Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

If you had a family of four and were working for less than $15 you'd be buying rice and beans 50 lb. at a time:

I have news for you....everybody can't afford an ivy league education. Maybe if we were trying to keep up with the other industrialized countries instead of sucking wind with a "Do Nothing" Republican congress things might be better. Why don't you admit that the main gripe you have with Obama is his's even better than Boehner's.
A head of the household with a family of four isn't what minimum-wage is supposed to be for. Democrats created the MW as a tool to attack Republicans. It shouldn't be up to the government to pay a living wage to everyone in this country. That's what the market is for. The Democrats are telling their voters a bunch of lies they know aren't true simply to marginalize Republicans. They know most of their ideas don't work in real life......and that's why it's so easy to be a Democrat politician.....because they don't have to follow the rules that exist for everyone else. They can be liars and hypocrites and never suffer any repercussions for it.....especially since they have a corrupt media willing to carry their water.

I'll tell you what the market is make billionaires out of millionaires. I've gottcher corrupt media a schwangin. I suppose you think Fox is OK....I mean they lie 24/7. Ol Roger really has an outlet there!
If you ever have an original thought, it would be amazing.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

That's a load of Republican bullshit propaganda. Sure the top dogs want you to believe that so they can have it all:

View attachment 54539

you and your charts. are these from 1950 or at least 2012 or something?

who the hell has been the President for the LAST seven miserable years? so you lefties are the one who are full of it. just go vote for Hillary no one cares

Methinks you are a full fledged Republican idiot. Obama assumed an economy bleeding over 700,000 jobs a month. Bush had just handed the most powerful financial institutions in the world $800 billion in order to avoid a full blown depression. Unemployment was 7.5%. The stock market had hit the cellar with a DOW below 9000. We had two hot wars costing over a trillion dollars of borrowed money.

Now...under Obama we've had 67 months of continuous job growth. Unemployment has dropped to 5.0%. Both wars are stopped and the stock market has doubled. Ol' need to start getting your news from somewhere except Fox.

you are the last person I would take anything as the truth from.

You come screaming on here saying because of something Trump said that is going to make people in ALL Fifty states to go vote for Hillary. so I said this to your bud:

obviously, if you believe what he said will change people minds and make them go vote for Hillary. then you all are just as desperate as you were when he spoke on illegal immigrants. you see how much that hurt him? NONE, zero, nadda, zip

so really find something good to run on for a change.

good luck thought because people can't stand Hillary and not just Republicans. and that is your parties fault for only GIVING you two choices and both bad ones

I suggest you practice saying, "Madame President!"

I'll bet that Barbara Bush votes for Hillary! She said we'd already had enough Bushes:

Name her accomplishments.

I bet you can't.

Sure, she's held important positions but she's failed at everything she's done.

The only reason she's the Democrats' frontrunner is because of fear of her influence and the belief that it's her turn to be president.
I'd accept a compromise. Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks and then tie it to inflation, adjusted annually.
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!

This country has lost almost a million GOVERNMENT jobs since the recession. Where do you suppose those people are now?

Not sucking up our tax dollars?

Nice dodge. Since you're happy those million people are either out of work or holding jobs that other unemployed Americans were competing for,

why aren't you happy with the slow rate of job growth? You've been getting what you wanted -

fewer jobs in government, fewer private sector jobs related to government spending, what are you bitching about?

So why isnt obama fixing the problem?
You liberals crack me up. In one breath you're crowing about obamas success in creating jobs in the next you're crying about the lack of em.....
You cry about the min wage being to low yet you support flooding our country with low wage workers.

WTF is wrong with you people?
Republicans that fight against raising the minimum wage do it because big business pays them to fight against raising the minimum wage. It's really not that complicated.

So when do I get my check?

You're in government? What office do you hold?

Who said anything about working for the government?
Certainly not you.

