trump Did Not Hesitate to Call BLM Terrorists ...But He Has With White Supremacists

Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

Well, Your inability to see the forest because of the trees is awesome..... OR is it some thing else?

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG

Your own link disproves your premise... My gawd you people are such hacks..
Last edited:
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

Seriously----------no brains? None?

White Supremists haven't been burning down the city and attacking people------BLACK lives, the communists, and anarchists have. Really seems the REPORT missed the glaringly obvious.
11,000 protests. 93 percent were peaceful. That's 10,230 peaceful protests, 770 violent. Out of that 770, more than 500 were violent incidents caused by white supremacists. That leaves 270 for BLM/ANTIFA.. 500/770 is 65 percent, which means that 65 percent of the violence was done by white supremacists. The report missed nothing.

Where are you getting these numbers??? In particular, the 500 incidents being caused by white supremacists?
Groups are recording these activities and databases exist.

Typical and predictable..... you feel entitled to provide no validation from a third party source that is credible to Back your numbers up. With references to “groups” as your source is specious at best.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples

The Poor Boys were negated in Portland by the local Antifa that were armed as well as they were. It could have gotten bloody really fast. But when the Poor Boys are met with equal force, the back down.

Here is one.

Here is another one. But the Proud Boys are NOT White Supremists even though many of their views parrellel them. But they are violent. And this was NOT during the Proud Boys march either. IT was before.

And here is more.

You will notice the Proud Boys didn't bring their weapons to Colorado. They would have been outgunned. Every place the Poor Boys go now, the Cops ring them in. But they have been misiD'd as White Nationals. They are actually Rumps Black Shirts.

They show up to stop the rioters aka democrats from burning down black businesses, they show up to stop people from kicking blacks like Candace Owens out of restaurants, they show up to stop attempted murder on Andy ngo, they show up to allow all sides to be able to protest peacefully.. And if you step up you’re going to get your ass kicked... not sure who’s against that why don’t Democrats allow people to speak freely you won’t have the proud boys. If you stop shining lasers in cops faces you won’t have the proud boys

Really now. The Portland Antifa was created in 2007 and is not connected with any other group except community non profits but they are there to keep the Proud Boys from killing people. It's gotten so bad now that the Cops are having to completely ring the Proud Boys now to prevent anyone from mixing with them. There are 5 of them doing a few years in PRison for severely beating peaceful protesters in NY and Oregon. Considering there are, maybe, 200 Proud Boys, that's not a good number. One of the Proud Boys tried to go around spraying everyone with pepper spray and he was shot and killed last night. Yes, the shooter was a BLM but an armed BLM and will spend time for Manslaughter cut and dried. Your Proud Boys are not being met with force and are slinking out of various cities now. The Locals aren't tolerating them anymore. You have to be pretty damned stupid to be willy nilly pepper spraying people and not expect to be shot in Colorado. The Blue has more guns than the Red does.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples
I think one more should do it. The Leader claims it's just a bunch of guys that meet once a month and drink beer. Yah, right.

Do you understand the Democrats are doing what these two guys did every day in Portland and I’m not getting arrested so you’re basically bragging that there is no equal justice under the law. Lol This is not gonna work out for you

So it's just the Blacks. Funny, when I see the newsclips, I see more white faces doing the looting and rioting than black faces.
  • Thanks
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Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

what "far lesser threat"?
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples
I think one more should do it. The Leader claims it's just a bunch of guys that meet once a month and drink beer. Yah, right.

Do you understand the Democrats are doing what these two guys did every day in Portland and I’m not getting arrested so you’re basically bragging that there is no equal justice under the law. Lol This is not gonna work out for you

So it's just the Blacks. Funny, when I see the newsclips, I see more white faces doing the looting and rioting than black faces.

you should come to my neighborhood and watch the LOCAL NEWS
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples
I think one more should do it. The Leader claims it's just a bunch of guys that meet once a month and drink beer. Yah, right.

Do you understand the Democrats are doing what these two guys did every day in Portland and I’m not getting arrested so you’re basically bragging that there is no equal justice under the law. Lol This is not gonna work out for you

So it's just the Blacks. Funny, when I see the newsclips, I see more white faces doing the looting and rioting than black faces.

Stop watching Russian tv
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples
I think one more should do it. The Leader claims it's just a bunch of guys that meet once a month and drink beer. Yah, right.

