Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

obama voted FOR that bailout of wall street as senator and has continued giving enormous Wall Street banks HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS, TRILLIONS EVEN, in near interest-free loans in the form of quantitative easing
Obama made PERMANENT 98% OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS and EXTENDED THAT OTHER 2% FOR THE RICHEST, beyond what Republicans had originally set for the tax cuts to "sunset"

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

Ol' should check and see how that stuff worked it's way through the congress. The president can't do a goddam thing about spending and taxes unless they will support it:

Obama made PERMANENT 98% OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS and EXTENDED THAT OTHER 2% FOR THE RICHEST, beyond what Republicans had originally set for the tax cuts to "sunset"

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

Ol' should check and see how that stuff worked it's way through the congress. The president can't do a goddam thing about spending and taxes unless they will support it:


helping you make a damn fool of yourself gives me great pleasure! ;)
have Republicans been able to overide an obama veto leftard?

it's a yes or no question
Ol' should check and see how that stuff worked it's way through the congress. The president can't do a goddam thing about spending and taxes unless they will support it:


remember what you jus said the next time you or one of your idiotic left-wing fellow posters here is ranting about Ronald Reagan ok? i know i'll remember what you just said!!
Obama made PERMANENT 98% OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS and EXTENDED THAT OTHER 2% FOR THE RICHEST, beyond what Republicans had originally set for the tax cuts to "sunset"

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

Ol' should check and see how that stuff worked it's way through the congress. The president can't do a goddam thing about spending and taxes unless they will support it:


helping you make a damn fool of yourself gives me great pleasure! ;)

you know damn well repubs refused to extend unemployment unless dems extended the tax cuts to ALL, so stop with your trying to baffle us with your bull crud.
Obama made PERMANENT 98% OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS and EXTENDED THAT OTHER 2% FOR THE RICHEST, beyond what Republicans had originally set for the tax cuts to "sunset"

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

Ol' should check and see how that stuff worked it's way through the congress. The president can't do a goddam thing about spending and taxes unless they will support it:


helping you make a damn fool of yourself gives me great pleasure! ;)

you know damn well repubs refused to extend unemployment unless dems extended the tax cuts to ALL, so stop with your trying to baffle us with your bull crud.

YOU'RE A MORON, who lies to herself, so nothing you say has any credibility anyway. if you werent such an ignorant brainwashed loser you would know the Republicans only ask that the extension be paid for, you know, according to the "PAYGO" LAW OBAMA SIGNED INTO LAW???
look up when the tax cuts were extended, obama still had BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS. how could a refusal by Republicans to extend unemployment benefits have mattered y ou idiot? WERE republicans able to overide an obama veto??

AND THAT ISNT EVEN THE POINT IDIOT. because unemployment benefits werent the real reason obama extended the tax cuts for ALL the tax brackets.

he said in his own words THAT IT WASNT A GOOD TIME TO RAISE TAXES.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.

Plus the fact that China has been manipulating the value of it's currency to make things work in their favor. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from China to fund his wars. Altogether he doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. He cut taxes for the rich twice and never cut spending a goddam dime. Shit like that is why he had to hand the banks $800 billion on his way out of office just as the whole thing fell down around his ears. If Hoover had been able to use a few billion for the banks in 1929 we would have never had a depression.

this is why nobody takes you seriously you moron. take a look at ALL the shat you're mentiong/crying about. You'll find democrat Party votes all over it, and not only when Bush was in office but extended by DEMOCRATS LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE AND REPUBLICANS WERE A MINORITY

You've got your right wing head so far up your right wing ass you'll never see daylight or smell fresh air again!
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.

Plus the fact that China has been manipulating the value of it's currency to make things work in their favor. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from China to fund his wars. Altogether he doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. He cut taxes for the rich twice and never cut spending a goddam dime. Shit like that is why he had to hand the banks $800 billion on his way out of office just as the whole thing fell down around his ears. If Hoover had been able to use a few billion for the banks in 1929 we would have never had a depression.

this is why nobody takes you seriously you moron. take a look at ALL the shat you're mentiong/crying about. You'll find democrat Party votes all over it, and not only when Bush was in office but extended by DEMOCRATS LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE AND REPUBLICANS WERE A MINORITY

You've got your right wing head so far up your right wing ass you'll never see daylight or smell fresh air again!

that's great sissy; but when are you going to get around to rebutting anything i've posted so far?
isnt this your chance to put me in my place with the "real" facts?????
just one will do leftard!! come on tell me what i posted that isnt true!!

instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves

LOL!!!! The idea of a Fox News watcher calling somebody a liar just absolutely cracks me up! Fox would rather climb a tree and shout a lie to the world than to tell the truth. It's not part of their action to ever state facts....they rarely know any.
The idea that what news station you watch is an indication of your honesty is pretty silly as well.

