Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

for most of the 4 years Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress and the EIGHT YEARS Dems held the Senate the majorities that Democrats DID have were generally bigger THAN ANY REPUB MAJORITY BUSH HAD, in one chamber or the other

facts you idiot, they arent on your side

BESIDES; you pathetic crybabies have been whining that the Republican MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS for all of obama's first two years was able to "obstruct" poor obama. so obviously the size of the majority, EVEN OF THE MINORITY doesnt matter, that "control" talking point doesnt matter, according to YOUR OWN LOGIC

but reality doesnt matter to you pussies, you just want to cry and talk out of both sides of your mouths
oh jebus, stop lying...the Dems had majority in the House for just 2 years....the past 5 years has been Republican majority in the house....What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....
So according to you, you must have studied civics, the House can sign bills and put them into law all by themselves?
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
Yeah....that's the only thing that "drove" them here....besides the promise of their babies getting citizenship, and free medical benefits. Other than was just the rich man.
They have free medical in Mexico, when I was there on vacation once, I got really sick and had to get medical help, and as a foreigner paid $20 bucks to have a doctor come to the hotel including the two prescriptions.
That doesn't sound free. $20 is a months salary for most people in Mexico. The average salary is $500/year.
instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves

LOL!!!! The idea of a Fox News watcher calling somebody a liar just absolutely cracks me up! Fox would rather climb a tree and shout a lie to the world than to tell the truth. It's not part of their action to ever state facts....they rarely know any.
The idea that what news station you watch is an indication of your honesty is pretty silly as well.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.

people who support the policies that DID lead to Detroit resembling some Third World hellhole should avoid embarrassing themselves saying stupid shit................because the question YOU cant answer is how will making the minimum wage $15/hour, unionizing everybody, or endless regulations make us MORE competitive with the 3rd world countries our manufacturing is competing with
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.

people who support the policies that DID lead to Detroit resembling some Third World hellhole should avoid embarrassing themselves saying stupid shit................because the question YOU cant answer is how will making the minimum wage $15/hour, unionizing everybody, or endless regulations make us MORE competitive with the 3rd world countries our manufacturing is competing with
Why should I answer that question?
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.

people who support the policies that DID lead to Detroit resembling some Third World hellhole should avoid embarrassing themselves saying stupid shit................because the question YOU cant answer is how will making the minimum wage $15/hour, unionizing everybody, or endless regulations make us MORE competitive with the 3rd world countries our manufacturing is competing with
Why should I answer that question?

you shouldnt actually, you'll just embarrass your self further
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.

people who support the policies that DID lead to Detroit resembling some Third World hellhole should avoid embarrassing themselves saying stupid shit................because the question YOU cant answer is how will making the minimum wage $15/hour, unionizing everybody, or endless regulations make us MORE competitive with the 3rd world countries our manufacturing is competing with
The majority of Democrats in congress and the President, are asking that the Federal minimum wage be raised in increments, over a period of time, to $10.10, not the $15.

A raise to $10.10, in increments will not make or break us.

As far as certain localities wanting to raise their minimum wage higher than the federal minimum, that's up to them, and their cost of living in their States....

many states will need to be no higher than the federal minimum and other States will bring it higher if their cost of living is higher than most.

The federal minimum at $10.10, with help to small businesses by giving them years longer to bring the wage up and other help from the feds, will not kill us nor kill the economy.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.

Plus the fact that China has been manipulating the value of it's currency to make things work in their favor. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from China to fund his wars. Altogether he doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. He cut taxes for the rich twice and never cut spending a goddam dime. Shit like that is why he had to hand the banks $800 billion on his way out of office just as the whole thing fell down around his ears. If Hoover had been able to use a few billion for the banks in 1929 we would have never had a depression.
The federal minimum at $10.10, with help to small businesses by giving them years longer to bring the wage up and other help from the feds, will not kill us nor kill the economy.

It also won't do anything to help anyone. For 82 years, since the day FDR signed the MW into law, the Democrats have promised this would raise the working poor up to a decent living wage... never has, never will. It's a carrot on a stick.

"In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls;and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."~ FDR 1933
The federal minimum at $10.10, with help to small businesses by giving them years longer to bring the wage up and other help from the feds, will not kill us nor kill the economy.

It also won't do anything to help anyone. For 82 years, since the day FDR signed the MW into law, the Democrats have promised this would raise the working poor up to a decent living wage... never has, never will. It's a carrot on a stick.

"In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls;and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."~ FDR 1933

Friend....that's bullshit! I'm 81 years old and in the 1930's my dad was working for a pittance....about 12 hours a day for $0.75. Roosevelt started the WPA and my daddy, who had been ruptured on the job he had...started making a living wage for working 48 hours a week. The right wingers not only don't know a damn thing they bray and blow like they do. This nation had collapsed and Roosevelt's programs pulled ordinary, everyday people back from the doldrums. That's why the American people elected him four times and it's why after he left office the Republicans worked like mine mules until they limited future presidents to two terms. They didn't want to ever see another Roosevelt.

At the end of Bush's two terms if he hadn't been able to hand the banks $800 billion we would have had another depression exactly like Hoover's.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.
If they can afford to produce it at a reasonable price.

You left that part out.

Plus the fact that China has been manipulating the value of it's currency to make things work in their favor. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from China to fund his wars. Altogether he doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. He cut taxes for the rich twice and never cut spending a goddam dime. Shit like that is why he had to hand the banks $800 billion on his way out of office just as the whole thing fell down around his ears. If Hoover had been able to use a few billion for the banks in 1929 we would have never had a depression.

this is why nobody takes you seriously you moron. take a look at ALL the shat you're mentiong/crying about. You'll find democrat Party votes all over it, and not only when Bush was in office but extended by DEMOCRATS LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE AND REPUBLICANS WERE A MINORITY
Friend....that's bullshit!

The quote is accurate. Since 1933, Democrats have been promising a "decent living wage" and have not delivered... they're still making the exact same promises today. Yep, you do make more than you made in 1933, and everything costs more. Carrot on a Stick!
Democrats voted for every penny of "bush' spending

Bush's highest deficits BY FAR are the last two when Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress


idiots and hypocrites
instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves

LOL!!!! The idea of a Fox News watcher calling somebody a liar just absolutely cracks me up! Fox would rather climb a tree and shout a lie to the world than to tell the truth. It's not part of their action to ever state facts....they rarely know any.
The idea that what news station you watch is an indication of your honesty is pretty silly as well.

Bullshit! Fox News on average gets four pinochios on nearly every solid stand they take.....on anything. They lie 24/7 and when O'Reilly covers their asses he makes their tales appear to be know, like all that killing folks he writes about.
Obama made PERMANENT 98% OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS and EXTENDED THAT OTHER 2% FOR THE RICHEST, beyond what Republicans had originally set for the tax cuts to "sunset"

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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