All sane-with-a-brain people know what I meant. That you fell through the cracks is not my problem. Learn to read.
This is the moral code of the Conservative:

Society has an interest in the health and welfare of Americans ONLY WHEN THOSE AMERICANS ARE AT THE FETAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT...
Once born its the "Darwin Ayn Rand" scenario that says "Fuck you Ex Fetus" now you are a social parasite ...
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Except actual evidence proves you wrong...

Does raising the minimum wage always result in job growth?

It mostly doesn't affect it all

At the risk of repetitiveness, even raises in the minimum wage aren't really raises. They are merely reductions in the rate and amount of decline the minimum wage has seen over the last 5 decades.

Kinda like a cut in spending isnt really a cut at all.
It's just a smaller increase.

That's an artfully crafted concession, I'll give you that much.

I see you missed the point....
Republicans that fight against raising the minimum wage do it because big business pays them to fight against raising the minimum wage. It's really not that complicated.

So when do I get my check?

You're in government? What office do you hold?

Who said anything about working for the government?
Certainly not you.

All sane-with-a-brain people know what I meant. That you fell through the cracks is not my problem. Learn to read.

You might want to learn to be more concise.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.
What the fuck is a FASCHISTS!!!!:dunno:
This is the moral code of the Conservative:

Society has an interest in the health and welfare of Americans ONLY WHEN THOSE AMERICANS ARE AT THE FETAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT...
Once born its the "Darwin Ayn Rand" scenario that says "Fuck you Ex Fetus" now you are a social parasite ...

Stop emoting all over the thread, the windows are fogging up!
That's a load of Republican bullshit propaganda. Sure the top dogs want you to believe that so they can have it all:

View attachment 54539

you and your charts. are these from 1950 or at least 2012 or something?

who the hell has been the President for the LAST seven miserable years? so you lefties are the one who are full of it. just go vote for Hillary no one cares

Methinks you are a full fledged Republican idiot. Obama assumed an economy bleeding over 700,000 jobs a month. Bush had just handed the most powerful financial institutions in the world $800 billion in order to avoid a full blown depression. Unemployment was 7.5%. The stock market had hit the cellar with a DOW below 9000. We had two hot wars costing over a trillion dollars of borrowed money.

Now...under Obama we've had 67 months of continuous job growth. Unemployment has dropped to 5.0%. Both wars are stopped and the stock market has doubled. Ol' need to start getting your news from somewhere except Fox.

you are the last person I would take anything as the truth from.

You come screaming on here saying because of something Trump said that is going to make people in ALL Fifty states to go vote for Hillary. so I said this to your bud:

obviously, if you believe what he said will change people minds and make them go vote for Hillary. then you all are just as desperate as you were when he spoke on illegal immigrants. you see how much that hurt him? NONE, zero, nadda, zip

so really find something good to run on for a change.

good luck thought because people can't stand Hillary and not just Republicans. and that is your parties fault for only GIVING you two choices and both bad ones

I suggest you practice saying, "Madame President!"

I'll bet that Barbara Bush votes for Hillary! She said we'd already had enough Bushes:

Name her accomplishments.

I bet you can't.

Sure, she's held important positions but she's failed at everything she's done.

The only reason she's the Democrats' frontrunner is because of fear of her influence and the belief that it's her turn to be president.

Melty Downy hyperbole. Is that all you people have anymore?
When it comes to immigration, if it weren't for the need for low-wage workers and the Democrats taking advantage of this by bringing in millions of illegals, we wouldn't have an immigration problem.
Oh come on now, even you don't believe that crap because as a DittoTard even your MessiahRushie has told you repeatedly that it is the GOP supporting Chamber of Commerce who wants the cheap labor, which is why the GOP always blocks any kind of reform that makes it legal for the undocumented to work because once they can work legally the businessmen taking advantage of their cheap slave wage labor will have to pay them American wages.

It is the GOP and the Chamber of Commerce taking advantage of the illegals, not the Dems, and those same GOP Senators and Reps will block anything Trump tries to do to deport the cheap labor.
Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.


is this leftard falling apart or what/??
He said I supported a Socialist, if so, then he supports a Fascist.

