Trump doesn't know what he's talking about

It's telling that DiPrima states that Kelly only made those comments "in private" and that Kelly is deceased so nobody can back up DiPrima's contention. So what we have is the word of someone who loathes Trump asking us to believe him and to be quite blunt...I don't and never have! It's not only "rare" for a professor to "disparage the intelligence of a student"'s almost unheard of but according to DiPrima, Kelly did so hundreds of times but only where Di Prima could hear? I'm sorry, Georgie but I'm going to call BULLSHIT on that narrative!
Donald Trump has threatened to sue any entity that releases his college grades. Why do you suppose he would do that? Perhaps Professor Kelley was concerned Trump would have sued him if Kelley had revealed the truth about Trump's rare blend of ignorance and arrogance?

Michael Cohen testifies that Trump threatened colleges over any release of his grades
"Perhaps"? Perhaps Professor Kelly thought Donald Trump was the second coming of Jesus, George! You can speculate on his opinions all you want now that the man is deceased. You can CLAIM that he said just about anything! Of course if you claim that it's something that he only said to you in private and nobody else ever heard him say what you claim he said...people are going to laugh at you!
President Trump has the same right to privacy as Barack Obama did. If you think it's telling that Trump threatened to sue if someone at Wharton started leaking confidential materials then I assume you held Barack Obama to the same standard? Oh, you didn't? Imagine that!!!
Yet nobody ELSE recalls Professor Kelly making that comment except DiPrima...a political pundit who hates Trump with a passion and has written dozens of anti Trump articles for the Daily Kos, which is about as far left a media outlet as there is...but you believe DiPrima because he's an unimpeachable source? T
I believe DiPrima because Trump is obviously NOT a stable genius.

The fact that leftists see Trump's mental deficiencies doesn't mean their assessment is biased; it means Trump is in way over his head and should be retired to the courtroom next November.

Did One of Trump’s College Professors Call Him ‘the Dumbest...

"The magazine also reported that, contrary to Trump’s boast that Penn was 'one of the hardest schools to get into in the country,' the admissions officer who interviewed him (a friend of Trump’s father Fred, James A. Nolan) said that the school was taking 40 percent of all applicants.

"Nolan also described him as 'definitely not a super genius.'

"'I wish I hadn’t interviewed him,' Nolan also said. 'In retrospect, I wish I hadn’t done that.'"

Do you believe Trump is a "super genius"?

You believe DiPrima because he told you what you wanted to hear! It's why people like you go to a site like the Daily Kos in the first place!
Perhaps"? Perhaps Professor Kelly thought Donald Trump was the second coming of Jesus, George! You can speculate on his opinions all you want now that the man is deceased. You can CLAIM that he said just about anything! Of course if you claim that it's something that he only said to you in private and nobody else ever heard him say what you claim he said..
How do you know "nobody else ever heard (Kelley's claim)"
Can you provide a single source for someone thinking Trump is Jesus?
From what I can see, corroborating evidence for Kelley's claim is in greater supply than opinions that conflict with that claim.

Michael Cohen testifies that Trump threatened colleges over any release of his grades

"Donald Trump and his representatives threatened the colleges he attended and the College Board that he would sue them if records about his academic performance ever became public, Michael Cohen said Wednesday in testimony to a House of Representatives panel.

"In explaining why he calls the president a con man, Cohen said, in prepared testimony, 'When I say con man, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores. As I mentioned, I’m giving the committee today copies of a letter I sent at Mr. Trump’s direction threatening these schools with civil and criminal actions if Mr. Trump’s grades or SAT scores were ever disclosed without his permission.'"

If I was concerned about being laughed at, I would never doubt Trump's penchant for lying about his accomplishments.
President Trump has the same right to privacy as Barack Obama did. If you think it's telling that Trump threatened to sue if someone at Wharton started leaking confidential materials then I assume you held Barack Obama to the same standard? Oh, you didn't? Imagine that!!!
Can you imagine someone who wasn't delusional enough to vote for Trump OR Obama?

I can

Barack Obama's GPA and College Records

"It’s unclear how well he did as an undergraduate, although he was not a distinguished student.

"Obama refuses to release his transcript from his undergraduate years.

"According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, Obama was not well-known among classmates after he transferred to Columbia University from Occidental College in the early 1980s.

"The article quotes a former roommate who states that Obama’s performance improved after he stopped taking drugs (which Obama has admitted to openly).

