Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

here are some facts; your Progressive heroes made the very richest richer and the very poorest poorer during their time in charge

ok continue drooling left-wing nutjobs
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?
or, we could increase tariffs on those countries that don't pay their employees a living American wage.
when you say democrat vs presidencies of course you're not counting who controls congress;

that's why nobody takes you seriously
Take this seriously and Right up your scrawny Right wing cottage cheese white ass
you're not counting LITERALLY MILLIONS of your victims of PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

Do you have a chart or graph for that???
When it comes to immigration, if it weren't for the need for low-wage workers and the Democrats taking advantage of this by bringing in millions of illegals, we wouldn't have an immigration problem.
Oh come on now, even you don't believe that crap because as a DittoTard even your MessiahRushie has told you repeatedly that it is the GOP supporting Chamber of Commerce who wants the cheap labor, which is why the GOP always blocks any kind of reform that makes it legal for the undocumented to work because once they can work legally the businessmen taking advantage of their cheap slave wage labor will have to pay them American wages.

It is the GOP and the Chamber of Commerce taking advantage of the illegals, not the Dems, and those same GOP Senators and Reps will block anything Trump tries to do to deport the cheap labor.
You're both slightly full of excrement. Illegal Immigration is going on because BOTH parties want it to happen. If someone truly wanted to stop it, to build a fence, etc it would have been done by now.
All of the Democrats want it. Only the Republican establishment wants it. The so-called Tea Party members don't.
The reason Minimum wage can be kept so low, is due to above minimum wage or salary jobs being kept so low.....
The MW is simply a tool used by the left to trick voters into thinking they want to help the little guy.....despite the fact that minimum-wage mandates cost jobs and increase the costs of doing business which is passed onto the consumer. Raising the MW isn't a hardship for politicians, so it's no skin off of their ass.
There is no real evidence that raising the minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living loses jobs. The years of losses to jobs most recently had NOTHING to do with a minimum wage hike, but the crappy economy due to the GREAT Recession...the housing boom bust, and wall street crash/fiasco. The minimum wage hikes under Clinton's economy, showed gains in jobs, not losses...he had a booming economy.

so that shows, minimum wage hikes don't move the economy one way or the other, no real job losses or real gains, one way or the other....the overall economy itself is what does these things....
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?
or, we could increase tariffs on those countries that don't pay their employees a living American wage.
yes tariffs wars always are great for the economy...Unbelievable

you do understand others can retaliate Right ? OMG
congress was democrat majority for all of obama's first two years you idiot
split for everything after that until january of THIS YEAR

times are better are they not?

lol you crybaby, ignorant, unhinged Black Prog loser

go cry baby!!
why are you losers so angry these days?

'Cause their only 2 Presidential candidates are old white rich people, one being a card-carrying socialist and the other up to her ass in criminal investigations by the FBI.
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years.

Opponents to raising the minimum wage don't just oppose its increase. They oppose stopping its decline.

Yes we could compete with Chinese manufacturers if US manufacturers paid Chinese wages... many of you REALLY want that?
or, we could increase tariffs on those countries that don't pay their employees a living American wage.
yes tariffs wars always are great for the economy...Unbelievable

you do understand others can retaliate Right ? OMG

good one stupid; is that the reason your messiah obama wants the trade agreement even the most hardcore progressives dont want?
The reason Minimum wage can be kept so low, is due to above minimum wage or salary jobs being kept so low.....
The MW is simply a tool used by the left to trick voters into thinking they want to help the little guy.....despite the fact that minimum-wage mandates cost jobs and increase the costs of doing business which is passed onto the consumer. Raising the MW isn't a hardship for politicians, so it's no skin off of their ass.
There is no real evidence that raising the minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living loses jobs. The years of losses to jobs most recently had NOTHING to do with a minimum wage hike, but the crappy economy due to the GREAT Recession...the housing boom bust, and wall street crash/fiasco. The minimum wage hikes under Clinton's economy, showed gains in jobs, not losses...he had a booming economy.

so that shows, minimum wage hikes don't move the economy one way or the other, no real job losses or real gains, one way or the other....the overall economy itself is what does these things....

you idiots keep implying obama is clinton

no wonder nobody takes you seriously
yes tariffs wars always are great for the economy...Unbelievable

you do understand others can retaliate Right ? OMG

Yeah, status quo is GREAT! We can't even get our goods to market in China and other countries yet we let them ship their goods and sell them here with little to know tariffs. No 'war' - just Level the playing field, stop being a freakin' patsy!
Go find a dictionary.

Just saying...

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander....


Hey, you ought to be okay with Fascism, it's what we've had for 8 years.
Fascism is a Right Wing philosophy, have we had a right winger for 8 years and I missed it? ;)
That is the traditional belief, but these days fascism has been replaced by progressive centrist statist ideology. It uses fascism to cower opposition and Marxism to cause division.
I have to admit, you truly can give me a smile and a good chuckle! :lol:
I was looking at the definition of fascism today.

Except for the rightwing label that it seems to have, it sounds almost identical to Progressive policies in the white house. Centrist big government.
Authoritative government.

Both are fascism to the core.

What is dissimilar is how they go about getting their way.
Rather than using nationalism it instead uses Marxism to cause divisions, and forcible adherence to unfair and abusive government.
look at the left-wing loser pontificating on trade agreements his own Party also has disagreements over!

and you clowns on the Left start crying when it's pointed out you're more interested in what Repubs do than in your own Party???

Clinton moves left, opposes Obama's Trans-Pacific trade deal
The Hill
Oct 7, 2015 - Clinton moves left, opposes Obama's Trans-Pacific trade deal ... “I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as ...
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.

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