Trump destroyed ISIS????


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
You need the extra large tub:

Dr. Trump's Butt-Hurt Salve and Cream. For those angry, upset, butt-hurt liberal snowflakes. MAGA!.. Can I put this on a t-shirt?

Anything to avoid admitting that Xiden is a monumental disaster huh?

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
They were beaten and they went home...left the field of battle...they were out of the game....Joe gave them a every scumbag terrorist will stream into TDS morons sound so silly that I'm wondering if you have any schooling what so ever....
IsisK whatever the fuck that is...have been growing in Afghanistan since the day Joe was sworn in...this is why his generals warned him to not pull out....but good ol Joe knows better...come on man.....
They were beaten and they went home...left the field of battle...they were out of the game....Joe gave them a every scumbag terrorist will stream into TDS morons sound so silly that I'm wondering if you have any schooling what so ever....
Not quite true!
The generals advised him to pull out. one agreed with Joe...he is stubborn...don't you remember him in the senate?...he gets his low IQ mind set and you can't budge him.....its being leaked that Joe made this call all alone....and you voted for does that Marine blood wash off?...not easy I bet.....

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
As usual the moron [ Biden ] doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.

At the time he did. They ceased to be a threat and were held in check. But once he left office then they weren't held in check anymore and rose again.

You can't truly destroy an idea and that's what isis is, it's an idea.

But Trump did step on them and kept his foot down.

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
Are you stupid or something?
You have any idea how large ISIS was in the 2010's??
To this day they are a fraction of what they once was.
The entire world body rose against them, especially the U.S.
Trump may be exaggerating like he, himself, did it. But there is certainly an element of truth in it.
Tax Man TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
Astrostar The ISIS caliphate grew to it's strongest point during Obozo's tenure. Under Trump they were driven back under the rocks they came from. Now with Obozo's sidekick as President, ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Tollybon is seeing the strongest resurgence ever and now they have 80 billion dollars worth of military equipment and weaponry. If you didn't understand any of that, I can simplify it for you.

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
All Trump had to do to destroy ISIS was stop funding them, stop training them, and stop arming them like Obama did.
Course when Trump attacked ISIS he never warned them....he just did it......and the media attacked Trump every time he killed one of them.
Biden let thousands of them out of the prisons at Bagram when he abandoned the air base.
Western media has it all wrong as usual.
Actually, the group fighting in Afghanistan isn't the ISIS organization of a few years ago. ISIS was all about Iraq and Syria

The correct name for the new group is IS-K.
IS-K is focused on a different area of the Middle East
The "K" stands for Khorasan.
Look it up if you are interested. ... :cool:
You mean the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?

Cuz I'm pretty sure that's what ISIS stands for.

Is Afghanistan in Iraq or Syria?


Glad we cleared this up....
I recall how the communist democrats said that instead of wiping isis out in Syria, Trump's plan was abandoning the Kurds to certain death.

As usual the moron doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Just like a "stolen election," he propagates one lie after another.
Trump took away the territory they claimed. No one can stop Islamic terrorism as long as Islam exists. You are a know-nothing idiot. Please stop posting.
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