Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...

Ron Paul won the CPAC straw poll a few times I believe. It doesn't really mean anything.
Apples and oranges.Paul never became potus,trump did, :rofl: I was the most pessimistic person in the world on the election of trump and hitlery,I did not want trump in as potus back then only voting for him because anybody Republican nominee was ten times better of an improvement over evil hitlery.trump exceeded everything I ever expected from him while in office,he is the first president in my lifetime who did what he said he would do.

I never expected him to get elected,I said to myself it’s a waste of time voting,the elite will make sure hitlery gets elected,whoever they want in gets in.they will sabotage his campaine same as they did Ron Paul when they made sure he did not get the Republican nomination.i mentioned that to my friend back then and he said,yeah but trump may have a chance though still because Ron Paul did not have the money to compete against the elite,trump friend was right obviously,trump having the money,the elite could not sabotage him the same way they did Paul when they made sure their boy Romney got the nomination.:yes_text12::banana: The very few handful of people that voted for lying biden,they realise they fucked up,nobody in the country wants biden back,when you got entire nfl stadiums and concerts chanting let’s go Brandon,you are indeed the most unpopular president in mankind history. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:
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Sure enough.
But I was thinking along the lines of her running for prez.
Even if biden strokes out and doesnt finish his first term Kameltoe will be a lame duck after the red wave.

True dat. She'd be a dead duck too, in any future presidential elections.

Still, black and female. Identity politics rules the roost over on the Left. Wait, there's Stacey Abrams, right?
Trump is the first president in my lifetime who gained the office of President, then did exactly what he said he would do.

That's why I support him.

You tell me what POLICIES Trump backed that you opposed.
So...Mexico paid for the Wall? (the Wall that was never built)

And how about the end of Obamacare?

And the balanced budget?
The Trumpers always put the cart before the horse.

they literally have told themselves and fooled themselves into thinking that people decided first to be "never trumpers", and any criticism that followed is a result of this first premise and bias.

It never occurs to them (because it can't occur to them, the good cultist never lets his mind waver) that people despise Trump BECAUSE of the behaviors for which they criticize him.

It's absurd and hilarious, but it has also become a tumor on our democracy.

And you can watch it happen in real time in almost every thread. Like right up there ^^

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