Trump Draws A Crowd Of One: At West Bend Police State, "Sleep-In" Address(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Apparently someone at least found one black person listening in on the Lunatic Fringe, RNC, Donald Trump Campaign, (LFRNC-DTC--Rhymes With "Nothing"), Assessment of the Economic Condition of U. S. Blacks. Problem apparently identified: Lack of Sleep(?)! Problem apparently solved: More Police(?)! "Democrats have failed the Blacks, and mainly take them for granted." Anyone can see that they need more sleep(?), and especially if you are White(?)!

Donald Trump, in Whitest Wisconsin, Finally Makes His Pitch to African-American Voters

1000 White People did show up, another crowd of dozens for Lunatic Trump. That was a better draw than the "Mike Pence Is Nothing Like Me" Announcement Address, before the Republican Convention. The Day Before, Trump had created the "Freedom Colonies" address, apparently addressing problems of International Diversity. Summarizing, "If the allies have anything worth keeping, then it is ours!" In return they can all have nukes!

Fox Panel people appearing in the Media(?), did note that anyone could have tuned in to listen to the West Bend remarks. After all, no one was heard to "Boo," or otherwise disparage the remarks along. Anyone sees what the LFRNC-DTC, (Rhymes with "Nothing.") is for(?)!

Finally, the LFRNC-DTC: Did put a pollster in charge of some parts of it. Maybe someone can now explain to them--just what the LFRNC-DTC actually did. First, No Black People. Second, All White People. Third, What they need is More Police. That gets put in the context of the "Freedom Colonies," International Address. The White People did seem to be on board, with both policy addresses of the Lunatic Fringe Campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe "Little Death Camps" better explanation of both Fringe Policy, Lunatic Assessments(?)!)
The Operating Opening Remarks in the Embassy Land purchase say something like, ". . .after Secretary Clinton left the Obama Administration. . . ." then someone the Clinton's had known for years sold land in Nigeria for an embassy. It is because the landowner knew the family--maybe even Chelsea, herself(?)--that the matter even came to attention. That is likely usual.

This below makes black violence a purely Colored Person problem, requiring a "more police,"response from any White audience! These are from the transcripts, below. It is about a response to an photo-op.
"Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, the violent disruptor. Our job is to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent who wants their kids to be able to safely walk the streets. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school.

For every one violent protestor, there are a hundred moms and dads and kids on that same city block who just want to be able to sleep safely at night.

Operating sentences and clauses and words do not appear! "Employment," "Jobs," "Transportation," "Workfare," "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," "Employment Zones," "Pre-School Education Day Care Centers," "After School Employment Subsidies:" None of those kinds of remarks appear in the West Bend, "Sleep-In" Address, of the candidate of the Lunatic, RNC Fringe.

"Secretary Clinton had left the Obama Administration," appears in the Lunatic Fringe report, almost verbatim. Apparently there was some nature of disappointment that she had not stayed on(?)! In the West Bend, "Sleep-in Address," There is a deliberate, centerpiece, policy announcement. "Our job" appears in the transcript. "Make Life More Comfortable," appears in the transcript. "Sleep safely at Night," appears in the transcript.

That is in contrast to the usual Democratic programs, mostly gutted in GOP Congressional, funding bills. The Republicans took "The Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," away from Black, Hispanic, Asian, Moslem, Jewish, Christian, Agnostic, Atheist--and even Fox News staff--All of America, first priority, 2011. It had only taken effect in 2009.

That one act stole upwards of $800.00 per year from everybody! That is a lot more money, especially all total, than any available for some small acreage in Nigeria.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Back to Lunatic Fringe with values that really matter: Like maybe one dozens trinkets made from Turquoise, in exchange for stolen Lands!)

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