Trump Doubled My Tax Refund Check!!

This is one of the stupidest threads I've seen on here lately.
Lots of rhetoric and no facts, which is typical but it's just gets dumb and dumber here.

Facts are in the OP nitwit go back and read. How many of you libs have read the bill then calculated your future taxes under the bill vs current year taxes? None would be my guess. I did the work for you people, typical.

"""I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:""

This is why Trump won. You think these are facts ^^^^^^. That's nothing but rhetorical bullshit.
Only thing missing from your propaganda is "Dear Leader".

Your partisan rhetoric vs my calculator...:eusa_think:
The theory is this tax reform bill will enable the economy to take off and grow at such a rate it will pay for the tax cuts plus generate a whole lot more tax revenue on top of that. So your post is at best dishonest. Some Dem's suggested maybe half the tax cuts and test that for a few years to see if this theory proves true, but half measures were likely not to work. We need to hit a tax cut threshold for the economy to get cooking with gas.

So give it a few years and if it doesn't work you can celebrate. Certainly doing nothing was wrong. Obama doubled the damn debt and what do we have to show for it. So now we'll give Trump's plan a try he can hardly do worse than your guy.

Duh, that "theory" has never worked. Never! You're just happy that Trump is kicking the debt can down the road to enrich his already rich friends at the expense of future generations of poor and middle class Americans. On Christmas Day - think about the millions who will lose their health insurance in order to help pay for Trump's tax cut con job.

TAX and SPEND lib please, your faux rage over the debt is laughable :laugh:

Your bullshit and lies can only smear some lipstick on Trump's tax cut pig. It's nothing but a con job - of which Trump's deranged base will end up suffering the most.
Now we know you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground! If the tax cut is as bad as you liars say it is, why won't it affect you to? Oosp! LOL!

It does affect me. I just choose not to air it on this board.
Adjusting your lies to fit the narrative. How perfectly regressive.
Still waiting for BoozeLegend to post his calculations on how he will double his refund.
Facts and Trumpanzees don't mix very well.

Here's the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act go read it and calculate your taxes under the bill.

So you went through all of 1097 pages or just the first three or four?
Also, dumbass, it's not passed yet much less the law.
So go along with the hypocrisy of the right that said their children and grandchildren shouldn't in inherit the very shit you're celebrating.
I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:

Well good for you. You get double the check and the next generation gets 1.5 trillion more in debt! The wife and I are getting what accounts to about 400 a month! Sounds like a fair trade to me! Fuck em if they cannot take a joke.

Yeah, suddenly deficits are OK and a trillion here or there is no big deal.
A bigger bunch of stupid hypocrites I've never seen before, these Trumpanzees.
You have to spend money to fix the mess jughead left, even a deranged traitor like you should know this.

Spend money on what? Certainly not infrastructure. This money is going to corporate executives and shareholders and the rich.
Still waiting for BoozeLegend to post his calculations on how he will double his refund.
Facts and Trumpanzees don't mix very well.

Here's the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act go read it and calculate your taxes under the bill.

So you went through all of 1097 pages or just the first three or four?
Also, dumbass, it's not passed yet much less the law.
And go along with the hypocrisy of the right that said their children and grandchildren shouldn't in inherit the very shit you're celebrating.

Lets score your post, dumb, captain obvious, and dumb. This bill has gone through conference, the differences between the House and Senate bill have been dealt with I waited for this step to calculate my taxes. Next it will be voted on in the House and Senate then sent to President Trump for his signature. There now you know how this works. :itsok:
I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:

Wouldn't you much rather have one of the leftists here on the board have the money? They are always so thankful and all that others pay for their shit.
Oh? Who’s paying for my shit? And what shit am I not paying for?
CAUTION: Those who prepay taxes in 2017, that are due in 2018 and attempt to deduct them this year to escape the upcoming 2018 $10k cap on deductions they caught that and added language to the bill to disallow.
Can you give an example where the theory ever worked?

IT always works. Facts and figures don't lie. .

They tried it under Ronald Reagan, the facts, Reagan tripled the national debt
They tried it under George W> Bush, the facts, Bush doubled the national debt.

Again, give me an example where the theory ever worked.

I am tablet limited. I did give you GWB example. Revenue was increasing up thru 2007. Then Social Eng broke housing, recession hit. TARP + 2 mini stimulus charged under GWB final yr. Start of Obama. This skews numbers you toss around. Obama years added more to that. Took TARP payback too but charged it during GWB final year. Lots of funny business during 09 transition.
Stop lying, gramps.

Duhbya cut taxes in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and federal income tax revenue fell each of those years. It wasn’t until 2004 when the real estate bubble began to inflate uncontrollably that federal income tax finally began to increase.


fyi....grandpamurkedu was not the liar, I was. be careful, Cheifs play big game tonight vs. SD. Fair warning Iissued.

It took time for results to show from the other job recession. The GOVT screws up a lot of things. This is why Trump (an outsider) may help? Cant do much worse than $1.25T wasted per year. Give Trump a chance.......give 2-3 years. Clean the house.
Exactly how senile are you? I was taking to you, not Grampa Murked U, when I said you were lying.

