Trump dishonours flag

Bull SHIT. Much blood was shed over that not being the case. Northern Ireland --- the partitioned-off six counties --- are a part of the UK, not the Republic.

It's bad enough you don't know that but Rump not only was in the UK (which he cannot distinguish from "England" which I'm sure is most amusing to Welsh and Scots) when he said that, but he even went further and claimed at the same time that he "owns property" there.

If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.

Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.
Somewhat like the right wing obsession with Obama misspelling and say there are 57 states. How many times have right wingers brought up that gaffe?

But it’s different when your guy does something this egriously stupid isn’t it?

You don't SPELL a number, idiot.

Yep, he misspelled a number in an audio soundbite. Priceless.

Auto correct changed my “misspoke” to “misspell”.

Can’t challenge the statement so you obsess over the spelling.

Auto-correct changed a properly spelled "misspoke" to "misspelled"? Hardly.

It does this shit all the time. Sometimes the word it changes to beats no relation to what I said. Just now I typed “bears” and it appeared in the sentence as “bears” and then it changed to “beats”.

There’s just enough lag time between when I type a word and when it changes, that I think I’ve got it right. Later when I proof read, it’s been changed to some completely out of context word. I’ve tried turning off the spell check but typing on an iPhone is an exercise in frustration at best.

I’m getting a new laptop next month. I look forward to having a keyboard to type with.

It isn't hardware related.
Pogo said:
If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.
"57 States"....Of Who's OWN Country ??
Donald Trump tried to colour the US flag in and got it wrong

And the veterans who fought for it.

Donald Trump has been mocked for colouring in the American flag incorrectly during a visit to a children’s hospital in Ohio.

The US president was photographed adding a blue stripe to an outline of the star-spangled banner, rather than correctly filling in the 13 alternating red and white stripes, representing the original colonies.

The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
Bull SHIT. Much blood was shed over that not being the case. Northern Ireland --- the partitioned-off six counties --- are a part of the UK, not the Republic.

It's bad enough you don't know that but Rump not only was in the UK (which he cannot distinguish from "England" which I'm sure is most amusing to Welsh and Scots) when he said that, but he even went further and claimed at the same time that he "owns property" there.

If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.

Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.

Actually it makes me cognizant of what basic fucking countries are, meaning I'm way more qualified than the Orange Maroon for the job he's in.

But then most life forms are, aren't they. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?

I mean really, you don't even have the minimal stones to do that?
Trump had 2 scoops of ice cream, eats his steak well done....and like McDonalds.


And then he played with some kids to color in flags. Like Every Kid Alive has always colored within the lines and used the proscribed set of colors.

In realityland, I suspect that a couple of the kids were being creative (as kids are wont to do) by coloring the flag with wild colors, and Trump played along.
Bull SHIT. Much blood was shed over that not being the case. Northern Ireland --- the partitioned-off six counties --- are a part of the UK, not the Republic.

It's bad enough you don't know that but Rump not only was in the UK (which he cannot distinguish from "England" which I'm sure is most amusing to Welsh and Scots) when he said that, but he even went further and claimed at the same time that he "owns property" there.

If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.

Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.

Actually it makes me cognizant of what basic fucking countries are, meaning I'm way more qualified than the Orange Maroon for the job he's in.

But then most life forms are, aren't they. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?

I mean really, you don't even have the minimal stones to do that?

I think you're intentionally and dishonestly blowing this out of proportion because you have an ugly, deep seated need to belittle the intellect of your political adversaries.
Bull SHIT. Much blood was shed over that not being the case. Northern Ireland --- the partitioned-off six counties --- are a part of the UK, not the Republic.

It's bad enough you don't know that but Rump not only was in the UK (which he cannot distinguish from "England" which I'm sure is most amusing to Welsh and Scots) when he said that, but he even went further and claimed at the same time that he "owns property" there.

If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.

Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.

Actually it makes me cognizant of what basic fucking countries are, meaning I'm way more qualified than the Orange Maroon for the job he's in.

But then most life forms are, aren't they. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?

I mean really, you don't even have the minimal stones to do that?

I think you're intentionally and dishonestly blowing this out of proportion because you have an ugly, deep seated need to belittle the intellect of your political adversaries.

Bull SHIT. Much blood was shed over that not being the case. Northern Ireland --- the partitioned-off six counties --- are a part of the UK, not the Republic.

