Trump Didn't Call Pence To See If He Was Ok -- During Insurrection

Pense was a traitor. At the end of the day a creature of the Swamp.

He could have insisted that the EC ballots in the contested states be sent back for a real audit but he didn't.

Instead he bent the knee to his new Communists master. Just like those jackasses in the cowardly Supreme Court that said they chickenshitted out because they didn't want to cause riots.

Piss on him and all the other RINO traitors.
No he couldn’t have done that. It wasn’t in his authority per the constitution. Only an authoritarian dictator would push for such nonsense. You going commie now or what?!
I don't think Pence cares, he took a stand and Trump didn't like it, now Pence has another chance to do the right thing.
Pence never did the right thing. He knew that some states had sent alternative electors. He knew the elections were disputed in six states. The PA legislature sent him a letter to delay certification of their electors. He ignored those other slates and did not do the right thing.

The right thing would have been to contact those legislatures and ask them to make sure their elections were legitimate. In other words give the legislatures the power they have to deal with a fraudulent election and make the final decision about the electors, not the decision of the governor.
According to the Constitution..Remember that document?...Pence had ONE duty.

Report the count of state certified electors.
That was his only duty. His only power.
You are ignorant of what the Constitution says on the matter.

He also said that Vice President Pence violated the Constitution on December 23, by not sending a letter to those states, demanding that they correct the fraud. As National File reported, US Code actually prohibited Pence from accepting electoral votes from fraudulently certified states. Additionally, Raiklin said that Pence violated the Constitution a second time on January 6 by “not setting up an environment to correct the fraudulently certified electoral slates from these six contested states.”
No you are....

"The Constitution instructs that electoral votes must be sent to the president of the Senate – who is the sitting vice president of the United Statesand that the Senate president must "open all the certificates" in the presence of both houses.[19] However, the sitting vice president is sometimes a candidate for president in the election, is often a candidate for re-election to the vice presidency, and is almost always a partisan with a keen interest in the outcome. Recognizing this, one key purpose of the Electoral Count Act's procedural provisions is "to drain away as much power as possible from the Senate president, whom the [law] appoints to preside at the joint session when Congress counts the votes."
No. I am not wrong. You go right ahead and shut up and obey, but stop fucking lying. There was massive fraud and the worst cover up ever and you stupid assholes are falling for it and are full of hate and all around just very toxic people.
Find the section in the Electoral Count Act that says a VP can reject state electors and appoint himself the winner??

I'll wait while you can't
Thomas Jefferson did it when he was vice president.
How many days did the siege last?
1 why? Are you trying to make it seem like it was not a big deal?
That is exactly what he is saying........

I wonder if these folks asked how many days was Benghazi under siege -- or over how many days did 9/11 take place
The crap these trolls try and fling out as gotchya arguments cracks me up.
Do you think it is funny how the side you are on got this power? Violence all summer long. Negative stories and rumors about Trump daily. Race baiting. Voter fraud and censorship. So, fuck you.
I don't think Pence cares, he took a stand and Trump didn't like it, now Pence has another chance to do the right thing.
Pence never did the right thing. He knew that some states had sent alternative electors. He knew the elections were disputed in six states. The PA legislature sent him a letter to delay certification of their electors. He ignored those other slates and did not do the right thing.

The right thing would have been to contact those legislatures and ask them to make sure their elections were legitimate. In other words give the legislatures the power they have to deal with a fraudulent election and make the final decision about the electors, not the decision of the governor.
According to the Constitution..Remember that document?...Pence had ONE duty.

Report the count of state certified electors.
That was his only duty. His only power.
You are ignorant of what the Constitution says on the matter.

He also said that Vice President Pence violated the Constitution on December 23, by not sending a letter to those states, demanding that they correct the fraud. As National File reported, US Code actually prohibited Pence from accepting electoral votes from fraudulently certified states. Additionally, Raiklin said that Pence violated the Constitution a second time on January 6 by “not setting up an environment to correct the fraudulently certified electoral slates from these six contested states.”
No you are....

"The Constitution instructs that electoral votes must be sent to the president of the Senate – who is the sitting vice president of the United Statesand that the Senate president must "open all the certificates" in the presence of both houses.[19] However, the sitting vice president is sometimes a candidate for president in the election, is often a candidate for re-election to the vice presidency, and is almost always a partisan with a keen interest in the outcome. Recognizing this, one key purpose of the Electoral Count Act's procedural provisions is "to drain away as much power as possible from the Senate president, whom the [law] appoints to preside at the joint session when Congress counts the votes."
No. I am not wrong. You go right ahead and shut up and obey, but stop fucking lying. There was massive fraud and the worst cover up ever and you stupid assholes are falling for it and are full of hate and all around just very toxic people.
Find the section in the Electoral Count Act that says a VP can reject state electors and appoint himself the winner??

I'll wait while you can't
Thomas Jefferson did it when he was vice president.
So in other words, you didn't read the Electoral Count Act of 1887....

In case you were unaware -- it came much later after Jefferson was Vice President...

Among other breaking constitutional news stories, brace yourself -- you may be bummed to find out that black people are no longer 3/5ths a person -- and they can vote too....
How many days did the siege last?
1 why? Are you trying to make it seem like it was not a big deal?
That is exactly what he is saying........