Do you understand the Democrats are doing what these two guys did every day in Portland and I’m not getting arrested so you’re basically bragging that there is no equal justice under the law. Lol This is not gonna work out for you

So it's just the Blacks. Funny, when I see the newsclips, I see more white faces doing the looting and rioting than black faces.

you should come to my neighborhood and watch the LOCAL NEWS

I refuse to give up living in a Civilized World.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
They burn the city down, then tell the citizens to give them money to help rebuild it.

Too funny.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples

The Poor Boys were negated in Portland by the local Antifa that were armed as well as they were. It could have gotten bloody really fast. But when the Poor Boys are met with equal force, the back down.

Here is one.

Here is another one. But the Proud Boys are NOT White Supremists even though many of their views parrellel them. But they are violent. And this was NOT during the Proud Boys march either. IT was before.

And here is more.

You will notice the Proud Boys didn't bring their weapons to Colorado. They would have been outgunned. Every place the Poor Boys go now, the Cops ring them in. But they have been misiD'd as White Nationals. They are actually Rumps Black Shirts.

They show up to stop the rioters aka democrats from burning down black businesses, they show up to stop people from kicking blacks like Candace Owens out of restaurants, they show up to stop attempted murder on Andy ngo, they show up to allow all sides to be able to protest peacefully.. And if you step up you’re going to get your ass kicked... not sure who’s against that why don’t Democrats allow people to speak freely you won’t have the proud boys. If you stop shining lasers in cops faces you won’t have the proud boys

Really now. The Portland Antifa was created in 2007 and is not connected with any other group except community non profits but they are there to keep the Proud Boys from killing people. It's gotten so bad now that the Cops are having to completely ring the Proud Boys now to prevent anyone from mixing with them. There are 5 of them doing a few years in PRison for severely beating peaceful protesters in NY and Oregon. Considering there are, maybe, 200 Proud Boys, that's not a good number. One of the Proud Boys tried to go around spraying everyone with pepper spray and he was shot and killed last night. Yes, the shooter was a BLM but an armed BLM and will spend time for Manslaughter cut and dried. Your Proud Boys are not being met with force and are slinking out of various cities now. The Locals aren't tolerating them anymore. You have to be pretty damned stupid to be willy nilly pepper spraying people and not expect to be shot in Colorado. The Blue has more guns than the Red does.

Proud boys only beat people who attack them. Antifa is pretty pissed that they are much weaker than the proud boys.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
That is complete bullshit and you know it....there is no fucking way you are a republican
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
They burn the city down, then tell the citizens to give them money to help rebuild it.

Too funny.
and it's DENIED......don't encourage people to burn down your stupid can you be?
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples

The Poor Boys were negated in Portland by the local Antifa that were armed as well as they were. It could have gotten bloody really fast. But when the Poor Boys are met with equal force, the back down.

Here is one.

Here is another one. But the Proud Boys are NOT White Supremists even though many of their views parrellel them. But they are violent. And this was NOT during the Proud Boys march either. IT was before.

And here is more.

You will notice the Proud Boys didn't bring their weapons to Colorado. They would have been outgunned. Every place the Poor Boys go now, the Cops ring them in. But they have been misiD'd as White Nationals. They are actually Rumps Black Shirts.

They show up to stop the rioters aka democrats from burning down black businesses, they show up to stop people from kicking blacks like Candace Owens out of restaurants, they show up to stop attempted murder on Andy ngo, they show up to allow all sides to be able to protest peacefully.. And if you step up you’re going to get your ass kicked... not sure who’s against that why don’t Democrats allow people to speak freely you won’t have the proud boys. If you stop shining lasers in cops faces you won’t have the proud boys

Really now. The Portland Antifa was created in 2007 and is not connected with any other group except community non profits but they are there to keep the Proud Boys from killing people. It's gotten so bad now that the Cops are having to completely ring the Proud Boys now to prevent anyone from mixing with them. There are 5 of them doing a few years in PRison for severely beating peaceful protesters in NY and Oregon. Considering there are, maybe, 200 Proud Boys, that's not a good number. One of the Proud Boys tried to go around spraying everyone with pepper spray and he was shot and killed last night. Yes, the shooter was a BLM but an armed BLM and will spend time for Manslaughter cut and dried. Your Proud Boys are not being met with force and are slinking out of various cities now. The Locals aren't tolerating them anymore. You have to be pretty damned stupid to be willy nilly pepper spraying people and not expect to be shot in Colorado. The Blue has more guns than the Red does.

