Trump did not "avoid" taxes - he followed the law and took a loss

To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.

These people are the most retarded thing on this earth I swear... first they say they are anti-rich, and then care so much about how rich Trump is. Seems like wealth is the most important thing to you guys after all.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If Trump is the genius he claims to be, he needs to release his tax returns and prove it.

The fact he won't release them indicates he is hiding something that even you Chumps won't be able to deny. It is that devastating.
To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.
You want evidence, lets see trumps tax return! Agreed?

That won't prove your claim either way.

But sure, once the business with the IRS is done... I want to see it as well. I am sure the regressives will be all over it again - deliberately misinterpreting things they understand nothing about.
To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.

These people are the most retarded thing on this earth I swear... first they say they are anti-rich, and then care so much about how rich Trump is. Seems like wealth is the most important thing to you guys after all.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If Trump is the genius he claims to be, he needs to release his tax returns and prove it.

The fact he won't release them indicates he is hiding something that even you Chumps won't be able to deny. It is that devastating.

Here is a bit of evidence:

To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.
You want evidence, lets see trumps tax return! Agreed?

That won't prove your claim either way.

But sure, once the business with the IRS is done... I want to see it as well. I am sure the regressives will be all over it again - deliberately misinterpreting things they understand nothing about.
Is that the current excuse for Trump not making his tax returns available? When if ever will you finally believe that he is nothing but a scam artist
I recall posts from Hillary sycophants attempting to make the case that she did nothing wrong because she has not been convicted of a crime. Using their standard, Trump's as clean as she is.
In the situation described by Sheppard, the S Corporation's massive business losses would have passed through to Trump as personal losses. The offsetting debt forgiveness enjoyed by the S Corporation would not have passed through to Trump as taxable personal income because it was excluded from the S Corporation's taxable income. In total, Trump would have harvested a huge loss that exceeded his initial investment in and prior profits from the S Corporation.


Here's the best theory we've seen of how Trump paid so little tax

If you torture the data, it will confess... out of 500 businesses 4 bankruptcies, a failure rate of under 1% (compared to the average of 85%).

What a moron this guy is... no not Trump, the poster. Do you not understand, claiming that Trump, a billionaire, is unsuccessful, is really, really dumb?
Trump did not own or build 500 businesses.

Not even close.

Sorry. Try again.

He has had 500 businesses...

And whatever, the point still stands, it didn't matter if he had 5 businesses... he's a billionaire in top #300, get over it, loser.
Just wondering how YOU know for sure that he is a billionaire?

Nothing is for certain, but according to all official estimates he is... That for sure beats your retarded rhetoric.

It's amusing how all the sudden regressive Anti-Trumpers care so much whether a guy is a billionaire or not... yet they vote for much poorer Hillary.
People care about his wealth because without it he has absolutely no qualifications for office.
Another tax bombshell: Daddy Trump had to set up $38 million slush fund to bail Donald out prior...
Source: RawStory/Newsweek

Another tax bombshell: Daddy Trump had to set up $38 million slush fund to bail Donald out prior to 1980

According to the latest bombshell report from Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald, the recent report from the New York Times that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump took a massive financial hit in 1995 was not his first brush with business failure.

Over the weekend, the New York Times was able to obtain tax documents showing Trump took a $915 million loss in 1995, which would have allowed him to possibly avoid paying income taxes for 18 years.

According to Eichenwald, at the same time that Trump and his surrogates are attempting to spin those losses as an example of Trump’s “genius,” documents show Trump had to be bailed out years earlier by his father who was forced to set up a $35 million credit line for his son at Chase Manhattan Bank.

Based upon files found at Division of Gaming Enforcement for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Trump applied for a gaming license in 1980 which led to a state investigation into his background.


Read more: Another tax bombshell: Daddy Trump had to set up $38 million slush fund to bail Donald out prior to 1980
To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.

These people are the most retarded thing on this earth I swear... first they say they are anti-rich, and then care so much about how rich Trump is. Seems like wealth is the most important thing to you guys after all.
Wealth is a measure of success, at least in the minds of some people. So in their mind, a wealthy businessman would make a good president because he has some insight into governing.
To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.
You want evidence, lets see trumps tax return! Agreed?
I doubt, you will ever see Trump release his tax returns because he has too much to lose and I don't mean the presidency. From his tax returns, people will be able to determine who put's the money up for his business ventures and how successful they are. Trump has carefully guarded his financial records by keeping his business private. He releases only what benefits the Trump name and as he has said, the Trump brand is his most valuable asset.

The Wall Street Journal has speculated that he might release just his 2015 return as an October surprise, in late October thus not giving the Clinton camp a chance to respond.
To paraphrase someone else, "Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple!"

To paraphrase someone...

You once again have only rhetoric, no evidence, so STFU.

These people are the most retarded thing on this earth I swear... first they say they are anti-rich, and then care so much about how rich Trump is. Seems like wealth is the most important thing to you guys after all.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If Trump is the genius he claims to be, he needs to release his tax returns and prove it.

The fact he won't release them indicates he is hiding something that even you Chumps won't be able to deny. It is that devastating.

Here is a bit of evidence:

When you see a Trump building, it may not be what you think. Trump sells the property and licenses his name. He also licenses his name to other developers.
The spin on this is just breathtaking.