I wonder if these folks asked how many days was Benghazi under siege -- or over how many days did 9/11 take place
The crap these trolls try and fling out as gotchya arguments cracks me up.
Do you think it is funny how the side you are on got this power? Violence all summer long. Negative stories and rumors about Trump daily. Race baiting. Voter fraud and censorship. So, fuck you.
I don’t think there is anything funny. I laugh in disgust of how pathetic the discourse has gotten in this country. This poster just tried to make the point that the capital siege only lasted 1 day somehow making it not a bog deal. Come on man. Is that really supposed to mean something
How many days did the siege last?
1 why? Are you trying to make it seem like it was not a big deal?
That is exactly what he is saying........

I wonder if these folks asked how many days was Benghazi under siege -- or over how many days did 9/11 take place
The crap these trolls try and fling out as gotchya arguments cracks me up.
Do you think it is funny how the side you are on got this power? Violence all summer long. Negative stories and rumors about Trump daily. Race baiting. Voter fraud and censorship. So, fuck you.

To these stupid uneducated low IQ low information Moon Bats Negroes and Communists burning down cities, rioting, looting, destroying everything in sight and killing is no big deal.

However, after being invited in by the Capitol Police if you overturn a hall bench or sit at somebody's desk you are a national threat to the Security of the United States.
How many days did the siege last?
1 why? Are you trying to make it seem like it was not a big deal?
That is exactly what he is saying........

I wonder if these folks asked how many days was Benghazi under siege -- or over how many days did 9/11 take place
The crap these trolls try and fling out as gotchya arguments cracks me up.
Do you think it is funny how the side you are on got this power? Violence all summer long. Negative stories and rumors about Trump daily. Race baiting. Voter fraud and censorship. So, fuck you.

To these stupid uneducated low IQ low information Moon Bats Negroes and Communists burning down cities, rioting, looting, destroying everything in sight and killing is no big deal.

However, after being invited in by the Capitol Police if you overturn a hall bench or sit at somebody's desk you are a national threat to the Security of the United States.
Oh much more happened than that. Cop was killed by a fire hydrant to the head. Don’t be an asshole and act like these dipshits were just taking a tour. And I’d hold off calling others commies if I were you. Especially when you’re advocating executive override of a democratically held election
I don't think Pence cares, he took a stand and Trump didn't like it, now Pence has another chance to do the right thing.
Pence never did the right thing. He knew that some states had sent alternative electors. He knew the elections were disputed in six states. The PA legislature sent him a letter to delay certification of their electors. He ignored those other slates and did not do the right thing.

The right thing would have been to contact those legislatures and ask them to make sure their elections were legitimate. In other words give the legislatures the power they have to deal with a fraudulent election and make the final decision about the electors, not the decision of the governor.
According to the Constitution..Remember that document?...Pence had ONE duty.

Report the count of state certified electors.
That was his only duty. His only power.
You are ignorant of what the Constitution says on the matter.

He also said that Vice President Pence violated the Constitution on December 23, by not sending a letter to those states, demanding that they correct the fraud. As National File reported, US Code actually prohibited Pence from accepting electoral votes from fraudulently certified states. Additionally, Raiklin said that Pence violated the Constitution a second time on January 6 by “not setting up an environment to correct the fraudulently certified electoral slates from these six contested states.”
No you are....

"The Constitution instructs that electoral votes must be sent to the president of the Senate – who is the sitting vice president of the United Statesand that the Senate president must "open all the certificates" in the presence of both houses.[19] However, the sitting vice president is sometimes a candidate for president in the election, is often a candidate for re-election to the vice presidency, and is almost always a partisan with a keen interest in the outcome. Recognizing this, one key purpose of the Electoral Count Act's procedural provisions is "to drain away as much power as possible from the Senate president, whom the [law] appoints to preside at the joint session when Congress counts the votes."
No. I am not wrong. You go right ahead and shut up and obey, but stop fucking lying. There was massive fraud and the worst cover up ever and you stupid assholes are falling for it and are full of hate and all around just very toxic people.
Find the section in the Electoral Count Act that says a VP can reject state electors and appoint himself the winner??

I'll wait while you can't
Thomas Jefferson did it when he was vice president.
So in other words, you didn't read the Electoral Count Act of 1887....

In case you were unaware -- it came much later after Jefferson was Vice President...

Among other breaking constitutional news stories, brace yourself -- you may be bummed to find out that black people are no longer 3/5ths a person -- and they can vote too....
In 1887 they set up a commission to investigate fraud. Cruz suggested the same thing. If there was no fraud why would Congress refuse to see if the election was legitimate? They knew 39% of the people thought the election was stolen. It should have been done. You know why it was not and why you condone an illegal election is beyond me and any other real American. You are a shell devoid of any American characteristics.
Trump also crossed the DMZ into NOKO by himself, because he isnt a cowardly Lib faggot. Maybe he assumes the same of Pence.
China Joe will never be a legitimate President. The cowardice of the Legislature and Court to address the issue of massive Democrat voter fraud will cause disastrous division within the country including the possibility of Civil War when that shithead China Joe tries to promote his filthy agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole.

What Congress should have done was what the Congress did in 1876. Establish a commission to investigate the election. That could have settled the issue and given legitmacy to the winner, even if it was that jackass China Joe. However, the Democrat assholes were too chickenshit to investigate the legitimate claims of massive voter fraud in the Democrat swing districts.

That is sad enough and despicable as it gets but what is even worse is the RINOs bending the knee to the Democrat scum so as not to make waves.
Trump also crossed the DMZ into NOKO by himself, because he isnt a cowardly Lib faggot. Maybe he assumes the same of Pence.
Past presidents didn’t avoid meeting with N Korea because they were scared to go there. What a silly assertion! Haha
And I'll bet neither Pelosi nor AOC called to check on his welfare either even though he is also their President. Imagine that.
Pence is a big boy, no need to check up. Something happened Trump would be first to know.

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