrong here too; African Americans started voting toward the Democratic Party early in FDR's administration. They did spike in 1964 but the pattern was already established for three decades. We've done this before too. Part of the evolution/devolution of the two parties since the 19th century noted earlier.

You illiterate mythologists never learn that running the same myth over and over never makes it somehow change history into what you wish it had been.


I'm going to assume you are signing your post as DUMBASS referring to yourself. Or can we add DUMBASS RACIST, too? What else can it be because I'm am well educated while most of us can tell you are not? You do not understand the history of the Democrats and their racist policies and politics, but continue to call others more versed to it and what happened names. I can see I am not the only one you call names. Again, are you a RACIST? Can we label you DUMBASS RACIST? The important point is the history of the Republicans and how they got the Civil Rights Act and the Voter Rights Act passed. As for the rest, it's a pity that some blacks vote for the DP. There is a ongoing campaign to set them straight and that the GOP is the way to go to be against racism. Once, they see the facts, then the smart and educated ones realize racist policies continue to this day in the Democratic Party.
Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

More made-up bullshit.

Prove me wrong, wacko.

Ha ha. You just did by going to the BS card on a true story :9:.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican

Haha, you moron. Time for the low-hangin' fruit salad. Roll it.

>> I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. My Grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent. I assumed that since Granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African American voters were Republicans*. Granddaddy convinced a large block of Blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties. The truth of the matter is that God isn't a Republican or a Democrat or a Tea Party voter. God doesn't vote. The squabbling and division among the parties is tragic. << -- Alveda King: 'Put the Political Strife Out to Pasture'
Which aligns with what King himself said:
>> I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses.
And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for. But what I’m saying is this, that we must gain the ballot and use it wisely2.”

(2. During a sermon in Atlanta one month earlier, King revealed that he had been offered money by both political parties to rally black voters for the 1956 election: They told me they had $75,000 to spend towards obtaining the Negro vote. A large part of this money would have been set aside for my own advantage. I studied their offers long and prayed over it again and again. Then I told them I couldn’t do it. I knew it would have given me anopportunity to educate my children and would have given me my first possessions in the world, but I could not sacrifice my soul in the structure of partisan politics” (“King Warns Leaders Of PartisanPolitics,” Montgomery Advertiser, 14 January 1958). << -- Interview transcript here
--- and of course that letter to a supporter that said:

>> Thanks for your very kind letter of September 17, making inquiry concerning the way the Negro will vote in the coming election. I am of the impression that the Negro voter will go largely for the Democratic Party.

I haven’t fully decided which candidate I will vote for. In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket. At this point I am still in a state of indecision. Stevenson seems to be more forthright on the race question than Eisenhower, but the Democratic Party is so inexplicably bound to the South that it does leave doubt in the minds of those interested in civil rights. Let us all hope that the candidate most concerned with the welfare for all people of America will win the election.

Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,
(letter to Viva Sloan, 2 October 1956) << -- The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers

This is where you get taken when you depend on Googly Images and YouTube for your history -- instead of actual history. Sorry, history is history.... you don't get to rewrite it.

* - actually Alveda King is wrong here too; African Americans started voting toward the Democratic Party early in FDR's administration. They did spike in 1964 but the pattern was already established for three decades. We've done this before too. Part of the evolution/devolution of the two parties since the 19th century noted earlier.

You illiterate mythologists never learn that running the same myth over and over never makes it somehow change history into what you wish it had been.


I'm going to assume you are signing your post as DUMBASS referring to yourself. Or can we add DUMBASS RACIST, too? What else can it be because I'm am well educated while most of us can tell you are not? You do not understand the history of the Democrats and their racist policies and politics, but continue to call others more versed to it and what happened names. I can see I am not the only one you call names. Again, are you a RACIST? Can we label you DUMBASS RACIST? The important point is the history of the Republicans and how they got the Civil Rights Act and the Voter Rights Act passed. As for the rest, it's a pity that some blacks vote for the DP. There is a ongoing campaign to set them straight and that the GOP is the way to go to be against racism. Once, they see the facts, then the smart and educated ones realize racist policies continue to this day in the Democratic Party.

I just took your fake mythological point and mopped the floor with it. Sucks to be you huh?


Grow a pair, stop crying and in the future check your shit out before you trot in here selling myths. Because you WILL be called on it.
Oh believe me, this version of the Republican Party could never handle Goldwater.

