Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

1. What are the rules that Obama administration ------- HURT small businesses and the working middle class?

2. What are the rules that Trump implemented that HELPS small businesses and middle income class?

I can only speak of what has gone on in my industry. When Trump first took office he set out instructions to his administration to look over rules and regulations.

The ELD that the Obama administration was going to have finalized is now before the House and maybe be put off or scraped altogether. That is an expense that can cost a business $500 a piece with a monthly charge with taxes of $35-$45.

The interchange/lease agreement was set to go into effect the first of January 2018, it is now delayed for at least a year and maybe scraped. That rule would have crippled the industry motorcoach industry, it could of also of stranded motorcoach customers on the side of the road for hours. When conventions come to town, the groups organizing the convention would have to get a hold of several companies instead of one, it would be an organizational nightmare and single coach operators would never get used.

The driver training rule, set up under the Obama administration is now been delayed and looks like it won't happen.

The mandate for governors on CDL trucks is now headed for the scrap heap.

The new medical requirements for truckers is now been delayed and will probably be removed.

All because of a new administration.

The Obama administration had several regulations that did not make it because the trucking industry forced many hearings and most every trucking association fought it. The 36 hour reset rule was going to go by the wayside, fortunately they listened to the trucking industry in one case.

The FMCSA is now changing its attitude from trying to put out companies to educating and working with the motorcoach and trucking industry, this is a huge change from last year.

I agree we need rules and regs in the industry and 99% of the companies work hard to be safe. This industry is one of the most regulated industries in the country.

That is just a few, again, I wish Trump would quit stirring up needless crap, but this part of his presidency I am enjoying.
1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.
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A Modern day Hitler using many of Hitlers ways to sneak into repubs little minds

You know that asshole Obama, Cooked Hillary and the filthy Democrats employed as many of the Nazi attributes. Just go read the Wikileaks to get a feel for their corruption to get power.

The Democrats are the filthy scum of this country. They may not be Nazis but they are extreme far Left assholes that will do anything to get control of the national treasury to feed their greed.
Greed? Which party wants to give tax cuts to billionaires paid for by middle class?
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
A Modern day Hitler using many of Hitlers ways to sneak into repubs little minds

More lefty wing nut BS. But keep it up, it is why you lost power in the last election.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

How is his speech "dispicable," Nazi fuck? :dunno:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


Thanks for clearing up another one of this trolls lies.You got to take in everything this troll says with a grain of salt.He is one of many paid trolls on the governments payroll that has penetrated this site,they got shills like him everywhere trolling boards night and day for them.

poor mentally ill rightwingnut
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

How is his speech "dispicable," Nazi fuck? :dunno:

you wouldn't be able to tell. you'd have to be a decent human being in order to notice how despicable the orange sociopath is.

but then again, you're even more classless than he is.

now stamp your middle feet and start spewing disgusting insults. we expect no better from you.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.
You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.
You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

Your post reeks with confusion.

There is no man made climate change. That is a bogus issue. The environmental wackos are caught quite frequently inventing data because real science doesn't support it. One of the best things that Trumps has done has been to get out of that silly welfare scheme of the Paris Accord.

The government should never be in the business of dictating wages between an employer and employee.

Two of the biggest lowlifes ever in American politics were those assholes Obama and that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary, both standard bearers for the filthy Democrat Party. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to either one of those two jackasses.

The Democrat party is a coalition of all the greedy despicable scum in our country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare check, anti gun nuts, illegals, environmental wackos, welfare queens, Feminazis, abortionists, queers, socialists trying to get something for nothing, confused college kids and their crazy Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party's platform is to steal from America and cater to all the scum of the US. They are a disaster for this country. Obama's record of increasing poverty, decreasing family income, increasing debt, increasing income disparity and having dismal economic growth is what you get with being a Democrat and you should be ashamed.

This country will be great with Liberty and Capitalism. That is what made it a great country to immigrate to. It will be a Socialists shithole just like all the countries that immigrants run from if the Democrats get their way. Minorities flow to the Democrat Party because of greed to get that welfare check the Democrats are so famous for providing.

Your rational for voting for the filthy destructive Democrats sound like these stupid yankees that come down here to Florida.