If you lose money.... drumroll.... you do not owe taxes... instead you get a WRITE-OFF on future earnings...

Perfectly legal and in no need of "fixing."

Yep- Trump managed to lose almost almost 1,000,000,000 dollars.

Did he take write offs on future earnings?

We don't know- because Trump doesn't want Americans to see his tax returns.

We know how much Clinton paid, and how much she deducted because her taxes are transparent.

Tricky Trump doesn't want us to see his tax returns- Tricky Trump less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Trump wants us to buy a pig in the poke.

And Hillary when she was in charge of the U.S. State Department Lost $6 Billion
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report
The spin on this is just breathtaking.

If you lose money.... drumroll.... you do not owe taxes... instead you get a WRITE-OFF on future earnings...

Perfectly legal and in no need of "fixing."

Yep- Trump managed to lose almost almost 1,000,000,000 dollars.

Did he take write offs on future earnings?

We don't know- because Trump doesn't want Americans to see his tax returns.

We know how much Clinton paid, and how much she deducted because her taxes are transparent.

Tricky Trump doesn't want us to see his tax returns- Tricky Trump less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Trump wants us to buy a pig in the poke.

And Hillary when she was in charge of the U.S. State Department Lost $6 Billion
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report
More anti-Hillary bullshit from the right. The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced." The alert said that failure to adequately maintain contract files created financial risk. What the Washington Times did not report was there were no lost contracts.
Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?
The spin on this is just breathtaking.

If you lose money.... drumroll.... you do not owe taxes... instead you get a WRITE-OFF on future earnings...

Perfectly legal and in no need of "fixing."

Yep- Trump managed to lose almost almost 1,000,000,000 dollars.

Did he take write offs on future earnings?

We don't know- because Trump doesn't want Americans to see his tax returns.

We know how much Clinton paid, and how much she deducted because her taxes are transparent.

Tricky Trump doesn't want us to see his tax returns- Tricky Trump less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Trump wants us to buy a pig in the poke.

And Hillary when she was in charge of the U.S. State Department Lost $6 Billion
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report
More anti-Hillary bullshit from the right. The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced." The alert said that failure to adequately maintain contract files created financial risk. What the Washington Times did not report was there were no lost contracts.
Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?
Really still quoting Snopes?
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
Conservative apologists for Trump are truly pathetic.
As opposed to the hysterical shrieking anti-Trump mobs?
I recall posts from Hillary sycophants attempting to make the case that she did nothing wrong because she has not been convicted of a crime. Using their standard, Trump's as clean as she is.
He might just be if he had released his tax returns as Hillary did
No, using that standard he absolutely is.
The spin on this is just breathtaking.

If you lose money.... drumroll.... you do not owe taxes... instead you get a WRITE-OFF on future earnings...

Perfectly legal and in no need of "fixing."

Yep- Trump managed to lose almost almost 1,000,000,000 dollars.

Did he take write offs on future earnings?

We don't know- because Trump doesn't want Americans to see his tax returns.

We know how much Clinton paid, and how much she deducted because her taxes are transparent.

Tricky Trump doesn't want us to see his tax returns- Tricky Trump less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Trump wants us to buy a pig in the poke.

And Hillary when she was in charge of the U.S. State Department Lost $6 Billion
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report
More anti-Hillary bullshit from the right. The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced." The alert said that failure to adequately maintain contract files created financial risk. What the Washington Times did not report was there were no lost contracts.
Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?
Really still quoting Snopes?
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
Do you enjoy using an internet blogger as your source of "facts"?
The spin on this is just breathtaking.

If you lose money.... drumroll.... you do not owe taxes... instead you get a WRITE-OFF on future earnings...

Perfectly legal and in no need of "fixing."

Yep- Trump managed to lose almost almost 1,000,000,000 dollars.

Did he take write offs on future earnings?

We don't know- because Trump doesn't want Americans to see his tax returns.

We know how much Clinton paid, and how much she deducted because her taxes are transparent.

Tricky Trump doesn't want us to see his tax returns- Tricky Trump less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Trump wants us to buy a pig in the poke.

And Hillary when she was in charge of the U.S. State Department Lost $6 Billion
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report
More anti-Hillary bullshit from the right. The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced." The alert said that failure to adequately maintain contract files created financial risk. What the Washington Times did not report was there were no lost contracts.
Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?
Really still quoting Snopes?
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind
Maybe you should look into your source. The Angry Patriot is a hyper-partisan right wing website that publishes articles gleamed from Twitter and other websites. Articles are anonymous as is the website operators.

The web site is (and always has been) a completely independent, self-sufficient entity wholly owned by its operators and funded through advertising revenues. Neither the site nor its operators has ever received monies from (or been engaged in any business or editorial relationship with), any sponsor, investor, partner, political party, religious group, business organization, government agency, or any other outside group or organization.

David Mikkelson's participation in U.S. politics has never extended beyond periodically exercising his civic duty at the ballot box.
As FactCheck confirmed in April 2009, David is a registered independent who has never donated to, or worked on behalf of, any political campaign or party. David is wholly apolitical, vastly preferring his quiet scholarly life in the company of his cats and chickens to any political considerations.


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