Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

I'd accept a compromise. Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks and then tie it to inflation, adjusted annually.
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!
Republicans that fight against raising the minimum wage do it because big business pays them to fight against raising the minimum wage. It's really not that complicated.
I'd accept a compromise. Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks and then tie it to inflation, adjusted annually.
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!

You want the government to create jobs? I thought the government doesn't create jobs.
I'd accept a compromise. Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks and then tie it to inflation, adjusted annually.
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!

This country has lost almost a million GOVERNMENT jobs since the recession. Where do you suppose those people are now?
how will unionizing everybody help us compete?

It won't. The rich Union leaders will continue to collect dues which they will split between themselves and Liberal campaigns.

Niki Haley in SC has done an INCREDIBLE job bringing in companies, creating job, etc.... The reason Obama / the WH tried to stop several companies coming to SC several years ago is because SC is a 'Right to Work' state, and the Unions pressured Obama to stop it. FAIL!
So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.

Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.


is this leftard falling apart or what/??
He said I supported a Socialist, if so, then he supports a Fascist.

Neither are 100% true.....but what the heck.....why not throw it out there with all the mud coming from the right wing...?
and then we have this. I'm sure that will make all the people in country run right out and vote for him. oh wait, this a Trump said something thread, wasn't

how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

So you don't know what interns are.

Big surprise.

Thoroughly debunked as well. lol

OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns
Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.
Yeah that's right pinhead, we want to pay you $17 a day and a bowl of rice.

Now go run vote for your Socialist.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.


is this leftard falling apart or what/??
He said I supported a Socialist, if so, then he supports a Fascist.

Neither are 100% true.....but what the heck.....why not throw it out there with all the mud coming from the right wing...?

Right... and we're going to take your contraceptives away and make you have babies too!
You DO know the rich got a lot richer, and the poor in this country have grown poorer and more in number under Obama - faster than under Bush, right?!

For example: Obama STOLE middle-class tax dollars and gave it to his millionaire buddy donors who had invested in Solyndra
Wages will go up when the public gets it through their heads that a wage and paycheck are not something simply handed out to them out of kindness, or based on your personal wants or needs. If not a single person in this country was willing to work for less than $20/hr, then the minimum wage would be $20/hr. Wages are agreed upon before the job begins. Learn how to negotiate your way to better wages, and stop wanting some magical parental force to require that it be handed over to you.

Of course, this will only work if we shut down the influx of illegal scum who will always drastically under-bid hard working Americans. But liberals don't want to do that either.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?

how will unionizing everybody help us compete?

the we can compete with France to see who the Unions can call a strike on and shut down the WHOLE towns and cities. that's really what the union/democrats want. the more CHAOS in our live the better off for them to come and SAVE US ALL. it's just a sick game they play on the people. why they don't wake up to it, who the hell knows but it's dragging us into the poorhouse, the gutter and the lose of our freedoms all at the same time
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.

Nice meltdown. Short and to the loony point.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?

how will unionizing everybody help us compete?

the we can compete with France to see who the Unions can call a strike on and shut down the WHOLE towns and cities. that's really what the union/democrats want. the more CHAOS in our live the better off for them to come and SAVE US ALL. it's just a sick game they play on the people. why they don't wake up to it, who the hell knows but it's dragging us into the poorhouse, the gutter and the lose of our freedoms all at the same time

France has a trade surplus with the US.
It's what Trump said....we need LOWER wages to compete with the Chinas of the global economy.

It's clear as day light, what Trump said and meant, no other explanation for it.

Bring American wages DOWN, so we can compete...

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.
Fascism is a Right Wing philosophy, have we had a right winger for 8 years and I missed it? ;)
Look, every one of you knows hundreds of people, families, through your day to day life. Do most of them really appear to you to be overpaid?

Are you overpaid?

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