Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
I can see from your rhetoric and language that you lack education and are probably not employable. I would suggest that you actually do some research on how higher minimum wages benefit economies, but you'd probably head straight to Breitbart for your "data."
The reason Minimum wage can be kept so low, is due to above minimum wage or salary jobs being kept so low.....
The MW is simply a tool used by the left to trick voters into thinking they want to help the little guy.....despite the fact that minimum-wage mandates cost jobs and increase the costs of doing business which is passed onto the consumer. Raising the MW isn't a hardship for politicians, so it's no skin off of their ass.
There is no real evidence that raising the minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living loses jobs. The years of losses to jobs most recently had NOTHING to do with a minimum wage hike, but the crappy economy due to the GREAT Recession...the housing boom bust, and wall street crash/fiasco. The minimum wage hikes under Clinton's economy, showed gains in jobs, not losses...he had a booming economy.

so that shows, minimum wage hikes don't move the economy one way or the other, no real job losses or real gains, one way or the other....the overall economy itself is what does these things....
During the Clinton years manufacturing jobs started leaving and it only increased every time wages went up.

30% of costs is wages and benefits.


It's always the first place a business will look to trim.
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sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
I can see from your rhetoric and language that you lack education and are probably not employable. I would suggest that you actually do some research on how higher minimum wages benefit economies, but you'd probably head straight to Breitbart for your "data."

a smug lecture from the people on whose watch the very richest got richer and the very poorest among us got poorer, both at a faster pace than was the case under Republicans

means what again??


go cry
sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
I can see from your rhetoric and language that you lack education and are probably not employable. I would suggest that you actually do some research on how higher minimum wages benefit economies, but you'd probably head straight to Breitbart for your "data."

you want to lecture others on fair wages while using petty slurs about education and employability; all the while supporting a $15/hour minimum wage for people with little or no education.

it's not worth explaining to a self-impressed idiot like you the massive contradiction in what you posted. It is amazing how much hypocrisy and mind-numbing, contradictory data you idiots can press into one even small post though.

good luck moron!! ;)
Most of us, if we're below 50% job approval from our boss, we get canned.

LOl yeah and what if you had 18 percent approval from your boss that the GOP Congress enjoys LOL you are not particularly bright ...

look at the idiot doubling down on his stupidity

once again you idiot; Congress was split until January of this year; during obama's first two years it was Democrat majority in both chambers
What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....
Rather than spend nearly $1 trillion US tax dollars to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty, giving Feinstein's husband a 'loan' (he'll never pay back) to bail him out of bankruptcy, paying for a grant to study why homosexual Argentinian men have a better sex life than straight US males, and giving unions half ownership of a US auto-maker, WHY didn't the Democrats spend any REAL money (not that fake 'shove-ready' B$) to fix infrastructure? Why not spend some of that money on all the issues Liberals had a chance to fix but are claiming that in less than a year the GOP has not fixed?

The very FIRST thing the Libs did when they took over all of congress was create a huge liberal wet-dream wish list - over 7,000 pieces of party/personal-benefitting pork to reward themselves with for having won! To hell with the American people or what really needed fixing / addressing! OVER $742,000 PER JOB was spent.....for this 'LIE' of a 'Jobs Bill'.

SO Liberals need to STFU! You had your chance! All this crap you're screaming about now was ignored when you controlled Congress for 4 years! You only passed what was good for YOU and the PARTY, not what was good for the nation!
sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
I can see from your rhetoric and language that you lack education and are probably not employable. I would suggest that you actually do some research on how higher minimum wages benefit economies, but you'd probably head straight to Breitbart for your "data."

you want to lecture others on fair wages while using petty slurs about education and employability; all the while supporting a $15/hour minimum wage for people with little or no education.

it's not worth explaining to a self-impressed idiot like you the massive contradiction in what you posted. It is amazing how much hypocrisy and mind-numbing, contradictory data you idiots can press into one even small post though.

good luck moron!! ;)

I was going to say... you're wasting your breath. Might as well be talking to a door.
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
That has nothing to do with making payroll.

Doesn't matter if you're American or Mexican or Asian, if you can't make payroll you can't pay employees.
Most of us, if we're below 50% job approval from our boss, we get canned.