"Since Obama did not graduate with honors, that means his GPA was between a 2.0 and a 3.3 — although, since he was admitted to Harvard Law School, it’s hard to imagine his GPA was much lower than a 3.3."
Perhaps"? Perhaps Professor Kelly thought Donald Trump was the second coming of Jesus, George! You can speculate on his opinions all you want now that the man is deceased. You can CLAIM that he said just about anything! Of course if you claim that it's something that he only said to you in private and nobody else ever heard him say what you claim he said..
How do you know "nobody else ever heard (Kelley's claim)"
Can you provide a single source for someone thinking Trump is Jesus?
From what I can see, corroborating evidence for Kelley's claim is in greater supply than opinions that conflict with that claim.

Michael Cohen testifies that Trump threatened colleges over any release of his grades

"Donald Trump and his representatives threatened the colleges he attended and the College Board that he would sue them if records about his academic performance ever became public, Michael Cohen said Wednesday in testimony to a House of Representatives panel.

"In explaining why he calls the president a con man, Cohen said, in prepared testimony, 'When I say con man, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores. As I mentioned, I’m giving the committee today copies of a letter I sent at Mr. Trump’s direction threatening these schools with civil and criminal actions if Mr. Trump’s grades or SAT scores were ever disclosed without his permission.'"

If I was concerned about being laughed at, I would never doubt Trump's penchant for lying about his accomplishments.

Are you claiming that others heard Kelly say that, George? If so then name them.
President Trump has the same right to privacy as Barack Obama did. If you think it's telling that Trump threatened to sue if someone at Wharton started leaking confidential materials then I assume you held Barack Obama to the same standard? Oh, you didn't? Imagine that!!!
Can you imagine someone who wasn't delusional enough to vote for Trump OR Obama?

I can

Barack Obama's GPA and College Records

"It’s unclear how well he did as an undergraduate, although he was not a distinguished student.

"Obama refuses to release his transcript from his undergraduate years.

"According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, Obama was not well-known among classmates after he transferred to Columbia University from Occidental College in the early 1980s.

"The article quotes a former roommate who states that Obama’s performance improved after he stopped taking drugs (which Obama has admitted to openly).

"Since Obama did not graduate with honors, that means his GPA was between a 2.0 and a 3.3 — although, since he was admitted to Harvard Law School, it’s hard to imagine his GPA was much lower than a 3.3."
Which is AMAZING because Harvard Law School usually requires at least a 3.8 to even be considered! So if 3.3 is Barry's high mark how did he get accepted to one of the most prestigious law schools in the world?
His performance improved after he stopped taking drugs? Wow, that's shocking! I'd like to know why Columbia lowered their standards to take a transfer student that had such an abysmal academic record?
My guess is that Barry sold them that he was a foreign student which would explain why he doesn't want his college records exposed and all of the confusion about where he was born!
You believe DiPrima because he told you what you wanted to hear! It's why people like you go to a site like the Daily Kos in the first place!
I'm old enough to remember when Trump and Biden were bad political jokes and only those who were indifferent to being laughed at voted for either corrupt capitalist.

I'm old enough to remember when "journalists" wouldn't have even thought about printing a claim like DiPrima's because to do so would be so unethical!
Are you claiming that others heard Kelly say that, George? If so then name them.

Regardless of how many others learned of Professor Kelley's opinion of Trump's intelligence, he made his thoughts on the matter clear to DiPrima on multiple occasions across 3 decades. Have you heard any reports of contrary assessments from any of Trump's instructors?
I'm old enough to remember when "journalists" wouldn't have even thought about printing a claim like DiPrima's because to do so would be so unethical!
There's nothing unethical about DiPrima recounting a conversation that took place hundreds of times over three decades especially when the subject of their conversation is the most corrupt and unethical POTUS in US History.
Are you claiming that others heard Kelly say that, George? If so then name them.

Regardless of how many others learned of Professor Kelley's opinion of Trump's intelligence, he made his thoughts on the matter clear to DiPrima on multiple occasions across 3 decades. Have you heard any reports of contrary assessments from any of Trump's instructors?
So you have ZERO examples of Professor Kelley saying these things about Trump to anyone OTHER than DiPrima? Doesn't it strike you as "convenient" that the only person that Kelley said this to was a man who has written multiple articles in the Daily Kos attacking Donald Trump and that Kelley was no longer around to confirm or deny what DiPrima was claiming?
I'm old enough to remember when "journalists" wouldn't have even thought about printing a claim like DiPrima's because to do so would be so unethical!
There's nothing unethical about DiPrima recounting a conversation that took place hundreds of times over three decades especially when the subject of their conversation is the most corrupt and unethical POTUS in US History.
What was unethical were other members of the media going with DiPrima's story even though he backed it up with nothing but his word. No ethical journalist would do that!
So you have ZERO examples of Professor Kelley saying these things about Trump to anyone OTHER than DiPrima? Doesn't it strike you as "convenient" that the only person that Kelley said this to
Can you PROVE Kelley never said "Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had" to another person beside DiPrima? Regardless of how many others he told, the only reason to question Kelley's assessment of Trump's intellect involves ideology more than logic.
So you have ZERO examples of Professor Kelley saying these things about Trump to anyone OTHER than DiPrima? Doesn't it strike you as "convenient" that the only person that Kelley said this to
Can you PROVE Kelley never said "Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had" to another person beside DiPrima? Regardless of how many others he told, the only reason to question Kelley's assessment of Trump's intellect involves ideology more than logic.