Proud boys only beat people who attack them. Antifa is pretty pissed that they are much weaker than the proud boys.

Didn't work out that way in the past few days in Portland and Denver. In Portland, the slinked out of town and in Denver, some Proud Boy was running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray until a BLM shot him dead. The BLM was a local, well armed and is now facing Manslaughter charges and probably a 2 to 7 year prison stint. But the Proud Boys aren't so proud after that.

I don't condone the shooting but if that idiot Proud Boy, last night in Denver, should have been running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray. While he didn't deserve to die, he at least deserved a nice ass kicking. And if you don't think there are a bunch of Outdoor Types that are BLM running around in Colorado, you are taking your life in your own hands. Once again, the Proud Boys slinked out of town.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
That is complete bullshit and you know it....there is no fucking way you are a republican

I suggest you read the Plank from 1956 for the Republicans. Then you will know why I know YOU aren't a republican, Fascist.

Republican Party Platform of 1956
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

What do I win?

The only Antifa organization that's been found is a local group in Portland that is there to protect the citizens. And when the fires all die down, they will raise money and volunteer to help rebuild those businesses.
That is complete bullshit and you know it....there is no fucking way you are a republican

I suggest you read the Plank from 1956 for the Republicans. Then you will know why I know YOU aren't a republican, Fascist.

Republican Party Platform of 1956
Oh God, another one of you. I was a republican until 1958.....spare me

Just tell me what YOU believe, then we can find out when you switched.
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples

The Poor Boys were negated in Portland by the local Antifa that were armed as well as they were. It could have gotten bloody really fast. But when the Poor Boys are met with equal force, the back down.

Here is one.

Here is another one. But the Proud Boys are NOT White Supremists even though many of their views parrellel them. But they are violent. And this was NOT during the Proud Boys march either. IT was before.

And here is more.

You will notice the Proud Boys didn't bring their weapons to Colorado. They would have been outgunned. Every place the Poor Boys go now, the Cops ring them in. But they have been misiD'd as White Nationals. They are actually Rumps Black Shirts.

They show up to stop the rioters aka democrats from burning down black businesses, they show up to stop people from kicking blacks like Candace Owens out of restaurants, they show up to stop attempted murder on Andy ngo, they show up to allow all sides to be able to protest peacefully.. And if you step up you’re going to get your ass kicked... not sure who’s against that why don’t Democrats allow people to speak freely you won’t have the proud boys. If you stop shining lasers in cops faces you won’t have the proud boys

Really now. The Portland Antifa was created in 2007 and is not connected with any other group except community non profits but they are there to keep the Proud Boys from killing people. It's gotten so bad now that the Cops are having to completely ring the Proud Boys now to prevent anyone from mixing with them. There are 5 of them doing a few years in PRison for severely beating peaceful protesters in NY and Oregon. Considering there are, maybe, 200 Proud Boys, that's not a good number. One of the Proud Boys tried to go around spraying everyone with pepper spray and he was shot and killed last night. Yes, the shooter was a BLM but an armed BLM and will spend time for Manslaughter cut and dried. Your Proud Boys are not being met with force and are slinking out of various cities now. The Locals aren't tolerating them anymore. You have to be pretty damned stupid to be willy nilly pepper spraying people and not expect to be shot in Colorado. The Blue has more guns than the Red does.

Proud boys only beat people who attack them. Antifa is pretty pissed that they are much weaker than the proud boys.

Didn't work out that way in the past few days in Portland and Denver. In Portland, the slinked out of town and in Denver, some Proud Boy was running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray until a BLM shot him dead. The BLM was a local, well armed and is now facing Manslaughter charges and probably a 2 to 7 year prison stint. But the Proud Boys aren't so proud after that.

I don't condone the shooting but if that idiot Proud Boy, last night in Denver, should have been running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray. While he didn't deserve to die, he at least deserved a nice ass kicking. And if you don't think there are a bunch of Outdoor Types that are BLM running around in Colorado, you are taking your life in your own hands. Once again, the Proud Boys slinked out of town.

