Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

So when do I get my check?

You're in government? What office do you hold?

Who said anything about working for the government?
Certainly not you.

All sane-with-a-brain people know what I meant. That you fell through the cracks is not my problem. Learn to read.

You might want to learn to be more concise.

You should learn to be less of a nitpicking grannypants.

I can only read what you wrote.
If you failed to be clear thats on you.
so you admit obama hasnt created ANY jobs??

thanks!! ;)

now we can discuss if obama is responsible for creating a climate of job growth; OR has done more things that hindered it. In other words jobs have been created IN SPITE of obama not because of him

you'll lose on that one too idiot

Yeah, that's what I said... We're going to pay you $17 a day and bowl of rice. And you're going to work 6 days a week and 12 hrs. a day for it and be grateful. Isn't that what you want to hear? We're just crazy ass heartless bastards who want to make you suffer so the rich can get richer... not dammit... GO VOTE FOR YOUR SOCIALIST!
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.
Fascism is a Right Wing philosophy, have we had a right winger for 8 years and I missed it? ;)
That is the traditional belief, but these days fascism has been replaced by progressive centrist statist ideology. It uses fascism to cower opposition and Marxism to cause division.
Tax raises VS Tax Cut: Effect on Jobs and GDP

Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:

oh wow, a socialist and a nasty one to boot.
HOW is that we now have 94Million working age people WITHOUT A job? Obama FOLLOWS your scared Keynes, etc and believes how the government is the god of all mankind. Of course that would be because he's in Guberment and how he thinks of himself, the rest of us he could care less about

News FLASH! Economist Adam Smith was not a socialist! :lol:
That is the traditional belief, but these days fascism has been replaced by progressive centrist statist ideology. It uses fascism to cower opposition and Marxism to cause division.
You are a quivering pathetic 'rabbit on the run"...proclaiming "victim hood status" for yourself as you "ninny scream" that Blacks have no reason to complain...fuck you
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!
Another GOP scripted lie parroted by mindless idiots!
At the same time they claim it's not the President that creates jobs. Usually when and/if a Republican is in Office.

Speaking out of both sides of their mouth....the Republican way!

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The ACA's mandates forced businesses to convert a LOT of their full-time positions to part-time
Repeating this lie will never make it the truth.
Part time jobs for economic reasons have gone DOWN since the ACA passed.
Please...allow me...
“We are a country that is being beaten on every front — economically, militarily,” Trump said. “Taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. … People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum.”
Donald Trump said wages are 'too high' in his opening debate statement | Business Insider

He is absolutely right. It may not be popular but it's true.

I actually like his style on this... shut down the liberal talking point about raising the MW. No mealy-mouth Bush up there trying to slobber around and find a way to agree with the libtards... just pop them square in the kisser with a jolt of sheer reality. We can't compete globally, our wages are already way too high due to years and years of liberal unions and special interests whining until they get their raise. Having government step in and strong-arm business into forking over more money to labor isn't going to help fix our problems... so sit down and shut the fuck up!
Do you even realize how much of a damn FOOL you are?? There are no facts to support your BOGUS claim. Simmer down.

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Yes, Uncle Tom... sit down and shut up like a good little plantation boy. Let the old white men get the racist cow nominated and you can run out there and vote for her like you've been trained. That's all they need from you and we don't need a damn thing from you. Especially not your stupid liberal opinions.
"As Americans, we can and should be proud of the progress that our country has made over these past six years.

He spent nearly $1 trillion to 'create Jobs', funded 7,000 pieces of DNC-Benefitting excrement, cost over $742,000 per jobs he created / saved / falsified. He promised unemployment, as a result, would not go above 8% - it went to 10.1% while not addressing the deteriorating infrastructure.

He completely ignores the fact that over 93 MILLION Americans are no longer in the work force for not being able to find jobs, that full-time job employment is down farther than it has been in decades, that Americans on welfare / Food Stamps, etc is the highest it's been in decades.

He has made the US a laughing stock, made out military weaker, no one - not even allies - respects us, he has allowed several terrorist attacks on US soils, terrorism is anything BUT on the run, and the battle against terror is in full swing. The rich got richer and the poor grew in number and grew poorer faster than when they did under Bush. Americans DID lose their jobs and health insurance under Obama, health insurance premiums are going through the roof - contrary to his promise they would be lowered.

Oh I and a lot of other Americans have listened to him - he is a walking, talking poster boy for lies and failure. He can't help himself anymore...he just opens his mouth and crap flows out.
Please...allow me...
“We are a country that is being beaten on every front — economically, militarily,” Trump said. “Taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. … People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum.”
Donald Trump said wages are 'too high' in his opening debate statement | Business Insider

He is absolutely right. It may not be popular but it's true.

I actually like his style on this... shut down the liberal talking point about raising the MW. No mealy-mouth Bush up there trying to slobber around and find a way to agree with the libtards... just pop them square in the kisser with a jolt of sheer reality. We can't compete globally, our wages are already way too high due to years and years of liberal unions and special interests whining until they get their raise. Having government step in and strong-arm business into forking over more money to labor isn't going to help fix our problems... so sit down and shut the fuck up!
Do you even realize how much of a damn FOOL you are?? There are no facts to support your BOGUS claim. Simmer down.

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Yes, Uncle Tom... sit down and shut up like a good little plantation boy. Let the old white men get the racist cow nominated and you can run out there and vote for her like you've been trained. That's all they need from you and we don't need a damn thing from you. Especially not your stupid liberal opinions.

You're awesome dude.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:

Liberals know nothing about growing jobs or handling the economy. The only thing liberals know about money is how to steal it from somebody who works for a living. You aren't qualified to discuss this issue, moron.

News FLASH! Economist Adam Smith was not a Liberal! :lol: Repubtards believe in stealing wealth from those who create it & give it to croniy elites. :lol:

Please elaborate on what Adam Smith said about job creation.
Go vote for your FASCHISTS.

Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.
Fascism is a Right Wing philosophy, have we had a right winger for 8 years and I missed it? ;)
That is the traditional belief, but these days fascism has been replaced by progressive centrist statist ideology. It uses fascism to cower opposition and Marxism to cause division.
I have to admit, you truly can give me a smile and a good chuckle! :lol:
How about we get a new President who KNOWS and CAN create new jobs - replacing the full-time jobs that were lost thanks to the ACA?!
Another GOP scripted lie parroted by mindless idiots!
At the same time they claim it's not the President that creates jobs. Usually when and/if a Republican is in Office.

Speaking out of both sides of their mouth....the Republican way!

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The same way Obama is responsible for higher gas prices but when those prices drop...well that is a different animal...Obama only raises Gas prices ...lather rinse repeat

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