LOl yeah and what if you had 18 percent approval from your boss that the GOP Congress enjoys LOL you are not particularly bright ...

look at the idiot doubling down on his stupidity

once again you idiot; Congress was split until January of this year; during obama's first two years it was Democrat majority in both chambers
No there were not two years of Democratic Majority ...
and that chart reflects 2015

Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
Yeah....that's the only thing that "drove" them here....besides the promise of their babies getting citizenship, and free medical benefits. Other than was just the rich man.
sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
I can see from your rhetoric and language that you lack education and are probably not employable. I would suggest that you actually do some research on how higher minimum wages benefit economies, but you'd probably head straight to Breitbart for your "data."
Link to it and we'll study it.
Looks like the right wing working stiffs on this board have been programmed to accept lower wages or else the economy will crash. Good job, rush.
I'm for cutting taxes and lowering the cost of living so that your paycheck will stretch farther.

Then don't vote Republican! They explode the inflation tax & lower jobs & pay, so any work or pay becomes worthless.
.................and this is why Hillary will kick his monkey ass all over 50 states!!

White collar maybe. Why business outsources labor to cheaper markets. Not an option for blue collar/fast food sectors.

Should fast food workers maybe $15/hour? No. It's not a skilled job, or vital to the public. Trained monkies literally do it in Japan. Can businesses afford to pay that much? Absolutely. Should they then? I dunno. Shouldn't reward the lowest common denominator. At the same time, anyone working a fulltime job shouldn't be classified in the same economic category as homeless people. I dunno what the answer is. But the fact remains the execs inair conditioned offices are making obscene amounts of money off other people's labor. In effect they're pimps, and the actual restaurant people their ho's. There should be a more even distribution of wages, maybe some kind of profit sharing or stock options in lieu of higher hourly wages. The execs wouldn't get a penny if there were no 'grunts' so that symbiotic relationship should work out more evenly than it is.
Most of us, if we're below 50% job approval from our boss, we get canned.

LOl yeah and what if you had 18 percent approval from your boss that the GOP Congress enjoys LOL you are not particularly bright ...

look at the idiot doubling down on his stupidity

once again you idiot; Congress was split until January of this year; during obama's first two years it was Democrat majority in both chambers
Last I checked we didn't have an ALL-GOP Congress.

Look at the chart...which number is a bigger number

34 % _____

25 % ______


YOU SAD LOSER; for most of the time in the obama years there the Democrats had larger majorities. only recently have republicans made huge gains, THANKS TO OBAMA HIMSELF, IDIOT

NOW; for some strange reasons the economy started getting better when DEMOCRATS LOST CONTROL OF CONGRESS

(yes they had control you moronic crybaby; because if the Republican MINORITY makes you cry foul then certainly ANY Democrat MAJORITY had more clout than a Republican MINORITY right diwmit???????)

aren't you losers always insisting how smart you are????
What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....
Rather than spend nearly $1 trillion US tax dollars to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty, giving Feinstein's husband a 'loan' (he'll never pay back) to bail him out of bankruptcy, paying for a grant to study why homosexual Argentinian men have a better sex life than straight US males, and giving unions half ownership of a US auto-maker, WHY didn't the Democrats spend any REAL money (not that fake 'shove-ready' B$) to fix infrastructure? Why not spend some of that money on all the issues Liberals had a chance to fix but are claiming that in less than a year the GOP has not fixed?

The very FIRST thing the Libs did when they took over all of congress was create a huge liberal wet-dream wish list - over 7,000 pieces of party/personal-benefitting pork to reward themselves with for having won! To hell with the American people or what really needed fixing / addressing! OVER $742,000 PER JOB was spent.....for this 'LIE' of a 'Jobs Bill'.

SO Liberals need to STFU! You had your chance! All this crap you're screaming about now was ignored when you controlled Congress for 4 years! You only passed what was good for YOU and the PARTY, not what was good for the nation!
The easy answer is that your so-called "libs" (listening to Retard Radio, are we?) cannot pass any substantial infrasture improvement bills so long as ideological right wingers oppose ALL of our government's attempts to progress. Can right wingers offer any solutions? So far, it seems that the Tea Party is simply a group of anti-government insurgents. They have basically castrated the GOP.

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