You prolly know better than not that political I, but would think today Goldwater wouldn't run with the GOP, but the LP. Regardless, both parties' enemy is Hillary Clinton. However, the LP wouldn't vote for the GOP based on that.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but you're pretty confused about one thing. The enemy of "both" parties who serve the power structure is a clear, coherent, critically thinking public who knows better than to buy into the partisanshit.

I was trying to find out what you knew about Barry Goldwater, .

Yes.....Martin Luther King chose to support the man
And you think that was the smart really are fucking stupid.

Hey- i can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing you right wing nut jobs tell African Americans that they are fucking stupid to respect Martin Luther King Jr.

And you wonder why African Americans treat you like the social lepers you are.

Barry Goldwater- voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and the GOP nominated him for President.

And that was the beginning of right wing nut jobs like yourself starting to dominate the GOP
Democrats are the racists in this country....everything to them is race....they are obsessed with it...
The Democrats have specialized in racial baiting and bigotry since they defended slavery in the early 1800s then established the KKK and Jim Crow later

In 1964 the Republicans nominated for President one of the few Senators to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That was the year everything shifted in the Republican Party. Democrats proposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Johnson pushed it through- but it could not have passed without active Republican support because Conservatives- Democrat and Republican- opposed it.

One of those Conservatives was Barry Goldwater.

The GOP chose him to be their 1964 Presidential candidate.

And the GOP Party changed forever.

You and the democrats have to hide the actual racism of the democrat party......

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority | RedState

Goldwater had supported the 1957 and 1960 acts but believed that Title II and Title VII of the 1964 bill were unconstitutional, based in part on a 75-page brief from Robert Bork.

But far from extending a welcoming hand to southern segregationists, he named as his running mate a New York representative, William E. Miller, who had been the co-author of Republican civil-rights legislation in the 1950s.

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.”

Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.”

And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

The democrats fought every other Civil Rights act before 64.....using bombs, hanging and other forms of murder to intimidate blacks........and when LBJ realized it was no longer going to work, and that they actually needed black votes to keep power, they changed their tactics and decided to buy votes with welfare benefits....

:rofl: History revisionism must be fun. I dunno, unfortunately I was born with a brain.

LBJ spearheaded the CRA, after JFK initiated it. He was also the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant. No doubt party because he remembered hunkering down as a boy inside the house while his father and uncles stayed up with shotguns to face them down.

But DO go on with Creative Writing Class..... :popcorn:

I think my favorite part is when the historical events can't fit a square peg into a round hole they go "uh, but then they changed their minds and did the opposite so they're still boogeymen!" :lmao:

LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society....and voted against anti lynching laws....laws meant to protect blacks from the democrats who were hanging them......moron.

LBJ promoted the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and signed it into law. Barry Goldwater voted against it.
Oh believe me, this version of the Republican Party could never handle Goldwater.

You prolly know better than not that political I, but would think today Goldwater wouldn't run with the GOP, but the LP. Regardless, both parties' enemy is Hillary Clinton. However, the LP wouldn't vote for the GOP based on that.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but you're pretty confused about one thing. The enemy of "both" parties who serve the power structure is a clear, coherent, critically thinking public who knows better than to buy into the partisanshit.

I was trying to find out what you knew about Barry Goldwater, .

We already know this and Dr. King doesn't use the R-word unless to mean Republican. History shows that the GOP were the ones who were instrumental in passing the Civil Rights bill and also the Voting Rights Act in 1965. This was against the real racists. How do I know? Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

LOL- that old lie? MLK Jr. was not a Republican- MLK Jr. urged every 'negro and every white person of good will' to vote against any Republican who does not disassociate with Sen. Goldwater.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrats, promoted by two Democratic Presidents, and signed into law by a Democrat- all with the assistance of Republicans.

Barry Goldwater voted against it. And the GOP nominated him for President.
Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

More made-up bullshit.

Prove me wrong, wacko.

Ha ha. You just did by going to the BS card on a true story :9:.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican

Haha, you moron. Time for the low-hangin' fruit salad. Roll it.

>> I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. My Grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent. I assumed that since Granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African American voters were Republicans*. Granddaddy convinced a large block of Blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties. The truth of the matter is that God isn't a Republican or a Democrat or a Tea Party voter. God doesn't vote. The squabbling and division among the parties is tragic. << -- Alveda King: 'Put the Political Strife Out to Pasture'
Which aligns with what King himself said:
>> I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses.
And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for. But what I’m saying is this, that we must gain the ballot and use it wisely2.”

