Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...

Riiiight, as indicated by Biden receiving the most votes ever received by any candidate, ever, in all of american history.

Good God man, you really don't care how stupid you look, do you?
See? You’d buy anything sold to you Ronco.


You’re so observant you probably didn’t see the moment when those who run the Democrap Party flipped the switch from the senile commie, Bernie, to the old standby senile racist, Brandon.

And to the extent that you’re worried about “looking stupid,” you just need to understand that you aren’t required to post!
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See? You’d buy anything sold to you Ronco.


You’re so observant you probably didn’t see the moment when those who run the Democrap Party flipped the switch from the senile commie, Bernie, to the old standby senile racist, Brandon.
You must think Bernie would have beaten your orange lard and master by 40 million, or something.

This represents you straying from the cult marching orders. Be careful, son. Someone might pull your cult card.
Riiiight, as indicated by Biden receiving the most votes ever received by any candidate, ever, in all of american history.
You must think Bernie would have beaten your orange lard and master by 40 million, or something.

This represents you straying from the cult marching orders. Be careful, son. Someone might pull your cult card.
Don’t attempt to tell me or anyone else what they must think, kid, until you learn how to. 👍
Democrats FAIL in there bid to destroy Trump's overwhelming grassroots support... the same way they fail at everything else.

Trump dominates 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll at Turning Point USA summit.

View attachment 674194

19% chose Ron DeSantis... The rest of the pack spilt the remaining 2.4%.
More MAGA law and order on the way?

"Trump ran as the 'law and order' candidate who would 'drain the swamp' in Washington, D.C.

"Instead he did the opposite, using his power as the President to boost his own profits through frequent visits to his hotels and golf courses, relentless promotion of his properties, and countless other interactions between the Trump Organization and the government.

"By keeping these properties, Trump provided corporate lobbyists, foreign actors, special interests and anyone else seeking political clout a way to gain access to his administration.

"Trump opened the presidency up for business, and for four years, influence was for sale."

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
they literally have told themselves and fooled themselves into thinking that people decided first to be "never trumpers", and any criticism that followed is a result of this first premise and bias
I don't think this is true at all.

The never-Trumpers are the diehards of the old establishment...more aligned with Romney and Cheney the Elder that the now dominant pro-America, working class, law and order, stop outsourcing to China, non-globalist Republican Party.
You must think Bernie would have beaten your orange lard and master by 40 million, or something.

This represents you straying from the cult marching orders. Be careful, son. Someone might pull your cult card.
You guys... Maybe not you...but I suspect royally screwed by your party in 2016.

Bernie may have been able to beat Trump.

Trump's policies were a pig in a poke at that time.

This is the point I'm making in the last post... Our Never-Trumpers are your Clinton and Company.

If the progressives got two hands on the Democratic Party steering wheel... You'd have your old guard of Never-Bernies...

Same-same. The establishment will never go quietly.
And if it's Trump vs Biden or Harris, you vote dem?
Honestly, and with the greatest and most unfortunate disappointment, and even genuine embarrassment and shame... yes.



He is an ignorant, arrogant, sociopathic, lying, glad-handing, unscrupulous amoral fat little rich boy, with zero connection to the Common Man.

He is unfit to hold office.

He attempted to subvert the Constitution of the United States on multiple occasions; most egregiously on January 6, 2021.

He incited a large, dangerous, riotous mob of worshipers to assault the Congress of the United States whilst in performance of its duties.

He caused the life of his Vice President and that official's family to be threatened by that same traitorous insurrectionist mob.

He intentionally divided this country yet further by conjuring and propagating his Goebbels -like Big Lie about a fictitious stolen election.

He violated the centuries -old sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.

He contemplated utilizing the United States military to seize ballot mechanisms across the country like some third-rate Banana Republic dictator-wannabe.

The Republic can survive the idiocy of another Democrat -controlled term in the White House if - God forbid - it comes to that.

The Republic CANNOT survive the destruction of constitutional norms and the installment of an autocrat and his family in lieu of the Rule of Law.

If you force me to vote Democrat again I will indeed be voting for the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils... but we stand a better chance of recovering from that.
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Trump’s people.
If Trump and Desantis have similar policies ... they should be Desantis' people as well.

But they're not.

What the Dems are selling, nobody important is buying.

Leftists are just yelling into each other's ears.
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You used to be that way but stopped. I read your posts and I don't see it anymore.
Oh, I continue to do just that... the goddamned Democrats would screw-up a two-car scripted funeral... and they lie and cheat with the best of 'em...

It's just that your Orange Baboon must never again be trusted with the Presidency... and those posting against Rump do their tiny bit to discourage such an outcome.
If you force me to vote Democrat again I will, indeed, be voting for the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils... but we stand a better chance of recovering from that.
I can't force you to do anything. Only a fool votes for democrats, though.
Oh, I continue to do just that... the goddamned Democrats would screw-up a two-car scripted funeral... and they lie and cheat with the best of 'em...

It's just that your Orange Baboon must never again be trusted with the Presidency... and those posting against Rump do their tiny bit to discourage such an outcome.
It's obvious I'm not as sensitive as you are to "Baboons".
Most of my family lives in NYS, NJ and Florida and they did great under the Orange Baboon.
Imagine that...

A large percentage of attendees at a hootenanny thrown by a hyper-right-wing NPO with a Hitler Youth indoctrination brainwashing component...

Saying that they'd vote for the Disgraced Failed Orange Messiah...

Dog bites Man... :auiqs.jpg:



Godalmighty, but these feebs are gettin' desparate... :cool:
Yeah, the Nazis are plotting to burn down American city blocks, again!, but nice projection though

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