Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

congress was democrat majority for all of obama's first two years you idiot

No it was not ....LOL
No! Obama Did Not Control Congress His First Two Years ..
Let’s take a trip back to 2008.
And let’s brush up on some basics. First, did you forget that the President needed 60 votes to pass legislation? The healthcare bill is a good example of that. There wereNOT60 Democrats in the Senate. Remember that? So there had to be reconciliation.

What about the Stimulus? Again, there wasNOT60 Democratic votes to pass it. Reconciliation did not work. It was blocked by the Republicans, and Obama traded job-creating for tax cuts. Remember those tax cuts he let go on? Yep, traded for job creation - which it did accomplish as much as the baby stimulus that he was able to get would allow.,d.eWE
Is it all coming back to you now? How about this: It was Obama’s inaugural dinner. Senator Kennedy suffered a seizure. It’s kind of hard to work when you’ve had a seizure. He went back to Massachusetts.,d.eWE
Old news is so much fun to go back and read about. Here’s one I had forgotten, too. Al Franken had not yet been seated because the previous senator had challenged the election. Mein Gott, that went on forever with no way for him to vote in the Senate.,d.eWE
With Kennedy in Massachusetts and Franken in purgatory, awaiting his chance in the hell that is Congress, that left just 58 votes in the Senate. Memory Refresher: It took 60 votes to pass a bill in the Senate. The Republicans were already playing dirty politics and would not work across the aisle with the Democrats.,d.eWE
By the way, that was 56 Democrats and 2 Democratically-minded Independents. Not 58 Democrats.,d.eWE

Then, in April 2009 – good news. Republican Arlen Spector switched to Democrat. That gave the Democrats 60 seats with which to discourage a Republican filibuster (their most prized procedure at the time). But… oh no… we forgot, Al Franken was still in Purgatory out there in election recount turmoil. So… back to 59 votes.,d.eWE
We can pause here to lovingly remember the filibuster I just mentioned. Republicans made history during that time by using it more than any time ever before. Reminder (because this can get confusing): It takes 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. The Democrats only had 59 at this point… technically. One of those votes was the very ill, Senator Kennedy. He did cast one vote during that time.,d.eWE
Then, Senator Byrd was admitted to the hospital.,d.eWE
Then Al Franken was sworn in but Byrd was still in the hospital and Kennedy was too sick to ever vote again.,d.eWE
Senator Byrd finally returned, but Kennedy did not.,d.eWE
It wasn’t until August- 2009 that Senator Kirk was appointed to Kennedy’s seat, and finally they had the 60 votes.,d.eWE
That filibuster-proof 60 votes lasted exactly 4 months – Not 2 years. Not 1 year. Not 6 months.,d.eWE
Just 4 months – from August 2009 to February 2010 - when Scott Brown was sworn in.
i said it was democrat majority for all of his first two years. and it was

you respond with a page-long copy and paste article crying that obama 'didnt control congress".

that isnt what i said you dullard.

you're an angry, unhinged moron and Progressive lemming, unable to think for himself, much less be intellectually honest about anything
congress was democrat majority for all of obama's first two years you idiot

No it was not ....LOL
No! Obama Did Not Control Congress His First Two Years ...

Sorry , but Democrats were 3 seats shy of having a 'Super majority' in Congress during bush's last 2 years and during Obama's 1st 2 years in office....which means Democrats ran Congress, controlled the govt's purse strings / spending.

When you start 'itemizing' (this guy was sick, this guy blah, blah, blah. C'mon, you Democrats need to own up and 'take it like a man' instead of this constant whining, blubbering, and 'blame-shifting'!
Looks like the right wing working stiffs on this board have been programmed to accept lower wages or else the economy will crash. Good job, rush.
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)
for most of the 4 years Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress and the EIGHT YEARS Dems held the Senate the majorities that Democrats DID have were generally bigger THAN ANY REPUB MAJORITY BUSH HAD, in one chamber or the other

facts you idiot, they arent on your side

BESIDES; you pathetic crybabies have been whining that the Republican MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS for all of obama's first two years was able to "obstruct" poor obama. so obviously the size of the majority, EVEN OF THE MINORITY doesnt matter, that "control" talking point doesnt matter, according to YOUR OWN LOGIC

but reality doesnt matter to you pussies, you just want to cry and talk out of both sides of your mouths
Looks like the right wing working stiffs on this board have been programmed to accept lower wages or else the economy will crash. Good job, rush.
Lower wages are what's out there since the number of full-time jobs/workers is at a near all-time low thanks to Obama.

