Trump Doesn't Care About Future Presidents: Air Force One Loses Key Feature

I have a question for all those in a panic over not being able to refuel in the

Where do y'all think the tankers are gonna come from to refuel AF1?

I'm not in charge of the Russian Strategic Forces, but I have a hunch they will
hit all of our Air Bases from the get-go.

Now unless we keep our tankers at some unknown installation located high in
the Green Mountain of Vermont...All the tankers are gonna either be destroyed within
the first hour or have no place to land at the start of the 2nd hour.

I'm just wondering, is all...Maybe someone can ask a Lib.

You're right, you are not in charge of the Russian Strategic Forces... though you could be a paid Russian troll. Who knows?

Now, who says it has to be Russia that causes the U.S. to use protocol to keep the President in the air? Do you have any idea how many places the U.S. has military bases?

Yep. We have a bunch. And you're correct, it doesn't have to be Russia
that forces us to keep the President in the air. Hell, we could be invaded
by the Zulu's. That would keep the Prez in the air. HOWEVER, he would
be able to land and refuel per our defense plans.

We would play the National Anthem, thus causing the Zulu's to have a reaction and to kneel and
allow a window for the Prez to touch down.
I have a question for all those in a panic over not being able to refuel in the

Where do y'all think the tankers are gonna come from to refuel AF1?

I'm not in charge of the Russian Strategic Forces, but I have a hunch they will
hit all of our Air Bases from the get-go.

Now unless we keep our tankers at some unknown installation located high in
the Green Mountain of Vermont...All the tankers are gonna either be destroyed within
the first hour or have no place to land at the start of the 2nd hour.

I'm just wondering, is all...Maybe someone can ask a Lib.

You're right, you are not in charge of the Russian Strategic Forces... though you could be a paid Russian troll. Who knows?

Now, who says it has to be Russia that causes the U.S. to use protocol to keep the President in the air? Do you have any idea how many places the U.S. has military bases?

Yep. We have a bunch. And you're correct, it doesn't have to be Russia
that forces us to keep the President in the air. Hell, we could be invaded
by the Zulu's. That would keep the Prez in the air. HOWEVER, he would
be able to land and refuel per our defense plans.

We would play the National Anthem, thus causing the Zulu's to have a reaction and to kneel and
allow a window for the Prez to touch down.

There could be reasons for him NOT to be able to land... for reasons that past administrations have analyzed with information not available to you or I, that made them feel it was important to be able to refuel in the air... and the sad fact is, Trump is only cutting it out because of cost, and it isn't something he will have to deal with, because the plane he flies on can still do it.
Trump could literally hand out food to starving people in Africa, and you would still hate him.

This thread is bullshit.
According to the article no President has used the mid air refueling capability so you have to wonder how vital it is and if a future President wants that capability the plane can be modified to provide it.
According to the article no President has used the mid air refueling capability so you have to wonder how vital it is and if a future President wants that capability the plane can be modified to provide it.

You do understand that is not a logical argument right? Air Force One has never been attacked by an EMP... so does that mean it should get rid of it's capabilities to defend against those? Air Force One has never had a missile shot at it... does that mean they should get rid of it's missile defense systems?
One of the most important parts of Air Force One, is that during an attack it can serve as a mobile station for the President to run the country, without having to land. Not so fast. Trump and the White House has decided to cut out the capability for future Air Force One planes to be able to refuel in air, which greatly diminishes its capabilities and safety for future Presidents. Trump has decided cutting a few corners on cost is more important than safety and security.

White House Cuts Aerial Refueling From New Air Force One

When the orange-dump leaves a fumigation crew will have to sterilize the White House and everything this loser touches will have to be fixed. Which is usually the case with a Republican president but this one is special. He's not just repainting without permission he is ripping up the floors and smearing crap on the walls. No worries re Air Force One, it can all be undone and redone properly as soon as the country gets an adult in the White House.
This sounds like a relatively low-level decision made by a major in the Air Force and Trump probably just signed off on it.
This sounds like a relatively low-level decision made by a major in the Air Force and Trump probably just signed off on it.

Did you even read the article? Congress questioned the Charmian of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and he couldn't give a good reason for it. In fact he simply passed the buck and blamed the decision on the White House.
According to the article no President has used the mid air refueling capability so you have to wonder how vital it is and if a future President wants that capability the plane can be modified to provide it.

You do understand that is not a logical argument right? Air Force One has never been attacked by an EMP... so does that mean it should get rid of it's capabilities to defend against those? Air Force One has never had a missile shot at it... does that mean they should get rid of it's missile defense systems?
Yeah and aliens from space have never beamed on board it and tried to kidnap the President nor has the creature from the twilght zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet stood on the wing and tried to destroy the engine either. What I understand is the President is making a judgement call on if this capability is really needed and your just making a partisan argument because you don't like this President.
According to the article no President has used the mid air refueling capability so you have to wonder how vital it is and if a future President wants that capability the plane can be modified to provide it.