Bullshit! Fox News on average gets four pinochios on nearly every solid stand they take.....on anything. They lie 24/7 and when O'Reilly covers their asses he makes their tales appear to be know, like all that killing folks he writes about.
So what. They're journalists. They're all lying assholes.

I'm not gonna defend Fox News to anyone, because I know they're simply catering their news to their demographic.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.

Plus the fact that China has been manipulating the value of it's currency to make things work in their favor. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from China to fund his wars. Altogether he doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. He cut taxes for the rich twice and never cut spending a goddam dime. Shit like that is why he had to hand the banks $800 billion on his way out of office just as the whole thing fell down around his ears. If Hoover had been able to use a few billion for the banks in 1929 we would have never had a depression.

this is why nobody takes you seriously you moron. take a look at ALL the shat you're mentiong/crying about. You'll find democrat Party votes all over it, and not only when Bush was in office but extended by DEMOCRATS LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE AND REPUBLICANS WERE A MINORITY

You've got your right wing head so far up your right wing ass you'll never see daylight or smell fresh air again!
Yup.....but the Democrats voted for it to be extended more than who's full of shit?
The problem with debating minimum wage with conservatives and especially republican conservatives is the issue is not about fairness or morality, it is rather about ideology and opposition involving perceived assumptions about who would get the raise. Underlying the opposition is economic agitprop from corporations whose only concern is next quarter earnings, and the Pavlovian response to anything that helps all Americans. It is part of a mindset created by business for over sixty years. The conservatives are well trained and facts have no place when the idea is an embedded belief. Tell them Clinton raised the rate and all went well and you have sufficiently countered them, but they still follow, as again it is not about rationality but rather about opposition based on ideology. Belief systems run deep for some. See book at bottom.

'Nearly 3 years, and counting: Minimum wage increase helps working families and the economy'
Nearly 3 years, and counting: Minimum wage increase helps working families and the economy

Raising the Minimum Wage to $12 by 2020 Would Lift Wages for 35 Million American Workers

"It turns out that the Wall Street bonus pool in 2014 was roughly twice the total annual earnings of all Americans working full time at the federal minimum wage."

"And yet over the course of the decade the old skepticism toward business that had been born in the Great Depression and reawakened for a new generation in the Vietnam era finally began to disappear. The economic transformations of the decade would be interpreted through the framework of the free market vision. The 1970s campaigns to revive the image of capitalism among college students bore fruit in the 1980s. Universities created new centers for the study of business themes such as entrepreneurship. Students in Free Enterprise, a group started in 1975 to bring students together to "discuss what they might do to counteract the stultifying criticism of American business," thrived on small college campuses, funded by companies like Coors, Dow Chemical, and Walmart (as well as the Business Roundtable). The group organized battles of the bands, at which prizes would be doled out to the best pro-business rock anthems, helped silkscreen T-shirts with pro-capitalist messages, and created skits based on Milton Friedman's writings, which college students would perform in local elementary schools. In the workplace, the decline of the old manufacturing cities of [he North and Midwest and the rise of the sprawling suburbs of the Sunbelt metropolises marked the rise of a new economic culture, dominated by companies such as Walmart and Home Depot and Barnes & Noble." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

You all want FAIR. go take out a loan and OPEN your own businesses. then you won't have to worry about anyone else being FAIR to you. you people IN the left/democrat/commie party are an ugly joke. you can't win in politics of Ideas, the people don't want what you're selling. so instead you run on nothing but hate, smears, fear mongering and LIES

What the hell do you know? It is you who spread lies, hatred, racist and bigotry. Pull your head out from Fox butt holes then you might be able to understand what you are talking about.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:

oh wow, a socialist and a nasty one to boot.
HOW is that we now have 94Million working age people WITHOUT A job? Obama FOLLOWS your scared Keynes, etc and believes how the government is the god of all mankind. Of course that would be because he's in Guberment and how he thinks of himself, the rest of us he could care less about

Currently the unemployment rate is 5%. You don't like it because it's Obama. If that is Romney or bullshit Trump that will be acceptable for you.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:
Liberals know nothing about growing jobs or handling the economy. The only thing liberals know about money is how to steal it from somebody who works for a living. You aren't qualified to discuss this issue, moron.

And you are qualified to discuss jobs and economy? What proof do you have that conservatives create jobs. Provide a link where liberals steal money from somebody who works for a living....

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