Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...

You must think that, if you believe your own idiotic comments. Admittedly, you probably don't, being the attention begging troll you are.
There was almost a ^ coherent thought, there. Almost. But alas, you’ve struck out again, twit. And you’re still off topic and your ad hominems are still pathetically lame.

Try again. Maybe consider looking at the thread headline to help you this time. I just double checked. It hasn’t changed. It’s still:

Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...​

There was almost a ^ coherent thought, there. Almost. But alas, you’ve struck out again, twit. And you’re still off topic and your ad hominems are still pathetically lame.

Try again. Maybe consider looking at the thread headline to help you this time. I just double checked. It hasn’t changed. It’s still:

Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...​

If you take a poll of Ben & Jerry fans I bet you'll find that a majority like ice cream... :abgg2q.jpg:
I remain undecided. Waiting for one of the potential candidates make it plain that he/she/it will crush liberalism under his/her/its heel using the very tools the left has been using against all Americans.
Irrelevant to whether or not Rump is fit for high office or whether a narrow-gauge right-wing shindig-poll has any bearing upon Reality as we move forward.
You are clueless, Trump is just as fit as any democrat running. We knew Biden was a liar and a disaster, you voted for him anyway. This shit is on people like you, just so you can get a sex change paid by the govt.
You guys... Maybe not you...but I suspect royally screwed by your party in 2016.

Bernie may have been able to beat Trump.

Trump's policies were a pig in a poke at that time.

This is the point I'm making in the last post... Our Never-Trumpers are your Clinton and Company.

If the progressives got two hands on the Democratic Party steering wheel... You'd have your old guard of Never-Bernies...

Same-same. The establishment will never go quietly.
Nothing bothers INCEL types more than having a female (H. Clinton) proven right again and again and again.
Nothing bothers INCEL types more than having a female (H. Clinton) proven right again and again and again.
Hillary was a terrible candidate.

If you're still in denial about that six years later...not much I can do to help you.

But just find as many left wing sources as you can here and read until you are convinced ...

Democrats FAIL in there bid to destroy Trump's overwhelming grassroots support... the same way they fail at everything else.

Trump dominates 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll at Turning Point USA summit.

View attachment 674194

19% chose Ron DeSantis... The rest of the pack spilt the remaining 2.4%.
They should poll voter's other then the feeble minded.
Hillary was a terrible candidate.

If you're still in denial about that six years later...not much I can do to help you.

But just find as many left wing sources as you can here and read until you are convinced ...

Hillary Clinton was right all along. And got the popular vote (yes, yes...I know about the Electoral College).
And Hillary mopped the floor with her opponents in those primaries.
That is definitely not a true statement.

"What's True

Bernie Sanders trailed Hillary Clinton by just 290 delegates in the Democratic presidential nomination race on 10 May 2016 if superdelegates were not counted."

That's far from "wiping the floor".

Using the power if the biased media machine...they padded the count with superdelegates to give the APPEARANCE that Clinton was mopping the floor with Bernie in the primaries.

It was a dirty trick that cost Bernie votes.

No two ways about it...and I have no dog in that fight.

And right on que, the leftist attempt to spin.

Sorry my man... Biden is destroyed and Trump is going to be the president in 2025.

Feel free to allow your head to explode.
If Trump wins maybe he can pardon himself. But just in case he doesn't get the nomination he better play nice with DeSantis or Pence who can spring him from the slammer if they win.

But seeing how Trump operates he won't & he'll fuck himself like he always does.

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