Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

I'm not a lefty...but you also proved that character means nothing to you as long as you and your industry are fine. Good to know!!!

You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Hitler too did help his citizens so did lot of assholes in history. Apart from the 20 some percent in this country the majority and the rest of the world see him as a sick deranged man.

Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.

What do I have to do with how Trump voted in a summit that I had no part of and what the hell does that have to do with the topic? Funny how the left likes to divert to way off topic. Fine he is a bully to you. He is in office and what I find amazing is that the left has no clue as to why he is in office. I don't care if you ever vote Republican, it is none of my business, you just proved you are a lefty.
I'm not a lefty...but you also proved that character means nothing to you as long as you and your industry are fine. Good to know!!!

You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

1st of I'm not a leftie so stop with the name calling. 2nd the middl3 class and the economy recovery under Obama and not because of Trump.
Trump was voted in by a minority.
Soon as you invoke Hitler you lose all credibility with me. He is nothing like Hitler plus this country has all the checks and balances to prevent a Hitler. All you are doing is spewing fear and hate, you are no better than Trump in that regard.

I don't care that much for the Trump side shows.
As you lefties still fail to realize his helping the small businesses and middle class working and deregulation was why they voted for him in the first place. So spare us your emotional Hitler BS and look as to why he was really elected. If you don't, he or another Republican will be in, in 3 1/2 years.

Almost every issue you are on the left, so you are what you are? You call people names but no one can call you names? Lol! That makes you a hypocrite. Trumps deregulation is helping small businesses and thus helping the middle class. That you can't understand that is okay by me.

What do I have to do with how Trump voted in a summit that I had no part of and what the hell does that have to do with the topic? Funny how the left likes to divert to way off topic. Fine he is a bully to you. He is in office and what I find amazing is that the left has no clue as to why he is in office. I don't care if you ever vote Republican, it is none of my business, you just proved you are a lefty.

I noticed you skipped my questions again, it's okay, I notice you do that quite a bit. And then you claim that character doesn't mean a thing as long as my industry is fine? Lol! You are diverting all over the place. Can you possibly stay on one topic or is jumping around your defense mechanism for no answers?
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized for politicizing the event, which he shouldn't have. He didn't apologize for the content.

No one should ever bow to you Nazi thugs, you hate the scouts and everything they stand for, the scouts know it.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


Thanks for clearing up another one of this trolls lies.You got to take in everything this troll says with a grain of salt.He is one of many paid trolls on the governments payroll that has penetrated this site,they got shills like him everywhere trolling boards night and day for them.

poor mentally ill rightwingnut

Seig Heil indeed, jillian
you wouldn't be able to tell. you'd have to be a decent human being in order to notice how despicable the orange sociopath is.

but then again, you're even more classless than he is.

now stamp your middle feet and start spewing disgusting insults. we expect no better from you.

So you spewed hatred, you are a Nazi after all, but you failed to point out what was "despicable." Well, as a demagogue you need only hurl slander and libel...

We KNOW what you find despicable though, Trump praised America and spoke of honesty, honor, and duty - all those things you Nazi scum fight against.
You see the problem with you , you care only about the dollar and the financial aspect. Not the human part and certainly not the environment part. When most of scientists warned of climate change, and most countries agreed to do something about it, your beloved president decided to go against it. That alone speaks volumes....and if Trump manages to overcome the US debt, raises minimum wage to $50/hour, lower unemployement to 0.1% he will be a liar, low life bully and should have never been allowed to assume office, because at the end all that stuff won't matter because the scumbag speed up the destruction of this planet.

And no I'm like the majority of immigrants, minorities are conservative but we forced to lean Democrat because the Republican party is the party of the anti immigrants, and with Trump it upgraded itself to a racist party.

I'll put it to ina very simple way, El Chapo is very successful, does give to his people and those who support him. But still morally bankrupt and shouldn't be praised same with Trump....he is a low life scumbag.

You mean he cares about quantifiable reality where you spew hatred based on feelings that you glean from party demagogues who stir you and your fellow brown shirts into a frenzy.

Like most, all really, democrats you are dishonest and without integrity. Republicans have nothing against immigrants as you fascist scum like to lie. ALL decent Americans are opposed to ILLEGAL ALIENS. Are you a wetback? Did you break the law and come into the country? If so, you are NOT welcome.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

How is his speech "dispicable," Nazi fuck? :dunno:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to the ones if they were offended.

Not everyone was.
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized for politicizing the event, which he shouldn't have. He didn't apologize for the content.

No one should ever bow to you Nazi thugs, you hate the scouts and everything they stand for, the scouts know it.
You lie. You do it all the time. You are one of the boards most prolific liars. You tell easy to prove lies. You spread misinformation that you can not back up. Lying is OK for you because your cult master does it so much.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech. Please post the apology so that we can put the issue of a trump apology to rest.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

How is his speech "dispicable," Nazi fuck? :dunno:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to the ones if they were offended.

Not everyone was.
You are a USMB staff member, so surely you can provide the link. Surely you would not promote such a blatant lie without having definitive proof of a trump apology.
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
One would think Trump would have learned from his experience at Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint where he was invited to honor those helping with the city's water crisis. Even being forewarned to avoid politics (pastors are sensitive to the Johnson Amendment) he had to be re-directed back to the water matter by the minister when he began to chastise Hillary.

These things are pretty easy. Gather political goodwill by speaking well of the organization that invited you. Pretty sad that Mr. Negotiator can't even handle that.
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
There WERE enough that WERE offended that he needed to apologize to Of course there were some ah's there who weren't
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
There WERE enough that WERE offended that he needed to apologize to Of course there were some ah's there who weren't
There WERE enough that WERE offended

have a percentage of who was, and who wasn't?
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
There WERE enough that WERE offended that he needed to apologize to Of course there were some ah's there who weren't
There WERE enough that WERE offended

have a percentage of who was, and who wasn't?
Just who do you think he apologized too? 4 ? 5? Enough imo that caused him to speak up Trump has a vile big mouth Even the police on LI had to explain that violence against would be criminals was against the law after the moron said to not be easy on them
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
There WERE enough that WERE offended that he needed to apologize to Of course there were some ah's there who weren't
There WERE enough that WERE offended

have a percentage of who was, and who wasn't?
Just who do you think he apologized too? 4 ? 5? Enough imo that caused him to speak up Trump has a vile big mouth Even the police on LI had to explain that violence against would be criminals was against the law after the moron said to not be easy on them
I love the way you continually speak up for the moron who doesn't know medicare from medicade
Trump Speech To Boy Scouts Prompts An Apology From Scout Leader

"“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” said Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America in an open letter Thursday."


This has been discussed in multiple threads over the last 2 days.

Hard to believe you missed it.
The poster claimed, and you supported the claim that the Boy Scout Executive did not apologize for the content of trump's speech to the Scouts. That is exactly what the apology was about. Your own link and quote show him apologizing for the political rhetoric contained in trump's speech.

I responded to this:
Ask the boy scout leader repub AH He apologized

He apologized to those that were offended.

NOT to those that weren't.
There WERE enough that WERE offended that he needed to apologize to Of course there were some ah's there who weren't
There WERE enough that WERE offended

have a percentage of who was, and who wasn't?
Just who do you think he apologized too? 4 ? 5? Enough imo that caused him to speak up Trump has a vile big mouth Even the police on LI had to explain that violence against would be criminals was against the law after the moron said to not be easy on them
Enough imo that caused him to speak up

Yes, but seeing that he had to qualify his statement with "those that were offended", far from all.

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