Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

Again, due to the ACA mandates, many jobs modified the full-time jobs to become part-time jobs (cut in salary and benefits)
No matter how many times you repeat this GOP scripted lie you only prove you are worthless lying scum.

PT jobs for economic reasons have gone DOWN since the ACA was passed!!!
Do you even realize how much of a damn FOOL you are?? There are no facts to support your BOGUS claim. Simmer down.

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The minimum wage was enacted first in 1938. If it is a jobs killer and stifles business then how would one explain all of the bullmarkets, healthy stretches of economy, and raised standard of living since then.

A minimum wage is absorbed by the economy like any other cost. The price of gold in 1938 was about $35 an ounce. Today $1100 +-. You don't have to guess that people still buy gold and the economy hasn't collapsed because of the raise in price. Labor is a commodity in the big picture.

Its the same whine every time from business, then its absorbed and life goes on. And it does raise prices a bit, but only a bit because its spread across the entire economy, just like a rise in the price of wood or bananas.

Look with leering eyes at anyone in the working class that opposes a minimum wage increase. They are carrying someone elses water because they are acting against their own best interest.
The same way Obama is responsible for higher gas prices but when those prices drop...well that is a different animal...Obama only raises Gas prices ...lather rinse repeat

Anyone who claims a President is responsible for gas price fluctuations is mis-guided. Several years ago when they went through the roof it was because of the speculators in the market.

Obama did, however, make sure a certain billionaire who owns the railway made a ton of money by killing the pipeline deal.
"As Americans, we can and should be proud of the progress that our country has made over these past six years.

He spent nearly $1 trillion to 'create Jobs', funded 7,000 pieces of DNC-Benefitting excrement, cost over $742,000 per jobs he created / saved / falsified. He promised unemployment, as a result, would not go above 8% - it went to 10.1% while not addressing the deteriorating infrastructure.

He completely ignores the fact that over 93 MILLION Americans are no longer in the work force for not being able to find jobs, that full-time job employment is down farther than it has been in decades, that Americans on welfare / Food Stamps, etc is the highest it's been in decades.

He has made the US a laughing stock, made out military weaker, no one - not even allies - respects us, he has allowed several terrorist attacks on US soils, terrorism is anything BUT on the run, and the battle against terror is in full swing. The rich got richer and the poor grew in number and grew poorer faster than when they did under Bush. Americans DID lose their jobs and health insurance under Obama, health insurance premiums are going through the roof - contrary to his promise they would be lowered.

Oh I and a lot of other Americans have listened to him - he is a walking, talking poster boy for lies and failure. He can't help himself anymore...he just opens his mouth and crap flows out.
I wish there was a "hysterical ninny" button I could click for your posts
The same way Obama is responsible for higher gas prices but when those prices drop...well that is a different animal...Obama only raises Gas prices ...lather rinse repeat

Anyone who claims a President is responsible for gas price fluctuations is mis-guided. Several years ago when they went through the roof it was because of the speculators in the market.

Obama did, however, make sure a certain billionaire who owns the railway made a ton of money by killing the pipeline deal.
Care to name that ominous sounding "certain billionaire?"

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He completely ignores the fact that over 93 MILLION Americans are no longer in the work force for not being able to find jobs, that full-time job employment is down farther than it has been in decades
Lies, all lies!
I wish there was a "hysterical ninny" button I could click for your posts
OUCH! What a fact-less, opinionated response. Ya cut me to the quick with that one, TS!
“The U.S. economy not only grows faster, according to real GDP and other measures, during Democratic versus Republican presidencies, it also produces more jobs, lowers the unemployment rate, generates higher corporate profits and investment, and turns in higher stock market returns. Indeed, it outperforms under almost all standard macroeconomic metrics.”
“The U.S. economy not only grows faster, according to real GDP and other measures, during Democratic versus Republican presidencies, it also produces more jobs, lowers the unemployment rate, generates higher corporate profits and investment, and turns in higher stock market returns. Indeed, it outperforms under almost all standard macroeconomic metrics.”

That WOULD be awesome if it were true. Nice opinion...I know the national debt grows faster under (certain) Democrats:

Some of Obama's 'achievements':

the Obama economic recovery is dismal when compared to Reagan’s. Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump. During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding the 1st Quarter 2015’s dismal number). With the 1st Quarter of 2015 GDP declining at -0.7%, Obama has the lowest average 1st Quarter GDP growth of any president in history. In addition, using the number of jobs recovered after the recession as the measurement, then Obama’s recovery is the worst recovery ever.

Worst Labor Participation Ever
The labor participation rate since Obama took over has plummeted to rates not seen since the Carter years (see chart above). The Obama regime has set the record for more Americans not working (more than 102 million) than at any time in US history.

Record Debt and Deficits
Currently the US the government has more than $18 trillion in Debt. Obama has nearly doubled the national debt in his 6 years with it somewhere near $9 to $10 trillion when he took office. Per, the accumulative total for all US Deficits for all presidents combined was $11.6 trillion through the end of 2014. A closer look at the deficits shows that the Obama Administration has accumulated more in deficits in six years than all prior years combined!

Poverty, Food Stamps and Welfare Programs at Record Highs

Under Obama the poverty rate has stood at greater than 15% for three consecutive years (2010-12), the first time that has happened since the mid-1960’s. A record number of people have been on Medicaid (72 million or 1 out of 4 Americans) and Medicare (more than 47 million Americans) during Obama’s presidency. When Obama entered office in 2009, 31.9 million individuals received food stamp benefits. As of January 2015, 46 million people received food stamps for a 44% increase in food stamp usage since Obama took over and record numbers. Food stamp users had topped 46 million for 38 straight months as of January 2015.

Assault on the Middle Class
The middle class has struggled since Obama became President. According to Reuters, Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office. Thanks to Obamanomics the American Middle Class is no longer the world’s richest.

LINK: After Six Years of Obamanomics: Five Things You Need to Know - The Gateway Pundit
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The reason Minimum wage can be kept so low, is due to above minimum wage or salary jobs being kept so low.....
The MW is simply a tool used by the left to trick voters into thinking they want to help the little guy.....despite the fact that minimum-wage mandates cost jobs and increase the costs of doing business which is passed onto the consumer. Raising the MW isn't a hardship for politicians, so it's no skin off of their ass.
I wish there was a "hysterical ninny" button I could click for your posts
OUCH! What a fact-less, opinionated response. Ya cut me to the quick with that one, TS!
“The U.S. economy not only grows faster, according to real GDP and other measures, during Democratic versus Republican presidencies, it also produces more jobs, lowers the unemployment rate, generates higher corporate profits and investment, and turns in higher stock market returns. Indeed, it outperforms under almost all standard macroeconomic metrics.”

when you say democrat vs presidencies of course you're not counting who controls congress; which is you pussies whine any othr time

that's why nobody takes you seriously

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