Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

The bad news is they did get a lot of voter rolls, so they got busy fast trying to kick dem's & independents off.
can we get Kris Kobach as DHS Secretary now?!


It's hell to get anything done when the voter registrars of so many Blue states refuse to cooperate.

Those darn blue states should just ignore their own constitutions and do what the little dictator tells them to do

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Everyone knows that Trump lied when he said 3-6 million illegals voted without a shred of proof.
They never got a chance, as the Dems did everything in their power to keep them from being able to do their jobs, even one of the Dems selected for the panel. If anything it shows the links the dems went to to keep from being exposed.
Trump's voter fraud hunt hits a brick wall
'Nothing Going On' With Trump Voter Fraud Commission Due To Multiple Lawsuits
Judge: Trump voter fraud commission on ice till next year
Trump voter fraud panel sued by its own member
Trump's Voter Fraud Commission Clears Legal Challenge
Court Tosses Privacy Lawsuit Against Trump's Voter Fraud Commission

The only fraud found by the panel, was that it was founded and staffed by them.
The Commission was not able to do its job due to stonewalling and constant frivolous law suits. The mark of Dems, at their usual tricks. It had nothing to do with not finding anything.

Is SC a liberal state? Is Wyoming a liberal state? Plenty of red states sent either limited or no information to the commission.
I don't think he's given up finding voter fraud. I think he knows
he can't stop the states from stonewalling the commission, so he's
gonna try another approach. Homeland Security.

Could be interesting if they believe they can research the state
voting records for National Security reasons.

I don't know if they can or not, but they're gonna try that route.
There’s no way to sugar coat it. This is a huge loss for Trump.
He brazenly lied about 3-6 million illegals voting then had the audacity to waste taxpayers money to try to prove something that didn’t exist. The Republican Congress is also to blame for approving this car wreck commission.

This was embarrassing, stupid and totally unnecessary.



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I don't think he's given up finding voter fraud. I think he knows
he can't stop the states from stonewalling the commission, so he's
gonna try another approach. Homeland Security.

Could be interesting if they believe they can research the state
voting records for National Security reasons.

I don't know if they can or not, but they're gonna try that route.
No they wont try any route. It was simply a distraction for the illiterate to applaud all along.
What voter fraud? Drumpf stopped the commission. Where is your proof?
You should keep up with the news more. The DNC primaries were rife with election fraud - more votes than voters, felons beong alliwed to vote, states like Ohio refusing to turn in the actual ballots....Bernie was screwed. Even Brazile admitted it.

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