Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... now dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Last edited:
and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

If you had a family of four and were working for less than $15 you'd be buying rice and beans 50 lb. at a time:

I have news for you....everybody can't afford an ivy league education. Maybe if we were trying to keep up with the other industrialized countries instead of sucking wind with a "Do Nothing" Republican congress things might be better. Why don't you admit that the main gripe you have with Obama is his's even better than Boehner's.
A head of the household with a family of four isn't what minimum-wage is supposed to be for. Democrats created the MW as a tool to attack Republicans. It shouldn't be up to the government to pay a living wage to everyone in this country. That's what the market is for. The Democrats are telling their voters a bunch of lies they know aren't true simply to marginalize Republicans. They know most of their ideas don't work in real life......and that's why it's so easy to be a Democrat politician.....because they don't have to follow the rules that exist for everyone else. They can be liars and hypocrites and never suffer any repercussions for it.....especially since they have a corrupt media willing to carry their water.

I'll tell you what the market is make billionaires out of millionaires. I've gottcher corrupt media a schwangin. I suppose you think Fox is OK....I mean they lie 24/7. Ol Roger really has an outlet there!

FOX is not MSLSD or ABC or SeeBS or CNN So, no. They are not the ones who lie constantly.

The market IS to make people derive wealth from production. If that turns a millionaire into a billionaire, GOOD!

It also provides JOBS to lots of people who are not destined to build the better mousetrap and bring it to market. They may not earn millions or billions on a factory line, but they ARE employed and can and do provide for their families and their communities. They contribute to society and if the freakin' government would stop spending like drunken sailors in the brothel on fleet week, the workers might even have enough of their earned income to secure a safer more comfortable future.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

look at the pathetic left-wing loser playing his race card, using tired memes of "do-nothing Republican Congress"

geesh you'd think this mindless left-wing moron would have figured out by now the American people gave the Senate back to Republicans because they figured out what the media wouldnt say, that the REAL "OBSTRUCTION" was by Harry Reid in the Senate

libs are losers who lie to themselves
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.


is this leftard falling apart or what/??
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.


is this leftard falling apart or what/??

I'm telling you, Trump is on to something here. All you have to do is pop them in the kisser with their own stupidity and they don't know how to deal with it. Freaks them out a little.

Dumb little airhead wants to think that Trump is gonna cut people's pay to $17 a day and feed them a bowl of rice? GOOD! She's too stupid to ever vote for a Republican anyway.

Boo hoo.. meanies... you just wanna dump people out into the streets!!
Yeah, that's what we're going to do... dump people into the streets and let 'em die!
Send snow plows through every couple a days to clean the corpses up! lol

Dumb ass.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?
It's the dog chasing it's tail. Prices go up to attempt to obtain higher profits (or weather can effect crops, etc.) Rising prices = raise in pay to be able to afford the cost of goods.

BTW: America doesn't need to deport ANYONE - Arizona proved that.

Before Arizona's new Immigration law went into effect Illegals began flowing OUT of the State. Other surrounding states were complaining because of all of the influx of illegals. Instead of demanding Az STOP, they should have joined Az!

Illegals come here because they know this administration / our government refuses to enforce the law and that once they get here they can pretty much all stay. Az's law was not so big of a change from Federal Law...but Az made it clear they were tired of all the criminal illegals and that they fully intended to enforce every Immigration Law. As Az showed - faced with no ability to get a job, no possibility of acquiring US Tax Payer-funded hand-outs, they will leave on their own.

Giving them a US driver's license is saying, "Welcome to America, we want you to stay"...or else we would not give them permanent licenses. NOT enforcing the law by letting Illegals get jobs says, "Welcome to the US, we want you to stay". If we enforced all existing law, like in Az, they would go back home on their own. Knowing nothing waits for them here if they come here illegally is the only thing that will stop them from coming.

I do believe a fence will work in large part and that 'cashing that check / promise' politicians have made for decades about building the fence (IF we do 'this' 1st...oh, and 'this' first...oh, and...). The reason there is NOT a fence right now is because NEITHER party truly wants one.
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....

and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

So you don't know what interns are.

Big surprise.
Look at the ass kissing low wage worker wing nut shill for rich masters on his knees head a bobbing...

You DO know the rich got a lot richer, and the poor in this country have grown poorer and more in number under Obama - faster than under Bush, right?!

For example: Obama STOLE middle-class tax dollars and gave it to his millionaire buddy donors who had invested in Solyndra and 12 other green energy' companies so THEY would not lose any of their invested money. Basically he f*ed the middle class tax payers, using their money - not for their on the nation's benefit - to prevent millionaire Liberals from losing THEIR money!

(You seem to know a lot about being on your knees with your head bobbing...)
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?

how will unionizing everybody help us compete?
and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

So you don't know what interns are.

Big surprise.

good one leftard; we all know libs are experts on interns

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