The Middle Class dad trying to support a family doesn't need a $15 an hour job at McDonalds or a part-time job at the company where he USED to work full time but can't now due to the cut-backs as a result of the ACA mandates. Disney workers who are being forced to train their foreign replacements don't need a higher minimum wage because they won't have a job when they've finished training their replacements.

America needs more full-time jobs, which have decreased under Obama.
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)

wages are relative idiot; this is the New World Order. you preferred a billion chinese in grey pantsuits still be riding around on bicycles/?
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)

wages are relative idiot; this is the New World Order. you preferred a billion chinese in grey pantsuits still be riding around on bicycles/?
I have no idea what your point is.
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)

yea the only thing worse is to be so dependent you need the government to survive; and welfare dependency has hit record levels under PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS

no THAT is closer to slavery

you were saying leftard??
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)

wages are relative idiot; this is the New World Order. you preferred a billion chinese in grey pantsuits still be riding around on bicycles/?
I have no idea what your point is.

over your head obviously

continue drooling then..................................................
when you say democrat vs presidencies of course you're not counting who controls congress;

that's why nobody takes you seriously
Take this seriously and Right up your scrawny Right wing cottage cheese white ass

Most of us, if we're below 50% job approval from our boss, we get canned.
for most of the 4 years Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress and the EIGHT YEARS Dems held the Senate the majorities that Democrats DID have were generally bigger THAN ANY REPUB MAJORITY BUSH HAD, in one chamber or the other

Adding nearly $1 trillion to the debt to pass 7,000 pieces of DNC-benefitting pork is not 'doing more'. Ramming a minority-supported piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, that HURTS Americans, while telling Americans they have no right to know what's in the legislation - built on LIES - is not 'doing more'. Securing the 1st US Credit rating down-grade, adding more debt than every US President COMBINED, setting records for 'monthly'/'annual'/'total' deficit-spending is not doing more FOR the American people. It's 'F*ing them over'!

Embrace the Suck - it's all on the Liberals.
sometimes i wish you left-wing losers got everything you wanted. go ahead and make the minimum wage $15/hour everywhere.. (nevermind for the moment unions and others that got that passed in some places want an EXEMPTION FROM I T)

afterall we know you got lots of welfare to hand out
for most of the 4 years Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress and the EIGHT YEARS Dems held the Senate the majorities that Democrats DID have were generally bigger THAN ANY REPUB MAJORITY BUSH HAD, in one chamber or the other

facts you idiot, they arent on your side

BESIDES; you pathetic crybabies have been whining that the Republican MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS for all of obama's first two years was able to "obstruct" poor obama. so obviously the size of the majority, EVEN OF THE MINORITY doesnt matter, that "control" talking point doesnt matter, according to YOUR OWN LOGIC

but reality doesnt matter to you pussies, you just want to cry and talk out of both sides of your mouths
oh jebus, stop lying...the Dems had majority in the House for just 2 years....the past 5 years has been Republican majority in the house....What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....

yes loon; people are dying to come here to work for what the Left describes as slave wages. the food stamps, WIC, educatin for children.....etc they get for free have nothing to do with it right?
If this economic system can only be sustained based upon low wages, then what good is it for Americans? Perhaps we need a new system, then. (I suppost the right wing would prefer slavery, since it is the ultimate low-wage source of plentiful employment.)
No, the minimum wage is a starting wage. It was never meant to make people rich.

You have the choice to stagnate or to become more skilled and move up and out.
for most of the 4 years Democrats controlled BOTH chambers of Congress and the EIGHT YEARS Dems held the Senate the majorities that Democrats DID have were generally bigger THAN ANY REPUB MAJORITY BUSH HAD, in one chamber or the other

facts you idiot, they arent on your side

BESIDES; you pathetic crybabies have been whining that the Republican MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS for all of obama's first two years was able to "obstruct" poor obama. so obviously the size of the majority, EVEN OF THE MINORITY doesnt matter, that "control" talking point doesnt matter, according to YOUR OWN LOGIC

but reality doesnt matter to you pussies, you just want to cry and talk out of both sides of your mouths
oh jebus, stop lying...the Dems had majority in the House for just 2 years....the past 5 years has been Republican majority in the house....What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....

you sad pathetic loser; they had the majority of both chambers for all of bush's last 2 years and all of obama's first tow

ignorant, why do you even post here?

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