Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

What voter fraud? Drumpf stopped the commission. Where is your proof?
You should keep up with the news more. The DNC primaries were rife with election fraud - more votes than voters, felons beong alliwed to vote, states like Ohio refusing to turn in the actual ballots....Bernie was screwed. Even Brazile admitted it.

Your nose is longer than Pinocchio’s you pathetic liar.
Its the opposite. Trump dissolved because he couldnt hide the data.
Who was it again that violated election laws, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries?

Thats not what the Russians say.

Hillary's primary cheating, debate cheating, election fraud, election law violations, 'buying' the DNC have all been proven, snowflake. Give it a rest. You're fooling no one.
Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

because his family and staff members got busted registering in two states right before the election.
So, you are saying that Liar in Chief supporters just doesn't believe in female journalists or newsgroups with females on the board of directors? You are confirming 'Rump and his cult is seriously hardcore misogynist? Wonderful.
So, you are saying that Liar in Chief supporters just doesn't believe in female journalists or newsgroups with females on the board of directors? You are confirming 'Rump and his cult is seriously hardcore misogynist? Wonderful.

Yeah, she ain't too smart. One link from HuffPost, one from The Hill, and one from AP.
Its the opposite. Trump dissolved because he couldnt hide the data.
Who was it again that violated election laws, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries?

Thats not what the Russians say.

Hillary's primary cheating, debate cheating, election fraud, election law violations, 'buying' the DNC have all been proven, snowflake. Give it a rest. You're fooling no one.

Keep on suppressing the vote.
I don't think he's given up finding voter fraud. I think he knows
he can't stop the states from stonewalling the commission, so he's
gonna try another approach. Homeland Security.

Could be interesting if they believe they can research the state
voting records for National Security reasons.

I don't know if they can or not, but they're gonna try that route.
LOL you are a silly ass submissive
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that. Here are a few links:

Trump Suddenly Ends Voter Fraud Panel

Trump signs order disbanding voter fraud commission

Trump dissolves voter fraud commission

Why do you keep posting links from the tampon squad huff post how am.i supposed to take you serious , lakhota?

You know that Trump really did disband the voter commission? Right? or is this another historical event you are going to deny happened?
The Commission was not able to do its job due to stonewalling and constant frivolous law suits. The mark of Dems, at their usual tricks. It had nothing to do with not finding anything.

Is SC a liberal state? Is Wyoming a liberal state? Plenty of red states sent either limited or no information to the commission.

States did not give the information because doing so went against their own state constitutions. Kansas, the state of the guy running the commission, did not give them all that they asked for because the Kansas constitution forbid it.

But the so called conservatives want states to ignore their own constitution and do what the Fed Govt tells them to do.
Its the opposite. Trump dissolved because he couldnt hide the data.
Who was it again that violated election laws, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries?

Thats not what the Russians say.

Hillary's primary cheating, debate cheating, election fraud, election law violations, 'buying' the DNC have all been proven, snowflake. Give it a rest. You're fooling no one.

Keep on suppressing the vote.
No one is 'deflecting' - We are discussing election / voter fraud, numbnuts.

Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.

Well, not really...

Kris Kobach says canceling voter panel will speed up investigation

Mr. Kobach said the panel, officially known as the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, had gotten bogged down in legal challenges filed by Democrats, liberal groups — and even one Democratic member of the commission itself.

Now, he said, the probe will go on, but it will no longer be done through public meetings, and Democrats — who had five seats on the voting commission — will now be shut out as the investigation moves to the executive branch bureaucracy.
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.

Well, not really...

Kris Kobach says canceling voter panel will speed up investigation

Mr. Kobach said the panel, officially known as the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, had gotten bogged down in legal challenges filed by Democrats, liberal groups — and even one Democratic member of the commission itself.

Now, he said, the probe will go on, but it will no longer be done through public meetings, and Democrats — who had five seats on the voting commission — will now be shut out as the investigation moves to the executive branch bureaucracy.

