Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
Yeah....that's the only thing that "drove" them here....besides the promise of their babies getting citizenship, and free medical benefits. Other than was just the rich man.
They have free medical in Mexico, when I was there on vacation once, I got really sick and had to get medical help, and as a foreigner paid $20 bucks to have a doctor come to the hotel including the two prescriptions.
Try real world experience. If you can't bring in enough money to make payroll, you have to shrink the payroll.

If asked, the average worker would rather take a lower wage than lose their job.

If lower wages aren't enough to lower payroll the axe comes out and people start getting laid off.
thus the demand for Mexicans by small to middle sized businesses, which has driven the illegals to come here....
Yeah....that's the only thing that "drove" them here....besides the promise of their babies getting citizenship, and free medical benefits. Other than was just the rich man.
They have free medical in Mexico, when I was there on vacation once, I got really sick and had to get medical help, and as a foreigner paid $20 bucks to have a doctor come to the hotel and including the two prescriptions.

apparently it isnt enough to keep the mexicans home is it???
What have they done? NOTHING, it's the DO NOTHING CONGRESS.... we already know that....
Rather than spend nearly $1 trillion US tax dollars to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty, giving Feinstein's husband a 'loan' (he'll never pay back) to bail him out of bankruptcy, paying for a grant to study why homosexual Argentinian men have a better sex life than straight US males, and giving unions half ownership of a US auto-maker, WHY didn't the Democrats spend any REAL money (not that fake 'shove-ready' B$) to fix infrastructure? Why not spend some of that money on all the issues Liberals had a chance to fix but are claiming that in less than a year the GOP has not fixed?

The very FIRST thing the Libs did when they took over all of congress was create a huge liberal wet-dream wish list - over 7,000 pieces of party/personal-benefitting pork to reward themselves with for having won! To hell with the American people or what really needed fixing / addressing! OVER $742,000 PER JOB was spent.....for this 'LIE' of a 'Jobs Bill'.

SO Liberals need to STFU! You had your chance! All this crap you're screaming about now was ignored when you controlled Congress for 4 years! You only passed what was good for YOU and the PARTY, not what was good for the nation!
The easy answer is that your so-called "libs" (listening to Retard Radio, are we?) cannot pass any substantial infrasture improvement bills so long as ideological right wingers oppose ALL of our government's attempts to progress. Can right wingers offer any solutions? So far, it seems that the Tea Party is simply a group of anti-government insurgents. They have basically castrated the GOP.

the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
If goverment stimulated private sector growth we'd have GDP growth over 5% given the deficit spending we've senen over 8 years. Instead we have the worst growth record in history.
the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
From reading your crap, I'm guessing that you are 75-80 years old and have never been employed in, or part of, an organization.
So Trump wants protectionist policies against China because of their unfair advantage of low wage labor,

and he also thinks Americans should be working for less.

The two together make even less sense than Trump normally does.
the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
From reading your crap, I'm guessing that you are 75-80 years old and have never been employed in, or part of, an organization.

I'm guessing he worked for the government most of his life.
the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
From reading your crap, I'm guessing that you are 75-80 years old and have never been employed in, or part of, an organization.

I'm guessing he worked for the government most of his life.
Absolutely NOT. He lacks sufficient education to work in government. Public employees/federal government workers are among the most educated in the labor force.
the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
From reading your crap, I'm guessing that you are 75-80 years old and have never been employed in, or part of, an organization.

from reading your incessant pussy crybaby whines about me i'm guessing that post, and others of mine, hit alot closer to home then you're willing to admit
the same idiots keep saying if only their myriad "bills" for this and that got passed, they wouldnt have failed so badly.........................while out of the other corner of their mouths trying to brag how great things are now in the absence of things they insisted were needed that DIDNT get passed

libs are morons who lie to themselves
From reading your crap, I'm guessing that you are 75-80 years old and have never been employed in, or part of, an organization.

I'm guessing he worked for the government most of his life.
Absolutely NOT. He lacks sufficient education to work in government. Public employees/federal government workers are among the most educated in the labor force.

sure goofball, i just love the ones sliding around on their bellies during work hours, playing games in that video
Why did my liberal city council hire a private contractor from another state to fix my roads? Cheaper bid.
instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves
Trump's position on the trade agreement is very similar to Bernie Sanders and the hard Left; that it is a bad deal for American workers. i wish you idiots would make up your minds; cuz it seems like you want it both ways; too pussified to criticize obama, even when his positions match the Republican mainstream wing of the Party, more then they match EITHER OF the two Democrats running for President that are ahead of the others

idiots and hypocrites
instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves

LOL!!!! The idea of a Fox News watcher calling somebody a liar just absolutely cracks me up! Fox would rather climb a tree and shout a lie to the world than to tell the truth. It's not part of their action to ever state facts....they rarely know any.
instead of being a pussy and crying just explain how it is you brag about how great things are now while whining you never got things you insisted were needed for real "change"??
which is it? if things are so great you couldnt have needed all those "jobs bills"; and if they arent great dont you need to stop pretending they are???

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves

LOL!!!! The idea of a Fox News watcher calling somebody a liar just absolutely cracks me up! Fox would rather climb a tree and shout a lie to the world than to tell the truth. It's not part of their action to ever state facts....they rarely know any.

just answer the question p*ssy; is that too much to ask?
Trump is right. Minimum wage increases kill jobs. Everybody with a brain knows that, it's simple logic.

Wrong Idiot. It's a proven fact that Repubtards kill jobs & slow economic growth. Not one Republican on USMB or running for president understands how a government stimulates private sector job growth. Economist Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, etc have all proven how it's done, yet Repubtards get their economics education from political campaign TV ads. :lol:
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
If goverment stimulated private sector growth we'd have GDP growth over 5% given the deficit spending we've senen over 8 years. Instead we have the worst growth record in history.

Where did I or Adam Smith claim it was only Government Spending stimulated private sector job growth. Most of the time paying down government debt does. None of the Repubtards running for president are for paying down deficits. They only believe in the spending side of John Maynard Keynes economics. Keynes said you must pay down deficits except for short term recessions / depressions. Republicans believe in massive inflation taxing US into permanent job loss recessions.

Most economist such as Smith, Marx, Keynes, etc know jobs are created when business have predictable Economy, Taxes & Inflation. Not insainly wild exploding deficit inflation taxes, economy crashing & political tax cuts. This insanity wipes out business, wealth, jobs, economy & makes people & business afraid to hire or invest.

The Clinton administration forged the highest jobs & economy in history while creating a government surplus! Repubtards destroyed it all in under 4 years. It's hard to find stupider people than Republicans AKA Repubtards! Vote Republican for FEWER JOBS, HIGHER PRICES & LOWER PAY!!!
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So, the way to compete with China getting all of our manufacturing is to bring USA wages DOWN to China's wages?

What a STUPID comment and thoughtless idea.
What amazes me is how backward-looking and devoid of vision the policy of simply reducing costs to compete with the rest of the world is.
Why do you want to bring your population's living standards down to those of Third World standards so that you can compete with them?

Surely a better and more visionary approach is to invest in your workforce, R&D, engineering resources and produce stuff that the rest of the world needs. wants and is happy to pay for.

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