Lol proud boys derangement
Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

He asked who are the white supremacists who are they give us some names? Proud boys is run by a black man

Proud Boys are not White Supremists. They are extreme right wing Militants. And there really isn't any difference. They were created in 2016 to be Rumps Black Shirts and have been operating that way ever since. They should be labeled Domestic Terrorists as much as White Nationalists.
Extreme? Domestic terrorist?? Do you have some examples

The Poor Boys were negated in Portland by the local Antifa that were armed as well as they were. It could have gotten bloody really fast. But when the Poor Boys are met with equal force, the back down.

Here is one.

Here is another one. But the Proud Boys are NOT White Supremists even though many of their views parrellel them. But they are violent. And this was NOT during the Proud Boys march either. IT was before.

And here is more.

You will notice the Proud Boys didn't bring their weapons to Colorado. They would have been outgunned. Every place the Poor Boys go now, the Cops ring them in. But they have been misiD'd as White Nationals. They are actually Rumps Black Shirts.

They show up to stop the rioters aka democrats from burning down black businesses, they show up to stop people from kicking blacks like Candace Owens out of restaurants, they show up to stop attempted murder on Andy ngo, they show up to allow all sides to be able to protest peacefully.. And if you step up you’re going to get your ass kicked... not sure who’s against that why don’t Democrats allow people to speak freely you won’t have the proud boys. If you stop shining lasers in cops faces you won’t have the proud boys

Really now. The Portland Antifa was created in 2007 and is not connected with any other group except community non profits but they are there to keep the Proud Boys from killing people. It's gotten so bad now that the Cops are having to completely ring the Proud Boys now to prevent anyone from mixing with them. There are 5 of them doing a few years in PRison for severely beating peaceful protesters in NY and Oregon. Considering there are, maybe, 200 Proud Boys, that's not a good number. One of the Proud Boys tried to go around spraying everyone with pepper spray and he was shot and killed last night. Yes, the shooter was a BLM but an armed BLM and will spend time for Manslaughter cut and dried. Your Proud Boys are not being met with force and are slinking out of various cities now. The Locals aren't tolerating them anymore. You have to be pretty damned stupid to be willy nilly pepper spraying people and not expect to be shot in Colorado. The Blue has more guns than the Red does.

Proud boys only beat people who attack them. Antifa is pretty pissed that they are much weaker than the proud boys.

Didn't work out that way in the past few days in Portland and Denver. In Portland, the slinked out of town and in Denver, some Proud Boy was running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray until a BLM shot him dead. The BLM was a local, well armed and is now facing Manslaughter charges and probably a 2 to 7 year prison stint. But the Proud Boys aren't so proud after that.

I don't condone the shooting but if that idiot Proud Boy, last night in Denver, should have been running around shooting everyone with Pepper Spray. While he didn't deserve to die, he at least deserved a nice ass kicking. And if you don't think there are a bunch of Outdoor Types that are BLM running around in Colorado, you are taking your life in your own hands. Once again, the Proud Boys slinked out of town.

Lol proud boys derangement

Hey, what can I say, Rump is losing his Black Shirts.
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Homeland Security completed this report months ago.. Funny how this information is withheld while trump runs his mouth about a far lesser threat.

Delayed Homeland Security Report Warns of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy

An annual assessment that a whistle-blower said was withheld for months did not hold back on the threat from violent extremists and tagged Russia as the primary source of disinformation.

The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump.

The report also warns that extremist groups could be inspired to attack because of restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We also remain particularly concerned about the impacts from Covid-19, where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach,” the report said.

But isn't there good people on both sides :suck:


but also in that statement, he stated he wasn't referring to White Supremacists and Antifa when he said that.

Amazing how people repeat the soundbite, and not the entire quote, isn't it?
The fact he was there defending people protesting against the removal of a confederate symbol says more than anything.
View attachment 400064
You do know that blacks confederate soldiers mainly worked as union spies. And you should also know that sellouts and uncle toms have always existed.

That photo is such a horrible altered photoshop job a photoshop 101 student can spot it from a mile away.

I'm not a photoshop 101 student. I'm the teacher. I have been using Photoshop since it's first version in the 1980s.

That is not a real shot. Notice the hands have gloves on them. Which is ridiculous.

Notice his left hand has an elongated "glove" which isn't a glove at all. It's just "filled in" using the "eyedropper" tool to copy the color and texture of the glove on the other hand then painted or "filled in" on his left hand.

I can go into the angles of how the black man's image is pasted on top of the original layer and all the horrible technical blunders of that horrible altered photoshop job of an image but there are just too many to list.

It's not real. It's a fake. A lie.

A very bad one too.

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