Kobach is a fraud. His own state gave him almost unlimited power and resources to go after voter fraud and he less than 10 people were every charged and only two were found guilty of anything.
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.

Well, not really...

Kris Kobach says canceling voter panel will speed up investigation

Mr. Kobach said the panel, officially known as the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, had gotten bogged down in legal challenges filed by Democrats, liberal groups — and even one Democratic member of the commission itself.

Now, he said, the probe will go on, but it will no longer be done through public meetings, and Democrats — who had five seats on the voting commission — will now be shut out as the investigation moves to the executive branch bureaucracy.

Kobach is a fraud. His own state gave him almost unlimited power and resources to go after voter fraud and he less than 10 people were every charged and only two were found guilty of anything.

How is that being a "fraud"?

and he did find something.
Actually, everyone who knows anything about anything claims there is no significant, in-person voter fraud.
In 2012, live on national TV, a Female Democratic Poll Monitor bragged about voting 5 times for Obama to help him win.

Appropriately, she was arrested for voter fraud. The next day Obama US AG Holder showed up and had the charges against her dropped.

The sentiment you expressed SOUNDED great ... but is too easily proven false.
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.

Well, not really...

Kris Kobach says canceling voter panel will speed up investigation

Mr. Kobach said the panel, officially known as the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, had gotten bogged down in legal challenges filed by Democrats, liberal groups — and even one Democratic member of the commission itself.

Now, he said, the probe will go on, but it will no longer be done through public meetings, and Democrats — who had five seats on the voting commission — will now be shut out as the investigation moves to the executive branch bureaucracy.

Kobach is a fraud. His own state gave him almost unlimited power and resources to go after voter fraud and he less than 10 people were every charged and only two were found guilty of anything.

How is that being a "fraud"?

and he did find something.

It is being a fraud because he makes claims about widespread voter fraud when he knows it is not true.

And yes, he did find "something". After going back more than a decade and looking at literally tens of millions of votes he has found 9 people that were charged with misdemeanors.

9 out of more than 10 million votes looked at. That is a "fraud" rate of 0.00009%. And fraud is questionable as some of them were just honest mistakes and not someone trying to cheat. Last I read all 9 were people over 60.
Actually, everyone who knows anything about anything claims there is no significant, in-person voter fraud.
In 2012, live on national TV, a Female Democratic Poll Monitor bragged about voting 5 times for Obama to help him win.

Appropriately, she was arrested for voter fraud. The next day Obama US AG Holder showed up and had the charges against her dropped.

The sentiment you expressed SOUNDED great ... but is too easily proven false.

One person out of more than 120 million does not make for significant in-person voter fraud. I know that logic is hard for Trump zealots, but please at least try.
Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.

Well, not really...

Kris Kobach says canceling voter panel will speed up investigation

Mr. Kobach said the panel, officially known as the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, had gotten bogged down in legal challenges filed by Democrats, liberal groups — and even one Democratic member of the commission itself.

Now, he said, the probe will go on, but it will no longer be done through public meetings, and Democrats — who had five seats on the voting commission — will now be shut out as the investigation moves to the executive branch bureaucracy.

Kobach is a fraud. His own state gave him almost unlimited power and resources to go after voter fraud and he less than 10 people were every charged and only two were found guilty of anything.

How is that being a "fraud"?

and he did find something.

It is being a fraud because he makes claims about widespread voter fraud when he knows it is not true.

And yes, he did find "something". After going back more than a decade and looking at literally tens of millions of votes he has found 9 people that were charged with misdemeanors.

9 out of more than 10 million votes looked at. That is a "fraud" rate of 0.00009%. And fraud is questionable as some of them were just honest mistakes and not someone trying to cheat. Last I read all 9 were people over 60.

We have no idea of the veracity of the claims if no real investigations are done.

Proving voter fraud is hard, because we don't have the means of verification we should have, and every time people try to add them progressives bitch about it.

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