Trump destroyed the 2 political dynasties in one year.


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
In the rep primaries he destroyed the Bush dynasty even though bush spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the rep elite. Last night he ended the Clinton dynasty. Now both parties are free from both of them.
In the rep primaries he destroyed the Bush dynasty even though bush spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the rep elite. Last night he ended the Clinton dynasty. Now both parties are free from both of them.
Yeah, that's one of the untold stories here. The Bush dynasty and Clinton dynasties were talked about as multigenerational dynasties possibly. I know folks that expect that we'd see Bushes and Clintons for at least the next few elections. They're both out now.

Ok, one caveat: The Clinton's are definitely done in the DNC. Hillary ran on an entitltement campaign (She deserved this damnit!) when she was rebuffed in 2008 and should have backed off then. There's no way she's welcome in the party in 2020's primary and her influence and Bill's influence won't mean crap after losing this election.

The Bushes? I'm not sure. You'll probably see them again but it will be a long time.
As someone pointed out, it wasn't just Trump - it was us - the American people.

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