Neither are 100% true.....but what the heck.....why not throw it out there with all the mud coming from the right wing...?
This is the moral code of the Conservative:

Society has an interest in the health and welfare of Americans ONLY WHEN THOSE AMERICANS ARE AT THE FETAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT...
Once born its the "Darwin Ayn Rand" scenario that says "Fuck you Ex Fetus" now you are a social parasite ...

Stop emoting all over the thread, the windows are fogging up!
stop mouth breathing you have halitosis
When it comes to immigration, if it weren't for the need for low-wage workers and the Democrats taking advantage of this by bringing in millions of illegals, we wouldn't have an immigration problem.
Oh come on now, even you don't believe that crap because as a DittoTard even your MessiahRushie has told you repeatedly that it is the GOP supporting Chamber of Commerce who wants the cheap labor, which is why the GOP always blocks any kind of reform that makes it legal for the undocumented to work because once they can work legally the businessmen taking advantage of their cheap slave wage labor will have to pay them American wages.

It is the GOP and the Chamber of Commerce taking advantage of the illegals, not the Dems, and those same GOP Senators and Reps will block anything Trump tries to do to deport the cheap labor.
You're both slightly full of excrement. Illegal Immigration is going on because BOTH parties want it to happen. If someone truly wanted to stop it, to build a fence, etc it would have been done by now.
I'd accept a compromise. Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks and then tie it to inflation, adjusted annually.
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!

You want the government to create jobs? I thought the government doesn't create jobs.

who created all the jobs the president brags he created? the government of the private sector?

careful idiot, your response might contradict other left-wing talking points

Maybe you should try listening to the President when he talks about job growth, as he did last October:

"As Americans, we can and should be proud of the progress that our country has made over these past six years. And here are the facts -- because sometimes the noise clutters and I think confuses the nature of the reality out there. Here are the facts: When I took office, businesses were laying off 800,000 Americans a month. Today, our businesses are hiring 200,000 Americans a month. (Applause.) The unemployment rate has come down from a high of 10 percent in 2009, to 6.1 percent today. (Applause.) Over the past four and a half years, our businesses have created 10 million new jobs; this is the longest uninterrupted stretch of private sector job creation in our history. Think about that. And you don’t have to applaud at -- because I’m going to be giving you a lot of good statistics. (Laughter.) Right now, there are more job openings than at any time since 2001. All told, the United States has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and every other advanced economy combined. I want you to think about that. We have put more people back to work, here in America, than Europe, Japan, and every other advanced economy combined."

No, there is no me, me, me in Obama's rhetoric.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Northwestern University
Republicans that fight against raising the minimum wage do it because big business pays them to fight against raising the minimum wage. It's really not that complicated.

So when do I get my check?

You're in government? What office do you hold?

Who said anything about working for the government?
Certainly not you.

All sane-with-a-brain people know what I meant. That you fell through the cracks is not my problem. Learn to read.

You might want to learn to be more concise.

You should learn to be less of a nitpicking grannypants.
he's taking credit for it either way

you just look like the crybaby loser you are, every day here Carbintard
Please...allow me...
“We are a country that is being beaten on every front — economically, militarily,” Trump said. “Taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. … People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum.”
Donald Trump said wages are 'too high' in his opening debate statement | Business Insider

He is absolutely right. It may not be popular but it's true.

I actually like his style on this... shut down the liberal talking point about raising the MW. No mealy-mouth Bush up there trying to slobber around and find a way to agree with the libtards... just pop them square in the kisser with a jolt of sheer reality. We can't compete globally, our wages are already way too high due to years and years of liberal unions and special interests whining until they get their raise. Having government step in and strong-arm business into forking over more money to labor isn't going to help fix our problems... so sit down and shut the fuck up!
Do you even realize how much of a damn FOOL you are?? There are no facts to support your BOGUS claim. Simmer down.

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