It did not “take time.” It never happened because of the tax cuts. Tax cuts reduce federal income tax revenue and as I showed you, revenues fell in 2001, 2002 and 2003. When revenues did increase, it was because of the real estate bubble. When that bubble burst in 2008, revenues fell again.
IT always works. Facts and figures don't lie. .

They tried it under Ronald Reagan, the facts, Reagan tripled the national debt
They tried it under George W> Bush, the facts, Bush doubled the national debt.

Again, give me an example where the theory ever worked.

I am tablet limited. I did give you GWB example. Revenue was increasing up thru 2007. Then Social Eng broke housing, recession hit. TARP + 2 mini stimulus charged under GWB final yr. Start of Obama. This skews numbers you toss around. Obama years added more to that. Took TARP payback too but charged it during GWB final year. Lots of funny business during 09 transition.
Stop lying, gramps.

Duhbya cut taxes in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and federal income tax revenue fell each of those years. It wasn’t until 2004 when the real estate bubble began to inflate uncontrollably that federal income tax finally began to increase.


fyi....grandpamurkedu was not the liar, I was. be careful, Cheifs play big game tonight vs. SD. Fair warning Iissued.

It took time for results to show from the other job recession. The GOVT screws up a lot of things. This is why Trump (an outsider) may help? Cant do much worse than $1.25T wasted per year. Give Trump a chance.......give 2-3 years. Clean the house.
Exactly how senile are you? I was taking to you, not Grampa Murked U, when I said you were lying.

It did not “take time.” It never happened because of the tax cuts. Tax cuts reduce federal income tax revenue and as I showed you, revenues fell in 2001, 2002 and 2003. When revenues did increase, it was because of the real estate bubble. When that bubble burst in 2008, revenues fell again.

Come to grips with this...economic growth is our only hope of digging out of the black hole of debt congress has sunk us into. Its time to go big or go home, Trump's been telling the country this for several years now.
Still waiting for BoozeLegend to post his calculations on how he will double his refund.
Facts and Trumpanzees don't mix very well.

Here's the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act go read it and calculate your taxes under the bill.

Did you use table 1 or table 2 as your base tax rate, when figuring your savings.

There are four tables, plus one for estates. I used one of the first 4.

1. Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns
2. Heads Of Households
3. Unmarried Individuals
4. Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
If you live in a high tax blue state look out, some people are going to come out on the losing end of this tax reform bill. The cap for deducting state income and property taxes is $10k. States like NJ where just your property taxes can exceed $10k will get hit.
Did you use table 1 or table 2 as your base tax rate, when figuring your savings.

There are four tables, plus one for estates. I used one of the first 4.

1. Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns
2. Heads Of Households
3. Unmarried Individuals
4. Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Table 1.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2017
Table 2.─ Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the House Bill
Table 3.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Senate Amendment
Table 4.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement

Once again, which table did you use as the basis for determining your savings?
Did you use table 1 or table 2 as your base tax rate, when figuring your savings.

There are four tables, plus one for estates. I used one of the first 4.

1. Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns
2. Heads Of Households
3. Unmarried Individuals
4. Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Table 1.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2017
Table 2.─ Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the House Bill
Table 3.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Senate Amendment
Table 4.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement

Once again, which table did you use as the basis for determining your savings?

Table 4.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement. The conference table is located near the top of the bill, then again about half way through the bill they list the House, Senate, and Conference versions.
Last edited:
Table 1.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2017
Table 2.─ Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the House Bill
Table 3.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Senate Amendment
Table 4.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement

Once again, which table did you use as the basis for determining your savings?

I'll just post my bank account information too :itsok:

I asked which table. Is that too hard a question?
I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:
How much bigger will the debt be?

The deficit will go down under Trump's tax reform bill as tax revenues rise in a growing economy just relax.

No, it will not. Even under the White House's expected growth the tax bill adds 1.5 trillion do the deficit. that is a fact, and that is the best case scenario.
The right wing only complains when income redistribution benefits the poor.
I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:

And the government will be borrowing that amount to make up the loss of revenue.
Shame they don't cut their spending like all responsible people do when their income goes down.

The Republicans do the exact same thing every time they get in power. Cut taxes, balloon the deficit, leave a mess for the Democrats, and then run against the Democrats raising taxes to try to clean up the mess.
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined. Didn't hear a peep out of you.
He had to bail out the rich not blacks.
Table 1.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2017
Table 2.─ Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the House Bill
Table 3.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Senate Amendment
Table 4.─Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement

Once again, which table did you use as the basis for determining your savings?

I'll just post my bank account information too :itsok:

I asked which table. Is that too hard a question?

No, apologies I misunderstood your question and edited my reply.
I just finished reading Trump's tax reform bill and calculated my tax refund check for next year when the tax reform bill takes effect, my refund check will be DOUBLE this years refund on about the same income hell yeah! Good job president Trump!! :eusa_dance:
How much bigger will the debt be?

The deficit will go down under Trump's tax reform bill as tax revenues rise in a growing economy just relax.

No, it will not. Even under the White House's expected growth the tax bill adds 1.5 trillion do the deficit. that is a fact, and that is the best case scenario.
The right wing only complains when income redistribution benefits the poor.

Keeping more of MY own money is not income redistribution get real.

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