Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

she dont look to fat in her porn videos

She went from this....


Are you ready? To this. No wonder Trump was flipping out.


Wake up and smell the bacon, Hillary. If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy that IS Donald's business
By Katie Hopkins for MailOnline

Published: 14:17 GMT, 28 September 2016 | Updated: 22:22 GMT, 28 September 2016

and the author makes a good point. its business. big business. the Miss Universe is a yuuuuuuuuge brand.

"I would be prepared to accept the liberal view if Alicia Machado wants to be a walking doughball it's none of my business.

But if you owe your success to a swimsuit and signed a contract to stay slim, it IS actually someone else's business. Donald's business.

Perhaps someone needed to translate this for her - If you lie down with the devil, lay off the doughnuts.

Clinton is using her as a symbol of Trump's misogyny: a beauty-pageant queen who Donald called Miss Piggy because she ate too much.

But, yet again, Clinton is wrong.

Donald does not hate women. He is surrounded by intelligent ladies who love him.

It is simply business. She was awarded a contract based on her assets, apparently the only assets she had. And she failed to protect them."

KATIE: If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy it IS Donald's business


Look at the waistline of the man who is doubling down on his attacks against her.

Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

It's his business. Miss Universe is a brand. She had to lose the weight or she was going to be replaced with the runner up.
Nope, that is also a lie.
Wowsa, Crooked Hillary folks are still defending the Crooked Miss Porn Piggy. :p

The Crooked Hillary campaign should have done their homework before hiring Crooked Miss Porn Piggy to represent Crooked Hillary. Not only do they have issues with emails, that apparently don't know how to use Google.
When mrs bill bought it up he should have quietly said "I've evolved and don't call her that anymore" then hammered her about ... well, anything out of the clinton grab bag.

Opportunity. Missed.


Sure. He could have done that. But he didn't. That's part of Trumps problem.

Actually that is seen as one of Trumps virtues. It's called "honesty". Look it up.

What comes to mind is another virtue: just because you can, doesn't mean you should

Sometimes it takes more guts and maturity and character to NOT say something.

I suspect that means that people should only say what you think they should. I would rather decide for myself. Trump probably would also. Also think that if it had been someone disrespecting America people would be going apeship whining about his 1st amendment rights.

No, actually. But there USED to be something called good manners.
When has Hillary demonstrated good manners? She's a scumbag who hits below the belt. You're defending her behavior. might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?
Are you talking about Rush Limbaugh? Yes, it's a double standard, but that's political talk shows for you. That's how they roll.
Trump hasn't been slamming her for getting fat. He merely discusses what both sides are saying.
She went from this....


Are you ready? To this. No wonder Trump was flipping out.


Wake up and smell the bacon, Hillary. If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy that IS Donald's business
By Katie Hopkins for MailOnline

Published: 14:17 GMT, 28 September 2016 | Updated: 22:22 GMT, 28 September 2016

and the author makes a good point. its business. big business. the Miss Universe is a yuuuuuuuuge brand.

"I would be prepared to accept the liberal view if Alicia Machado wants to be a walking doughball it's none of my business.

But if you owe your success to a swimsuit and signed a contract to stay slim, it IS actually someone else's business. Donald's business.

Perhaps someone needed to translate this for her - If you lie down with the devil, lay off the doughnuts.

Clinton is using her as a symbol of Trump's misogyny: a beauty-pageant queen who Donald called Miss Piggy because she ate too much.

But, yet again, Clinton is wrong.

Donald does not hate women. He is surrounded by intelligent ladies who love him.

It is simply business. She was awarded a contract based on her assets, apparently the only assets she had. And she failed to protect them."

KATIE: If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy it IS Donald's business


Look at the waistline of the man who is doubling down on his attacks against her.

Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

It's his business. Miss Universe is a brand. She had to lose the weight or she was going to be replaced with the runner up.
Nope, that is also a lie.
Link to contract?
Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

It's his business. Miss Universe is a brand. She had to lose the weight or she was going to be replaced with the runner up.


So how should that have been handled? By name calling?
Yeah, she's a fat bitch. I'll bet she has bacon in her tent sized undies.

What do you suppose Trump has in his tent sized undies? Bacon streaks?
Beats me. You're the man crotch expert.
She went from this....


Are you ready? To this. No wonder Trump was flipping out.


Wake up and smell the bacon, Hillary. If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy that IS Donald's business
By Katie Hopkins for MailOnline

Published: 14:17 GMT, 28 September 2016 | Updated: 22:22 GMT, 28 September 2016

and the author makes a good point. its business. big business. the Miss Universe is a yuuuuuuuuge brand.

"I would be prepared to accept the liberal view if Alicia Machado wants to be a walking doughball it's none of my business.

But if you owe your success to a swimsuit and signed a contract to stay slim, it IS actually someone else's business. Donald's business.

Perhaps someone needed to translate this for her - If you lie down with the devil, lay off the doughnuts.

Clinton is using her as a symbol of Trump's misogyny: a beauty-pageant queen who Donald called Miss Piggy because she ate too much.

But, yet again, Clinton is wrong.

Donald does not hate women. He is surrounded by intelligent ladies who love him.

It is simply business. She was awarded a contract based on her assets, apparently the only assets she had. And she failed to protect them."

KATIE: If Miss Universe turns into Miss Piggy it IS Donald's business


Look at the waistline of the man who is doubling down on his attacks against her.

Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds... Its real funny and took me about three seconds to find out the way to get a copy of the admissions/entry form... Become the Next Miss Universe
Last edited:
Wowsa, Crooked Hillary folks are still defending the Crooked Miss Porn Piggy. :p

The Crooked Hillary campaign should have done their homework before hiring Crooked Miss Porn Piggy to represent Crooked Hillary. Not only do they have issues with emails, that apparently don't know how to use Google.

her history is more then just being a porno star --LOL

she ranks right up there with other fuck the police members
Last edited: might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

It's his business. Miss Universe is a brand. She had to lose the weight or she was going to be replaced with the runner up.


So how should that have been handled? By name calling?
Yeah, she's a fat bitch. I'll bet she has bacon in her tent sized undies.

What do you suppose Trump has in his tent sized undies? Bacon streaks?
Beats me. You're the man crotch expert.
This conversation is a lot more interesting when talking about the positive aspects of buxom curvy chicks.


Look at the waistline of the man who is doubling down on his attacks against her.

Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds...

Really? Not paying taxes? Funneling money into his foundation to avoid taxation?
That was proven last week to be untrue. Real estate taxes imposed by the state of NY are so arduous as to cover your federal tax obligation by federal deductions. Many large businesses operate the same way. If you don't like it vote for the tax raiser.

Look at the waistline of the man who is doubling down on his attacks against her.

Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds... Its real funny and took me about three seconds to find out the way to get a copy of the admissions/entry form... Become the Next Miss Universe
Then you should be able to link to it.
Wowsa, Crooked Hillary folks are still defending the Crooked Miss Porn Piggy. :p

The Crooked Hillary campaign should have done their homework before hiring Crooked Miss Porn Piggy to represent Crooked Hillary. Not only do they have issues with emails, that apparently don't know how to use Google.
In their defense, they don't want to run on hiLIARy's *cough* "accomplishments" which are slim- to- none BTW ;)
Wowsa, Crooked Hillary folks are still defending the Crooked Miss Porn Piggy. :p

The Crooked Hillary campaign should have done their homework before hiring Crooked Miss Porn Piggy to represent Crooked Hillary. Not only do they have issues with emails, that apparently don't know how to use Google.
In their defense, they don't want to run on hiLIARy's *cough* "accomplishments" which are slim- to- none BTW ;)
The Iran deal is a blow to neocons, which is a good thing. She has not stated an objective test of when she would commit troops in the ME, or how she would force a peace on Assad and Putin. Of course Trump is figuratively in bed with those two.
Desperation.... is priceless... Grabbing at straws now are we? might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds... Its real funny and took me about three seconds to find out the way to get a copy of the admissions/entry form... Become the Next Miss Universe
Then you should be able to link to it.
Eboni Williams (who was in these pageants) said last night on Bill O'Reilley's show that there is a clause in those contracts that states they (pageant winners) must remain in the same condition as when they won. I don't have a link to it but I do not lie. If you watch the segment online with Monica Crowley and Eboni Williams on O'Reilley you will see it and hear it with your own two ears.
It's common knowledge that blacks and Latinas tend to gain weight as they get older, and it's very objectionable to view them with that weight. No one disputes this. Let's move on. (--: might have missed this but - I'm not the one defending anyone.

Tell it appropriate for an obese man to slam a woman for getting fat?

Or, is there a double standard at play somewhere?

At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds... Its real funny and took me about three seconds to find out the way to get a copy of the admissions/entry form... Become the Next Miss Universe
Then you should be able to link to it.
Eboni Williams (who was in these pageants) said last night on Bill O'Reilley's show that there is a clause in those contracts that states they (pageant winners) must remain in the same condition as when they won. I don't have a link to it but I do not lie. If you watch the segment online with Monica Crowley and Eboni Williams on O'Reilley you will see it and hear it with your own two ears.
You may not lie but you are easily led. No one is able to provide a link to back it up.
It's common knowledge that blacks and Latinas tend to gain weight as they get older, and it's very objectionable to view them with that weight. No one disputes this. Let's move on. (--:
Trump actually did say something like that to her "you people have a real problem with weight" Mr. Porky Pig's comment.

Ravi found it on Bills site. Here's a copy pasta on that segment (synopsis)

Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who says she was 'fat-shamed' and belittled by Donald Trump when she gained weight in 1996, is now a prominent supporter of Hillary Clinton. Eboni Williams and Monica Crowley entered the No Spin Zone with their analyses. "If you think Donald Trump is a sexist," Crowley said, "this reinforces that. And if you don't, you don't care. Voters have more of an interest in the big picture and this is a very minor episode." But Williams theorized that Donald Trump may pay a political price for his long-ago criticism of Machado. "This will thwart Mr. Trump's attempt to make inroads with women voters, particularly Republican women. Some women are triggered by that kind of 'fat-shaming.' The way Donald Trump went about this is a shame, but his critique of her weight gaining is contractually valid. She was essentially a brand ambassador for Miss Universe.

Link and scroll to impact segment
Bill O'Reilly: The O'Reilly Factor - Wednesday, September 28, 2016
You may not lie but you are easily led. No one is able to provide a link to back it up.
No one has pictures of Monica blowing Bill, but it happened.

Let's not forget the event took place nearly 20 years ago. A few things have changed, including beauty contests.

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