It's bad enough you don't know that but Rump not only was in the UK (which he cannot distinguish from "England" which I'm sure is most amusing to Welsh and Scots) when he said that, but he even went further and claimed at the same time that he "owns property" there.

If you owned property somewhere, don't you think you'd have an idea what freaking country it's in?

This is just more consequence of electing a nimrod.

Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.

Actually it makes me cognizant of what basic fucking countries are, meaning I'm way more qualified than the Orange Maroon for the job he's in.

But then most life forms are, aren't they. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?

I mean really, you don't even have the minimal stones to do that?

I think you're intentionally and dishonestly blowing this out of proportion because you have an ugly, deep seated need to belittle the intellect of your political adversaries.
Point is a President of the USA does not comprehend flag desecration and is reaching it, to kids.
Trump had 2 scoops of ice cream, eats his steak well done....and like McDonalds.


And then he played with some kids to color in flags. Like Every Kid Alive has always colored within the lines and used the proscribed set of colors.

In realityland, I suspect that a couple of the kids were being creative (as kids are wont to do) by coloring the flag with wild colors, and Trump played along.
Do you sense a conspiracy ?
Those little bastards will stop at nothing to mock a great man.
Somewhat like the right wing obsession with Obama misspelling and say there are 57 states. How many times have right wingers brought up that gaffe?

But it’s different when your guy does something this egriously stupid isn’t it?

You don't SPELL a number, idiot.

Yep, he misspelled a number in an audio soundbite. Priceless.

Auto correct changed my “misspoke” to “misspell”.

Can’t challenge the statement so you obsess over the spelling.

Auto-correct changed a properly spelled "misspoke" to "misspelled"? Hardly.

It does this shit all the time. Sometimes the word it changes to beats no relation to what I said. Just now I typed “bears” and it appeared in the sentence as “bears” and then it changed to “beats”.

There’s just enough lag time between when I type a word and when it changes, that I think I’ve got it right. Later when I proof read, it’s been changed to some completely out of context word. I’ve tried turning off the spell check but typing on an iPhone is an exercise in frustration at best.

I’m getting a new laptop next month. I look forward to having a keyboard to type with.

You can disable the autocorrect feature on your phone or any device.
Can you please remind me what the second word in "Northern Ireland" is?

Can you tell the class what the second word in "North Korea" is?

That makes it the same as "East Korea" and "West Korea" --- right?


Stop being so petty, it only makes you look desperate.

Actually it makes me cognizant of what basic fucking countries are, meaning I'm way more qualified than the Orange Maroon for the job he's in.

But then most life forms are, aren't they. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?

I mean really, you don't even have the minimal stones to do that?

I think you're intentionally and dishonestly blowing this out of proportion because you have an ugly, deep seated need to belittle the intellect of your political adversaries.
Point is a President of the USA does not comprehend flag desecration and is reaching it, to kids.

Grasping at straws
Trump had 2 scoops of ice cream, eats his steak well done....and like McDonalds.


And then he played with some kids to color in flags. Like Every Kid Alive has always colored within the lines and used the proscribed set of colors.

In realityland, I suspect that a couple of the kids were being creative (as kids are wont to do) by coloring the flag with wild colors, and Trump played along.
Do you sense a conspiracy ?
Those little bastards will stop at nothing to mock a great man.

I bet the kids had fun coloring with him. It's the loons of the Left that are doing the (feeble at that) mocking.
Pogo said:
How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Ireland is part of the UK ---- and then be unable to admit it?
So How Blithering Does One Have To Be
To Think You've Been To 53 States Of One's Own Country
And Will Visit All 57 States Of The United States

And Then Let The Entire News System Make Your Excuses For You ??
Which They Eagerly Did

Another Democrat Didn't Realize He Owned A Mansion In The Bahamas
And The List Goes On And On
Through-Out The Entire Democrat Party

Should We Never Vote For Democrats ??
How Stupid Really, Are Democrats
I don't think it surprises anyone that Donald fails Kindergarten tasks, but does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Again, for the reading impaired......TRUMP MADE A BLUE LIVES MATTERS FLAG TO HONOR COPS!!!

This is a complaint? Seriously. Democrats shit on the flag and this is the complaint.

File this under grotesquely absurd.
Remember the cow Righties had over the Obama flag? No, of course you don't...:71:

As I recall it went:

"WAAAAAAH! Oblama's not wearing a flag pin! WAAAAAAH!"

That was a hoot. Fetishists always are.
Well, it probably wouldn't go over well if he wore his ISIL pin.

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