Trump Disparages Testing

“So we have the best testing in the world,” Trump said. “It could be the testing’s, frankly, overrated? Maybe it is overrated.”

The country has more than 1.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but Trump said that’s only because the U.S. has carried out more tests.

“We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. “When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. We test much more.”

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense

TDS thread 1,577

“So we have the best testing in the world,” Trump said. “It could be the testing’s, frankly, overrated? Maybe it is overrated.”

The country has more than 1.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but Trump said that’s only because the U.S. has carried out more tests.

“We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. “When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. We test much more.”

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense

Im not getting tested. Even if its free.
More tests are a bad thing. The more tests we have, more people will test positive for Covid. When those numbers go up, certain people (liberals) freak out and they will demand America be shut down for even longer.

You what else it will do? I believe the numbers that are positive are much greater than what's being reported. 60-80 percent of people don't even know they have it and never will. Many have had corona viruses from years past and test positive. BUT with 10-20 million infected, that would make your current fatality rate much lower than it already is. Instead of .02, more like .004.
THAT is a blatant lie. There have been THOUSANDS under 59 that died and thousands more who will have lifelong medical issues because of this horror

No, you're telling the blatant lie, Lush. You test those who have symptoms or are in essential industries, nursing homes, or occupations where the public is involved like grocery stores, banks, the post office, etc. And if you don't test them DAILY and/or do a temperature scan on their forehead, yesterday's test doesn't mean squat. The commies gave on up ventilators, now Trump has whipped them on testing, so their latest move is to destroy his economy and keep their prisoners away from the jobs and churches.
You what else it will do? I believe the numbers that are positive are much greater than what's being reported. 60-80 percent of people don't even know they have it and never will. Many have had corona viruses from years past and test positive. BUT with 10-20 million infected, that would make your current fatality rate much lower than it already is. Instead of .02, more like .004.

Agree. And the death count is inflated to keep the public terrified. Where are these numbers coming from? I don't believe anything a democRAT says....they'll count a guy who was run over by a bus as a COVID-19 victim if he tested positive the day before. They will say and do anything they can to keep the economy in the toilet so they can use it against Trump in November. Traitorous leeches should be tried for treason and hanged.
It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
He's the president of the United States that's why above all people in the nation he's the one that were most concerned with protecting so don't turn into some kind of a partisan just because the president of the United States happens to be a Republican

I am just relating to you what the experts like Dr. Fauci has been telling us random testing of populations is not very good use of resources

The doctor told us but the best used for testing people to see if they have the virus is Trace testing, not massive testing of random people in the population just to see who might have the virus.

Testing people to see if they have the antigen is far better use of resorces than random testing
"It's important for ME to get tested. Every single day. But not you guys. You guys don't need to be tested. Now get out there and make me some money."

- Donald Trump
How can you be so blind! Do we, or do we not have the Secret Service guarding the president at all times?? Do I need to explain to you why do we do that? It's because he's the president

When people have to explain common sense issues to you like this it should be a clue to you that you're becoming irrational
"It's important for ME to get tested. Every single day. But not you guys. You guys don't need to be tested. Now get out there and make me some money."

- Donald Trump
How can you be so blind! Do we, or do we not have the Secret Service guarding the president at all times?? Do I need to explain to you why do we do that? It's because he's the president

When people have to explain common sense issues to you like this it should be a clue to you that you're becoming irrational

I understand that he wants us to go about our daily lives while he's taking an abundance of extra precautions for himself. A POTUS always has Secret Service guarding him. A POTUS doesn't always have daily testings for a virus that he says is no big deal.

"Do as I say. Not as I do."
More tests are a bad thing. The more tests we have, more people will test positive for Covid. When those numbers go up, certain people (liberals) freak out and they will demand America be shut down for even longer.
yeah. i liked those numbers back in February, too. Brazilians and Russians liked their numbers as well. as do North Koreans
The vast majority of deaths are the elderly, those 65 and up.
Also, the Chinese virus has been overplayed in the cause of deaths.
Everyone in the medical industry knows that if you can link the virus
to another underlying primary cause of death, that it's a premium to the hospital
and clinics.
Follow the money folks.

“So we have the best testing in the world,” Trump said. “It could be the testing’s, frankly, overrated? Maybe it is overrated.”

The country has more than 1.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but Trump said that’s only because the U.S. has carried out more tests.

“We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. “When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. We test much more.”

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense
That’s what he meant by it, stupid.
THAT is a blatant lie. There have been THOUSANDS under 59 that died and thousands more who will have lifelong medical issues because of this horror

No, you're telling the blatant lie, Lush. You test those who have symptoms or are in essential industries, nursing homes, or occupations where the public is involved like grocery stores, banks, the post office, etc. And if you don't test them DAILY and/or do a temperature scan on their forehead, yesterday's test doesn't mean squat. The commies gave on up ventilators, now Trump has whipped them on testing, so their latest move is to destroy his economy and keep their prisoners away from the jobs and churches.
That's the recipe for staying BEHIND the virus...being REactive

Random testing along with contact tracing is how you get AHEAD of it.

But we don't have enough tests...because of the failures of the Trump Administration so he has to come up with excuses for why we supposedly don't need them (while he and everyone around him gets tested every day)

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