Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

Trump finally takes time out from his ad nauseum boasting about how tremendously rich he is to slam the average American for being overpaid.
Republicans that fight against raising the minimum wage do it because big business pays them to fight against raising the minimum wage. It's really not that complicated.
Thank you for that OPINION.

93 Million workers are out of the work force because they can't find a JOB, not an acceptable salary.

The effects of legislation on jobs was made more than evident by Obama's failing ACA. Despite lying to the American people by claiming workers would not lose their jobs or insurance, people DID lose them. The ACA's mandates forced businesses to convert a LOT of their full-time positions to part-time, screwing a lot of middle class people out of work / money. It also caused companies to drop health insurance for employees. Workers don't just get paid monetarily - things like Health Insurance was also a perk for many people at their jobs. Again, despite the promise to the contrary, businesses cut people's health insurance. Those workers who were forced to go from full-time to part-time work so the companies did not have to get the mandatory insurance for their people got screwed TWICE: Loss of full-time status (pay/benefits) and loss of health insurance!

Also, part-time work, like those working at McDonalds, was NEVER meant to be full-time employment on which a family could live! High school kids, college kids, etc....part time - that's who is supposed to be working there. Many adults, seniors, are now taking those jobs and complaining how they can't live off those salaries. Well, NO $HI'ITE! Liberals aren't concerned with the people whose jobs they helped send overseas or about those jobs ever coming back. The problem isn't that these newly created part-time positions don't pay enough to support families, it's that THERE AREN'T ENOUGH JOBS / FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT. WE NEED A FRIGGIN' PRESIDENT (AND CONGRESS) WHO IS MORE INTERESTED IN BRING BACK / CREATING JOBS.

Obama spent nearly $1 trillion on what HE called a 'jobs' bill. It contained over 7,000 pieces of Liberal individual / party-benefitting pieces of pork, gave the Unions 1/2 ownership of a US automaker, wasted billions on criminally irresponsible B$ 'studies' (like how to teach alcoholic Chinese Prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty), helped bail Feinstein's husband's business out of bankruptcy, and ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved. (Of course it cost more than that because many of the jobs Obama claimed to have saved / created were BOGUS. One company proved Obama had claimed to have saved more employee's jobs than there were employees at the business!)

The answer is not forcing businesses to pay higher wages to part-time workers but to CREATE / BRING BACK MORE FULL-TIME JOBS. Obama has proven he can't do that...
Trump finally takes time out from his ad nauseum boasting about how tremendously rich he is to slam the average American for being overpaid.
As opposed to the narcissistic millionaire in the WH who has proven he doesn't know how to create jobs?!

That dude takes several-millions-of-dollar-a-pop vacations, forces a minority-supported piece of legislation into law against the majority opposition of Americans, causing workers to lose their health care, lose their jobs, or take part-time jobs off of which they can't support their families... what a ass. He couldn't give a rat's arse about the Middle Class....'bleed ' em til their dry!'
Let me describe what I see in the chart 2003 sub prime takes off [this is under the tutelage of Bush] you see it rise way the fuck above historical norms../.then comes the collapse from 2006 -08...any questions ?

I was bowling and didn't watch the debate, but I see no evidence in this thread that anyone has given any thought to what Mr. Trump said.

"Wages too high," is an obvious reference to unionized manufacturing, where high wages and benefit costs in the U.S. have resulted in the loss of literally millions of manufacturing jobs to overseas competitors. Further, the advantage of lower wages off-shore has induced even American manufacturers to shutter plants in the U.S. and employ people in the Developing world to make the same products.

Had these manufacturers not been locked into high-cost CBA's, they might have been able to restructure locally to preserve those jobs. But American workers have frequently chosen to be unemployed at $25/hr rather than working at $15.

I guess the logical follow-up question to The Donald is, "What would you do about too high wages?"

That's what I'd like to hear.
The reason Minimum wage can be kept so low, is due to above minimum wage or salary jobs being kept so low.....
and because large corporations like Walmart use the Social safety net as an adjunct to their workforce wages......
and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

If you had a family of four and were working for less than $15 you'd be buying rice and beans 50 lb. at a time:

I have news for you....everybody can't afford an ivy league education. Maybe if we were trying to keep up with the other industrialized countries instead of sucking wind with a "Do Nothing" Republican congress things might be better. Why don't you admit that the main gripe you have with Obama is his's even better than Boehner's.

What kind of idiot tries to raise a family of four on less than 15 bucks an hour?
I'll tell you what kind....the kind that isnt smart enough to practice birth control until he can afford to raise a family.
In fact they should be charged with child abuse.
This country has lost almost a million GOVERNMENT jobs since the recession. Where do you suppose those people are now?

The size and scope of government has not shrunk - it has steadily grown. Hell, you can run guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, illegally target Americans using the IRS, get caught in multiple acts of Felony Perjury, and even be so incompetent as to allow 4 Americans be murdered and you can't get fired under this President....
People are jealous and don't want min wage earners to earn what they are making now, say double the min wage, that took a decade long, working harder to get to their present wage....who is going to double their wage by a vote and stroke of a pen? That's understandable imo.

The real problem is the middle class wages not rising with the tide.....the min wage would naturally follow.
Obama low govt spending...

Obama ADDED $7 TRILLION in new debt in his 1st 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records for this country in doing so. We finally have gotten ANNUAL spending under control, with the help of Congress, but Obama never met a Trillion that he did not like to spend!

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