Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

The Commission was not able to do its job ...
Trump's voter fraud hunt hits a brick wall
'Nothing Going On' With Trump Voter Fraud Commission Due To Multiple Lawsuits
Judge: Trump voter fraud commission on ice till next year
Trump voter fraud panel sued by its own member
Trump's Voter Fraud Commission Clears Legal Challenge
Court Tosses Privacy Lawsuit Against Trump's Voter Fraud Commission

It's been a rough week for Kris Kobach, the vice chairman of President Donald Trump's beleaguered Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

Already slammed as an investigator in search of a non-existent crime – voter fraud – Kobach, Kansas' Republican secretary of state, has come under more fire for an op-ed he wrote in Breitbart News, alleging that New Hampshire laws encourage illegal voting, a fact that put the state in the Democrats' win column in 2016.
State officials hit back in person on Wednesday, when the commission held a public hearing in New Hampshire. Bill Gardner – the Granite State's Democratic secretary of state, a member of Trump's commission and the host of the hearing – publicly rejected Kobach's assertion, to his face.

"The problem that has occurred because of what you wrote is … the question of whether our election as we have recorded it is real and valid," said Gardner, to loud applause from the public gallery. "And it is real and valid."

Meanwhile, during the meeting, news broke that likely caused Kobach some heartburn: The Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan good-government watchdog, released copies of an email from the Heritage Foundation to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, warning against appointing Democrats, "mainstream Republicans," and academics to the voter-fraud panel.
Why are they not giving the records?

Because of what they would reveal, of course. Trump is probably understating the severity of the issue by a good margin.

Well, what do we have left now? Oh... right... Build that wall!

Because the commission was unconstitutional. The Fed Govt does not hold the power over voting, the states do. The states stood up for their rights and I am glad they did.

There was a time, a long time ago, when conservatives supported states rights. But those days are long gone.

"The lack of transparency of this commission is ominous," Lawyers' Committee president Kristen Clarke said in a statement. She noted that two Democratic members have sent letters to the panel's staff complaining that they don't know what's going on and asking that they be sent copies of all communications.

One of those members, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, says he received an email Wednesday from the commission's executive director, Andrew Kossack, acknowledging receipt of his letter. But Kossack added that due to pending lawsuits, he was "consulting with counsel regarding a response to your request to ensure any response accords with all applicable law."
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that. Here are a few links:

Trump Suddenly Ends Voter Fraud Panel

Trump signs order disbanding voter fraud commission

Trump dissolves voter fraud commission

Many states refused to provide voter information.

This was a bitch slap full of energy and vigor. Trump got slapped in the face so hard his fake hair spun all the way around. And yet another failure on behalf of Lying Donald's supporters who thought he was 'going to do something'. He didn't derps, again. The rest of us knew he was lying about this and a hundred other things, no you do as well.


"The lack of transparency of this commission is ominous," Lawyers' Committee president Kristen Clarke said in a statement. She noted that two Democratic members have sent letters to the panel's staff complaining that they don't know what's going on and asking that they be sent copies of all communications.

One of those members, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, says he received an email Wednesday from the commission's executive director, Andrew Kossack, acknowledging receipt of his letter. But Kossack added that due to pending lawsuits, he was "consulting with counsel regarding a response to your request to ensure any response accords with all applicable law."
Why are they not giving the records?

Because of what they would reveal, of course. Trump is probably understating the severity of the issue by a good margin.

Well, what do we have left now? Oh... right... Build that wall!

Because the commission was unconstitutional. The Fed Govt does not hold the power over voting, the states do. The states stood up for their rights and I am glad they did.

There was a time, a long time ago, when conservatives supported states rights. But those days are long gone.

You think fraud is constitutional?


Well the federal government controls the borders, since we can assume now that there are millions of illegals voting, it is time to get that wall up.
Bottom line:
Trump declared that there was massive voter fraud in the election- but he had no evidence to support that claim.
Trump established the 'voter fraud commission' to find evidence there was voter fraud.
The Commission failed to find any evidence of voter fraud.

So Trump's claim of massive voter fraud- is still just Trump's Fake News.
Why are they not giving the records?

Because of what they would reveal, of course. Trump is probably understating the severity of the issue by a good margin.