You do understand that is not a logical argument right? Air Force One has never been attacked by an EMP... so does that mean it should get rid of it's capabilities to defend against those? Air Force One has never had a missile shot at it... does that mean they should get rid of it's missile defense systems?
Yeah and aliens from space have never beamed on board it and tried to kidnap the President nor has the creature from the twilght zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet stood on the wing and tried to destroy the engine either. What I understand is the President is making a judgement call on if this capability is really needed and your just making a partisan argument because you don't like this President.

Wrong, it has nothing to do with partisanship. He's making a decision on something that he doesn't have to experience. Trump gets to fly around on a plane that has the ability to do, what he just decided to get rid of... and even those that don't fly on Air Force One, are questioning his decision.
Sounds like a reasonable measure by Trump.

Five myths about presidential travel

4. Air Force One refuels in flight on long trips.

“I’ve been reading through your press kit — I understand Air Force One is able to refuel in midair; well, we need fuel, until we get it down,” a hijacker demands in the Harrison Ford movie “Air Force One.”

The retrofitted Boeing 747 that usually serves as the presidential jet can indeed refuel in flight — but it has never done so with the president on board, military officials say.

It has enough range to fly from Washington to Iraq without needing more fuel. On longer trips to Asia, it typically stops at U.S. military bases in Alaska or Germany.

However, an in-flight refuel is seen as safe enough that the defense secretary’s E-4B plane routinely refuels that way. The practice is so pro forma that journalists are invited to watch from the cockpit.

Air Force planes used by the vice president and other Cabinet secretaries are not capable of in-flight refueling, officials say.
Yeah and aliens from space have never beamed on board it and tried to kidnap the President nor has the creature from the twilght zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet stood on the wing and tried to destroy the engine either. What I understand is the President is making a judgement call on if this capability is really needed and your just making a partisan argument because you don't like this President.

Air force one is no different a deterrent than a nuclear bomb or an ICBM. Knowing the head of the government can retaliate, and survive a nuclear strike is vital. A plane is most vunerable to even the most rudimentary weapons when its on the ground. It's best chance of survival is in the air, and the longer it can stay up in the air, the longer it can survive. It also means it can escape to anywhere on earth should it be necessary
Yeah and aliens from space have never beamed on board it and tried to kidnap the President nor has the creature from the twilght zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet stood on the wing and tried to destroy the engine either. What I understand is the President is making a judgement call on if this capability is really needed and your just making a partisan argument because you don't like this President.

Air force one is no different a deterrent than a nuclear bomb or an ICBM. Knowing the head of the government can retaliate, and survive a nuclear strike is vital. A plane is most vunerable to even the most rudimentary weapons when its on the ground. It's best chance of survival is in the air, and the longer it can stay up in the air, the longer it can survive. It also means it can escape to anywhere on earth should it be necessary
But it's total bullshit because you don't really care about any of that. All you want is another bullshit excuse to dump on Trump.
The integrity of the fuel used by the plane is very critical. Was looking around for a video that discussed this matter but didn't come up with a quick find. So instead I'll share this one I came across that's pretty cool.

Yeah and aliens from space have never beamed on board it and tried to kidnap the President nor has the creature from the twilght zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet stood on the wing and tried to destroy the engine either. What I understand is the President is making a judgement call on if this capability is really needed and your just making a partisan argument because you don't like this President.

Air force one is no different a deterrent than a nuclear bomb or an ICBM. Knowing the head of the government can retaliate, and survive a nuclear strike is vital. A plane is most vunerable to even the most rudimentary weapons when its on the ground. It's best chance of survival is in the air, and the longer it can stay up in the air, the longer it can survive. It also means it can escape to anywhere on earth should it be necessary
But it's total bullshit because you don't really care about any of that. All you want is another bullshit excuse to dump on Trump.

It's such bullshit that a REPUBLICAN Representative is questioning the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on why it is being cut out, and he can't defend it.
The retrofitted Boeing 747 that usually serves as the presidential jet can indeed refuel in flight — but it has never done so with the president on board, military officials say..

That's because the safety of the president is utmost. Why take a 1 in 1,000 chance of a refueling accident if you don't have to. Air Force One also doesn't take off exceeding full Mlitary power either.
Right because nothing ever goes wrong trying to refuel a jet in flight, you Trump haters need to discover YouTube. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hence, why they don't take that chance with the president on board.

If the choice was landing during a terrorist attack or time of war, and refueling in mid air, refueling would be the safer option.

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