Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

Actually, I am attempting to get subjects that are killing people in real life to seriously looked at. And since you are supporting the posts that are telling some very sick (and well armed) people it's okay to mass murder then guess what, you are a terrorist and traitor. And you are very Evil.
Subjects that are killing people in real life! You are a racist. That is an extremely anti black position.
I don’t want slavery back. I want morality, values, common sense , common decency, and the rule of law back.,

And you're willing to suspend the Constitution and install a dictator to make that happen. What you're talking about is turning the USA into Iran, or really, any Muslim ruled country. You want people to live by YOUR standards and you're prepared to do WHAT exactly to enforce it?

Morality, values, and the rule of law are paramount, and women know their place. No, alcohol, drugs. Homosexuals and "wanton" women are murdered with impunity. And yet in every dictatorship, they're riotiing for democracy.

Can you name any dictatorship in the world where the everyday citizens are economically or socially better off than they are in a democracy. Where they aren't keeping their heads low to avoid the "morality police".

For someone who advocates for "common sense", you don't seem to have any of it yourself. Just an overarching belief that you're right and everyone else should live like you believe is proper. This is the absolute essence of white male privilege.
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Now why would anyone deny that? It's in the Constitution and it spells out how you can do it.
Yeah, and it’s a process you lot give zero fucks about.

All you want is for a Supreme Court that will let anything anyone with a (D) by their name does to slide, and to hallucinate whatever new amendments you want into existence. You know your bullshit wouldn’t pass 2/3 of either the House or the Senate, let alone get 38 states to approve, so you just want tyranny and to flagrantly ignore the Constitution.

You’ve already shown your stank asses on this.
I don't give a shit about what Trump says. Why do you? Even if I supported what Trump says, that doesn't mean the Constitution is gone.

The problem I have with what he is saying is that there a small group of violent fruitcakes that are well armed that act on it, IN HIS NAME
Yeah, and it’s a process you lot give zero fucks about.

All you want is for a Supreme Court that will let anything anyone with a (D) by their name does to slide, and to hallucinate whatever new amendments you want into existence. You know your bullshit wouldn’t pass 2/3 of either the House or the Senate, let alone get 38 states to approve, so you just want tyranny and to flagrantly ignore the Constitution.

You’ve already shown your stank asses on this.

You mean like you MAGAt terrorists and traitors?
I don’t want slavery back. I want morality, values, common sense , common decency, and the rule of law back.,
The Rule of Law got lost with the Republicans from 2016 to present day.

If you are a very religious person and your idea of morality is no abortions, no LGBT rights, not voting rights for some groups, I will have to disagree with you.

What any woman does with her body never, ever, will be any of your business, especially since Republicans insist in taking away any health care, raise in minimum wage, etc, etc.
True, so you agree that when the Biden campaign, and then the WH, as well as the FBI colluding to censor twitter, that violated the 1st amendment
When did that happen?
Show us the evidence. I am only hearing crickets.
Why? He can't do what he said. And, Democrats have been wanting to change the Constitution for years.
And Democrats want to change the Constitution by the Amendment process.....did the fat Florida man say the same?

If he wants to change the Constitution, he can submit to Congress for an Amendment.................if he's as popular as his MAGAts claim, it should be easy to pass.
People and Trump say a lot of shit. Just because someone says that the Constitution should be suspended doesn't mean it will be. I guess you forgot that we live in a democracy, not a dictatorship. One man can't do that.
But you will show no proof, right?

He may be talking about the one Amendment that holds the MAGAts together and that's the 2 amendment. I don't want it taken out but I do wish it to be clarified. The Constitution was written in words that the common person can understand with the exception of the 2nd amendment.
You mean like you MAGAt terrorists and traitors?
No, FAGAt, I support using the amendment process to change the Constitution, not hallucinating new powers or ignoring it like your socialist party of deranged fascist racist sexist mass-murder loving, child-mutilating, child-sexualizing fruitcakes does.

I can point to countless posts here where I’ve discussed how Roe was nonsense, how Congress cannot “codify Roe” under Article I Section 8, and how I want a Constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

So yeah, I respect the rule of law. Trump is wrong to request what he is requesting. If he had proof, strong proof, of election fraud or criminal wrongdoing, he should present it - if he doesn’t, he should shut up and if he intends to run for President again and wants to win, then he should shut up. At this point I already hope he doesn’t run / would withdraw.

This doesn’t mean you FAGAts aren’t abusive defamatory assholes and shouldn’t be corrected when you go off the rails as you are doing now. I’m tired of having to defend Trump from your bullshit when I’m far from fond of Trump, but A) your bullshit is just that egregious and B) you people would lob the same nonsense with the same lack of evidence against any of us or any candidate.
He did. At least said it gets in his way of doing what he wants to do.
Then I imagine you would have no problem either showing where Obama said the same or admit you are just lying

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