Well, what do we have left now? Oh... right... Build that wall!

Because the commission was unconstitutional. The Fed Govt does not hold the power over voting, the states do. The states stood up for their rights and I am glad they did.

There was a time, a long time ago, when conservatives supported states rights. But those days are long gone.

You think fraud is constitutional?


Well the federal government controls the borders, since we can assume now that there are millions of illegals voting, it is time to get that wall up.

There are only millions of illegal votings in your fucked up little head. No issue has been researched more than voter fraud and no widespread fraud has ever been found, NOT ONCE.

You Trump zealots are so fucking stupid.
There was a Dem on the panel.

It's been a rough week for Kris Kobach, the vice chairman of President Donald Trump's beleaguered Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

Already slammed as an investigator in search of a non-existent crime – voter fraud – Kobach, Kansas' Republican secretary of state, has come under more fire for an op-ed he wrote in Breitbart News, alleging that New Hampshire laws encourage illegal voting, a fact that put the state in the Democrats' win column in 2016.
State officials hit back in person on Wednesday, when the commission held a public hearing in New Hampshire. Bill Gardner – the Granite State's Democratic secretary of state, a member of Trump's commission and the host of the hearing – publicly rejected Kobach's assertion, to his face.

"The problem that has occurred because of what you wrote is … the question of whether our election as we have recorded it is real and valid," said Gardner, to loud applause from the public gallery. "And it is real and valid."

Meanwhile, during the meeting, news broke that likely caused Kobach some heartburn: The Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan good-government watchdog, released copies of an email from the Heritage Foundation to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, warning against appointing Democrats, "mainstream Republicans," and academics to the voter-fraud panel.
There was a Dem on the panel.

It's been a rough week for Kris Kobach, the vice chairman of President Donald Trump's beleaguered Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

Already slammed as an investigator in search of a non-existent crime – voter fraud – Kobach, Kansas' Republican secretary of state, has come under more fire for an op-ed he wrote in Breitbart News, alleging that New Hampshire laws encourage illegal voting, a fact that put the state in the Democrats' win column in 2016.
State officials hit back in person on Wednesday, when the commission held a public hearing in New Hampshire. Bill Gardner – the Granite State's Democratic secretary of state, a member of Trump's commission and the host of the hearing – publicly rejected Kobach's assertion, to his face.

"The problem that has occurred because of what you wrote is … the question of whether our election as we have recorded it is real and valid," said Gardner, to loud applause from the public gallery. "And it is real and valid."

Meanwhile, during the meeting, news broke that likely caused Kobach some heartburn: The Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan good-government watchdog, released copies of an email from the Heritage Foundation to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, warning against appointing Democrats, "mainstream Republicans," and academics to the voter-fraud panel.

There was a Democrat on the panel? Wow....well that makes all the
"Kablooey! Kris Kobach Canned, Couldn’t Control Clueless Kakistocratic Commission as it Comically Careened into Kaleidoscopic Quackery, Quickly Collapsed, and was Completely Cancelled. Kaput." - a deranged Rachel Maddow has tweeted
Why are they not giving the records?

Because of what they would reveal, of course. Trump is probably understating the severity of the issue by a good margin.

Well, what do we have left now? Oh... right... Build that wall!

Because the commission was unconstitutional. The Fed Govt does not hold the power over voting, the states do. The states stood up for their rights and I am glad they did.

There was a time, a long time ago, when conservatives supported states rights. But those days are long gone.

You think fraud is constitutional?


Well the federal government controls the borders, since we can assume now that there are millions of illegals voting, it is time to get that wall up.

There are only millions of illegal votings in your fucked up little head. No issue has been researched more than voter fraud and no widespread fraud has ever been found, NOT ONCE.

You Trump zealots are so fucking stupid.

Then hand the materials and prove it.

Oh, no interest...

Wall it is. We will be saving a lot of money in any case, so not a bad idea.
"there are at least 3 ongoing lawsuits trying to force Trump's voter fraud commission to disclose communications amongst commissioners and other federal agencies. Now that commission is dissolved, will those messages ever be public?" -Maddow
Head of commission been a bad boy, being sued, so unable to get his dishonest dishonorable lies up & running. Trump had no choice but to dump it.

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