I think the fact that you CAN'T produce another person who heard Kelley say that other than someone who's a rabid Trump hater speaks for itself! It's not up to me to prove a negative, Georgie! DiParma wrote a hit piece for the Daily Kos and used a dead man to do it. With DiParma's background you'd have to be an idiot NOT to question his integrity!
You believe DiPrima because he told you what you wanted to hear! It's why people like you go to a site like the Daily Kos in the first place!
I'm old enough to remember when Trump and Biden were bad political jokes and only those who were indifferent to being laughed at voted for either corrupt capitalist.
A corrupt Capitalist is one who was fined $2 million dollars for robbing his own Foundation which has been shut down. Stealing from himself is a sign of sickness.
A corrupt Capitalist is one who was fined $2 million dollars for robbing his own Foundation which has been shut down. Stealing from himself is a sign of sickness.
I would add that sickness has a name: greed.

Donald Trump Once Cashed A 13-Cent Check: Incredible True Stories Of President Trump

You poor girl.
You should charge Trump rent for the space he occupies in your head.
Luckily you have plenty you're not using, eh comrade?
So you HAVE recovered from Bernie being robbed...….twice?

Most of the sources I trust never believed Bernie would get a fair shot running as a Democrat. so I wasn't expecting much. I suppose there is a chance Biden will melt down into unabashed senility before the convention, and Hillary will ride to the rescue?

Who are you more excited to vote for, Biden or Hillary?

I’ll vote for both. Compared to this pathological liar, inept and incompetent Trump. This country deserves better.

I’ll vote for both.

Instead of voting better?
What difference does it make? Getting rid of that sick puppy is the best we can do to save this country for more disasters.

Getting rid of that sick puppy is the best we can do to save this country for more disasters.

I agree, get rid of all three sick puppies.
Clinton, Biden and Bernie.

I didn't say you can agree with me. So far Biden, Clinton and Bernie has not caused any disaster. That Putin puppy is very sick.

I can not agree with that. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt. First. Clinton was Sec State when we got involved in Libya and violated international sanctions shipping weapons to Libyan Rebels. This has had a profound effect on Europe flooding Italy and Spain with refugees and resulted in a civil war that continues to rage.

All so Hillary could get on TV and do the We Came, We Saw, He Died interview. Now Regime Change in Iraq was a bad idea. But what threat did Libya pose to anyone?

Libya was a proof of concept which led to the arming of Syrian Rebels. That was another Civil War. And it continues to rage. Just like Libya we enriched the Terrorists, and armed them, and continue to do so today. Again millions dead, and more refugees to strain our allies.

I would argue that Clinton has done an incredible amount of damage to our nation and the world.

Biden. His damage is more along the lines of destroying credibility of movements. Take Gun Control when he was VP as one example. Right or wrong advocates argued that there should be a ban on high capacity magazines. They were making some progress. Until Joe got out there and said that all we need is a double barrel shotgun to fire a couple warning shots. At which time everyone pointed out that once you fired a couple warning shots out of a double barreled shotgun, you were left with a club.

Biden’s biggest failures are destroying the legitimacy of the discussion with stupid comments. He makes the entire liberal agenda look like it is run by a bunch of Alzheimer’s Patients.

And Bernie? Bernies ideals have been tested and have resulted in disasters every time. He screws Democrats by arguing that these ideals are serious. Bernie makes reasonable liberals look like fringe members of a tired old cult that is populated by fools and lunatics.
Oh please.
Compared to what Trump did in last 3 years? Those are nothing. Trump has turned this country upside down made us a laughing stock, corrupted, ignorant, stupid around the world. Created more enemies within his own people the democrats and foreign countries. Trump has said lots of lots of stupid and lies. Never stop lying.

Since when SOS Hillary can send arms to Libya? Can you prove it?

Arming the Syrian rebels against the Assad Sr and junior which are murdering his own people was the right cause.Even Obama get elected.

I support Biden policy on gun control.

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