They come down here because Florida is a low tax Conservative state. They run from the the Democrat control states "up north" that are high tax poorly run shitholes. However, when the idiots get here they vote for Democrats that run on a platform to turn Florida into a shithole like that ran away from.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.

I think Hitler was more mad than brilliant. When comparisons were made by the looney right that compared Obama as Hitler, I thought they were nuts and the same holds true today when the looney left plays the same tired game.
You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.

What do I have to do with how Trump voted in a summit that I had no part of and what the hell does that have to do with the topic? Funny how the left likes to divert to way off topic. Fine he is a bully to you. He is in office and what I find amazing is that the left has no clue as to why he is in office. I don't care if you ever vote Republican, it is none of my business, you just proved you are a lefty.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


Thanks for clearing up another one of this trolls lies.You got to take in everything this troll says with a grain of salt.He is one of many paid trolls on the governments payroll that has penetrated this site,they got shills like him everywhere trolling boards night and day for them.

poor mentally ill rightwingnut
are there any that aren't?
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.

I think Hitler was more mad than brilliant. When comparisons were made by the looney right that compared Obama as Hitler, I thought they were nuts and the same holds true today when the looney left plays the same tired game.
guess the screaming ranting bullshit trumps spouts out daily doesn't bother you? you want to compare that to Obama ? Really?
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.

I think Hitler was more mad than brilliant. When comparisons were made by the looney right that compared Obama as Hitler, I thought they were nuts and the same holds true today when the looney left plays the same tired game.
guess the screaming ranting bullshit trumps spouts out daily doesn't bother you? you want to compare that to Obama ? Really?

I am not comparing either to Hitler, it was stupid for either group to do it, but nut jobs exist on both sides and you can't cure stupid.

I have never heard Trump scream, he tweets, he speaks, have heard the screaming.

So screams no makes you Hitler? Voicing your opinions make you Hitler? I did hear Howard Dean scream once, never thought he was like Hitler.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.

I think Hitler was more mad than brilliant. When comparisons were made by the looney right that compared Obama as Hitler, I thought they were nuts and the same holds true today when the looney left plays the same tired game.
guess the screaming ranting bullshit trumps spouts out daily doesn't bother you? you want to compare that to Obama ? Really?

I am not comparing either to Hitler, it was stupid for either group to do it, but nut jobs exist on both sides and you can't cure stupid.

I have never heard Trump scream, he tweets, he speaks, have heard the screaming.

So screams no makes you Hitler? Voicing your opinions make you Hitler? I did hear Howard Dean scream once, never thought he was like Hitler.
OK OK you win Pap Trump is a mild mannered very well modulated intelligent speaker like Obama was I've already stated my feelings on the occupant of our WH and find no need to repeat it now {I'm trying to clean up my act}
Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.
You're right Trump is nothing like Hitler. Adolph was a brilliant man and Trump can't even get out of his own way.

I think Hitler was more mad than brilliant. When comparisons were made by the looney right that compared Obama as Hitler, I thought they were nuts and the same holds true today when the looney left plays the same tired game.
guess the screaming ranting bullshit trumps spouts out daily doesn't bother you? you want to compare that to Obama ? Really?

I am not comparing either to Hitler, it was stupid for either group to do it, but nut jobs exist on both sides and you can't cure stupid.

I have never heard Trump scream, he tweets, he speaks, have heard the screaming.

So screams no makes you Hitler? Voicing your opinions make you Hitler? I did hear Howard Dean scream once, never thought he was like Hitler.
OK OK you win Pap Trump is a mild mannered very well modulated intelligent speaker like Obama was I've already stated my feelings on the occupant of our WH and find no need to repeat it now {I'm trying to clean up my act}

I didn't say he was mild mannered, I said I never heard him screaming as you claimed. I wish he would stay off Twitter and quit stirring things up. The comparison to Hitler is comical.
You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.

What do I have to do with how Trump voted in a summit that I had no part of and what the hell does that have to do with the topic? Funny how the left likes to divert to way off topic. Fine he is a bully to you. He is in office and what I find amazing is that the left has no clue as to why he is in office. I don't care if you ever vote Republican, it is none of my business, you just proved you are a lefty.
Sorry pap We know why he's in office Bad campaigning and repubs with half a brain voting for one of theirs and false info didn't help either

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