(2. During a sermon in Atlanta one month earlier, King revealed that he had been offered money by both political parties to rally black voters for the 1956 election: They told me they had $75,000 to spend towards obtaining the Negro vote. A large part of this money would have been set aside for my own advantage. I studied their offers long and prayed over it again and again. Then I told them I couldn’t do it. I knew it would have given me anopportunity to educate my children and would have given me my first possessions in the world, but I could not sacrifice my soul in the structure of partisan politics” (“King Warns Leaders Of PartisanPolitics,” Montgomery Advertiser, 14 January 1958). << -- Interview transcript here
--- and of course that letter to a supporter that said:

>> Thanks for your very kind letter of September 17, making inquiry concerning the way the Negro will vote in the coming election. I am of the impression that the Negro voter will go largely for the Democratic Party.

I haven’t fully decided which candidate I will vote for. In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket. At this point I am still in a state of indecision. Stevenson seems to be more forthright on the race question than Eisenhower, but the Democratic Party is so inexplicably bound to the South that it does leave doubt in the minds of those interested in civil rights. Let us all hope that the candidate most concerned with the welfare for all people of America will win the election.

Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,
(letter to Viva Sloan, 2 October 1956) << -- The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers

This is where you get taken when you depend on Googly Images and YouTube for your history -- instead of actual history. Sorry, history is history.... you don't get to rewrite it.

* - actually Alveda King is wrong here too; African Americans started voting toward the Democratic Party early in FDR's administration. They did spike in 1964 but the pattern was already established for three decades. We've done this before too. Part of the evolution/devolution of the two parties since the 19th century noted earlier.

You illiterate mythologists never learn that running the same myth over and over never makes it somehow change history into what you wish it had been.

What else can it be because I'm am well educated y.

By what you post you certainly are not 'well educated'- you just post the usual right wing nut job lies

Really- and when confronted with your lies you just call everyone else 'uneducated'

What a dumbass.
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

Here you go fuck head...

Conservatives smear LBJ with questionably sourced racist quote - Democratic Underground

sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

Well it must be true- since one person said LBJ said it.

So that means every racist quote attributed to Trump must also be true if someone said he heard Trump say it- right?

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“Laziness is a trait in blacks.”
LBJ said he would have every n****r voting democrat for the next 200 years with his Great Society.

STILL more made-up wacko bullshit.

Prove me wrong. Link it.

So...please tell us how LBJ...who did this...

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

The introduction to the book says that as Johnson became president in 1963, some civil rights leaders were not convinced of Johnson’s good faith, due to his voting record. "He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937,

for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill – against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.

Hmm what else did Caro write about Johnson?

Caro: The reason it’s questioned is that for no less than 20 years in Congress, from 1937 to 1957, Johnson’s record was on the side of the South. He not only voted with the South on civil rights, but he was a southern strategist, but in 1957, he changes and pushes through the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction. He always had this true, deep compassion to help poor people and particularly poor people of color, but even stronger than the compassion was his ambition. But when the two aligned, when compassion and ambition finally are pointing in the same direction, then Lyndon Johnson becomes a force for racial justice, unequalled certainly since Lincoln.

No wonder 2aguy hates Johnson.

Johnson became a force for racial justice.

Something 2aguy despises.
Oh believe me, this version of the Republican Party could never handle Goldwater.

You prolly know better than not that political I, but would think today Goldwater wouldn't run with the GOP, but the LP. Regardless, both parties' enemy is Hillary Clinton. However, the LP wouldn't vote for the GOP based on that.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but you're pretty confused about one thing. The enemy of "both" parties who serve the power structure is a clear, coherent, critically thinking public who knows better than to buy into the partisanshit.

I was trying to find out what you knew about Barry Goldwater, and you showed you have no idea about Barry Goldwater and why he voted that way. What it did do was expose you for the feces for brains libbie that you are. The racists are still in your party and you can't even admit it or are too ignorant to know. Even the Westboro Baptist Church is in your party. The mentally ill know no bounds.

a) I don't have a party, pay attention
b) I didn't say anything about how Goldwater voted
c) Goldwater vociferously warned against allowing the religiosos to take over the Republican Party, which they have
d) Racism is an AMERICAN societal problem that has all of us woven into its fabric, thus no on is totally immune, while the incessant finger pointing allows sweet denial
e) I still have no idea what you're blathering on about

d. Racism is an American problem that is still rooted in the Democratic Party. Can I help it if you can't get it through your pointy head?
e. I'm not one blathering you wacko.

LOL- you are the one who wants to believe that 'racism' is a Democratic Party problem- despite the fact that the GOP is almost lily white.

yes- you are a wacko blathering idiot.

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