Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...

The Trumpers always put the cart before the horse.

they literally have told themselves and fooled themselves into thinking that people decided first to be "never trumpers", and any criticism that followed is a result of this first premise and bias.

It never occurs to them (because it can't occur to them, the good cultist never lets his mind waver) that people despise Trump BECAUSE of the behaviors for which they criticize him.

It's absurd and hilarious, but it has also become a tumor on our democracy.

And you can watch it happen in real time in almost every thread. Like right up there ^^
It would be fitting for all trump cultists to work for or be family with people who behave JUST.LIKE.trump.

You can't be serious.
Nope. And notice the massive size of that assembly or retards. 😂🤣
Right, and the poor saps are seeking new members. Thus the flag waving and attempt at exposure and attempt to talk to people entering and exiting that conference.

I notice they didn't go to a Democrat conference to find new members. For some completely unknown reason, they seem to feel their recruiting chances are better at Republican events. Especially those focused around Trump and his most loyal bootlickers.

Weird, huh? ;)
It's hilarious listening to liberals trying to say Trump was a bad president and claiming biden is a good one.
You cant actually believe that.
:thankusmile: They get so desperate knowing they fucked up voting for lying biden that to avoid owning up admitting they fucked up,they get desperate and throw Hail Marys unable to debate facts biden has ellipsed FDR as the most disasterous president in mankind history.FDR previously had the honor of the most disasterous president in history presiding over the Great Depression but now he is jumping up with joy in his grave knowing he does not have that number one honor anymore,that Biden does.:rofl:trollboys like him provide comedy with Hail Marys that trump was bad but Biden was good,they like to pretend having the worse gas increase and food shortage is everybody else’s fault on the planet except biden even though it’s common knowledge everyone knows biden cutting off the oil supply is the sole reason for gas prices at an all time high in the history of our country,they have shit on their faces in embarrassment trying to avoid thst pesky fact.:rofl:
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Right, and the poor saps are seeking new members. Thus the flag waving and attempt at exposure and attempt to talk to people entering and exiting that conference.

I notice they didn't go to a Democrat conference to find new members. For some completely unknown reason, they seem to feel their recruiting chances are better at Republican events. Especially those focused around Trump and his most loyal bootlickers.

Weird, huh? ;)
You are weird. And easily manipulated by staged PR crap.
You are weird. And easily manipulated by staged PR crap.
haha, poor little guy. You have pretty much always been a worthless poster, haven't you?

The Nazis saw the trump asslicking gathering as fertile ground for new members and for spreading their message.

It's a fact. We took pictures of it.
haha, poor little guy. You have pretty much always been a worthless poster, haven't you?
A nobody and imbecile such as you could never know.

Now get your stupid ass back on topic, bitch. 🤣😂

I say all polls, especially this early, are kind of scientifically worthless. However, this poll seems to suggest that Trump has significant support. I don’t believe it’s of much concern to DeSantis — especially at this stage of the game.
Or one of the Brandon rallies.

Easily held in the back seat of an d VW Bug.
As was the norm, among rational, educated people.

And also, every nauseating Trump rally was really just a Biden rally anyway. The more the orange turd opened his mouth, the more votes were created for Biden.

What a luxury for Biden, haha
This seems suspiciously like the sound of a shoe fitting^^
Still ^ off topic trolling efforts. Nothing on topic? Seems suspiciously like you just don’t want to discuss the thread topic. Even after I so generously showed you the topic and how posting on topic is done.

Helpful reminder for the always trollish Farty:

Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...​

As was the norm, among rational, educated people.

And also, every nauseating Trump rally was really just a Biden rally anyway. The more the orange turd opened his mouth, the more votes were created for Biden.

What a luxury for Biden, haha
Nah. It was just the norm for a guy who had no support from his Party’s voting base. 😎

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