Trump Economy is Surging

Since the fed just cut rates for first time in decade, they know the economy is going to be shit.
Notice your class warfare silliness is falling flat?

Obama Promised A ‘Middle Class’ Economy, Trump Delivered It.
Trump accelerates decline of middle class, primary due to his tax cuts.
1.5 million fewer jobs in the past 3 years compared to Obama's last 3.
Growth in disposable income was fairly flat as 2016 ended, but, it's picked up nicely since Trump took over, which explains his sky marks on the Economy from the Voters. It may also explain why Bernie is down so many votes compared to 2016.

Who in their right mind would trade all this for Socialism?

Labor force participation rate still really low. The Fed seems to think economy not so good.
It's going the right direction, but we still have a LOT of ground to make up. You're right about the Labor Participate rate, but it's chugging along, closing in on 7 year highs.

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If we can get back to at least a 3% GDP we can start hoping for a surge.

Hopefully that'll happen, but 2.1% sure isn't "surging".
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?
When Trump addressed Congress last week, he rattled off a long impressive list of economic gains that resulted from his break from Obamanomics. It turns out that cutting taxes and regulations, not more government spending, was EXACTLY what the middle class needs.

Included in Trump’s list was the fact that the wealth of the bottom half of American households increased three times as fast as the “1%.

That’s true, according to Federal Reserve data,” said Reuters. “On average, Americans have seen a 17% jump in household wealth since Trump’s election, while wealth at the bottom half has increased 54%.” The top 1% has seen a gain of 13%.

Democrats have been complaining about increases in income inequality for years. How do they explain the fact that it’s declining under Trump?

Average hourly earnings rose 3.1% over a year ago, which also beat expectations, marking the 18th consecutive month of gains in excess of 3%. Under Obama’s “middle-class economics,” wage growth was mired at around 2%.

Trump said, “If we hadn’t reversed the failed economic policies of the previous administration, the world would not now be witnessing this great economic success.”

He’s right. Which is probably why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi felt the need to tear up her copy of Trump’s speech when he finished.
Interesting how proud the Trumpsters are when socialist fiscal policy (aggressively higher government spending and aggressive New York Fed intervention) are playing a role in a good economy.

My guess is that they haven't been told about those things.

Fed’s Balance Sheet Explodes by $413 Billion in 119 Days


And more proof of our current "socialist" fiscal strategy:

Why are you looking at just one quarter?
Because that's when this kicked in, in terms of net increase. I've provided several fully factual articles on this for you, but you think they're fake news.

The chart I provided is their net balance sheet. Your chart evidently only shows their unwinding of old assets from the Meltdown years.

So either you're lying or ignorant. Or both.

You socialists aren't very honest.
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Only know what I can see from where I sit. not many good paying jobs where I live. The major money employer here is now contracting in temp employees from other country's.
the place I last lived is a beautiful but dying town.

the state area I was born in has help wanted signs on every block, 10-15 dollar an hour jobs, problem is rent on a studio apt can cost 3000 dollars a month,
No answers just keep questioning every thing.
If we can get back to at least a 3% GDP we can start hoping for a surge.

Hopefully that'll happen, but 2.1% sure isn't "surging".
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.
If we can get back to at least a 3% GDP we can start hoping for a surge.

Hopefully that'll happen, but 2.1% sure isn't "surging".
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.
A crash in the stock market would be Democrats’ last-ditch effort to topple Trump!!!

The Democrats have failed at everything they’ve tried to get to Donald Trump. What might their next failure be?

Impeachment didn’t work. And neither did spying on the president, which got them to impeachment but not to removal from office.

The Russian investigation flamed out. And removing Trump through the 25th Amendment — claiming he is unfit for office — was a non-starter.

Even the hope that a recession will hit before the election is not only fading, but is now a damn-near technical impossibility.

The Democrats need something.

So what can they try next to make that something happen? With all else failing, there is only one thing big enough that might make people turn against Trump: a crash in the stock market.

It won’t work for a variety of reasons that I’ll get to in a minute. But hear me out as to why this might end up being the Democrats’ last-ditch effort.

The stock market is in an obvious bubble caused by years and years of easy monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, which is too scared to allow interest rates to rise.

People have become accustomed to the market only going up. Even a normal 10 percent or 20 percent correction in stock prices would scare the hell out of Americans.

So why wouldn’t the Democrats go after the vulnerable market? Well, they already might be.

Last week, Democratic senators, including Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, sent a letter to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell asking questions about his bank’s recent massive repurchase (repo) agreements. Powell is scheduled to testify before the Senate Banking Committee this week, and Brown is the ranking Democrat on that committee.

Even a Republican senator is pestering the Fed about its balance sheet, which is ballooning because of the repos it has done recently

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If we can get back to at least a 3% GDP we can start hoping for a surge.

Hopefully that'll happen, but 2.1% sure isn't "surging".
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.

The reason why investigations are "needed" is that this is the whole Democrat Party strategery for 2020. Investigate, impeach, impugn their President and hope it sticks.

Attacking the President based on his performance is futile. Record low unemployment, record high markets, peace abroad, those are all popular positions.
Bullshit scandals and witch hunts are their own viable strategy
Simple economics is the answer. FTA: Economists say that the slowing of job creation is not surprising. There are fewer empty jobs and fewer unemployed people available to fill them as the economy gets closer to full employment.
If we can get back to at least a 3% GDP we can start hoping for a surge.

Hopefully that'll happen, but 2.1% sure isn't "surging".
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.

The reason why investigations are "needed" is that this is the whole Democrat Party strategery for 2020. Investigate, impeach, impugn their President and hope it sticks.

Attacking the President based on his performance is futile. Record low unemployment, record high markets, peace abroad, those are all popular positions.
Bullshit scandals and witch hunts are their own viable strategy

So you really don't see anything that Trump has done wrong, wow.

Republicans and Trump Humpers are enablers for wrong doing.
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.

The reason why investigations are "needed" is that this is the whole Democrat Party strategery for 2020. Investigate, impeach, impugn their President and hope it sticks.

Attacking the President based on his performance is futile. Record low unemployment, record high markets, peace abroad, those are all popular positions.
Bullshit scandals and witch hunts are their own viable strategy

So you really don't see anything that Trump has done wrong, wow.

Republicans and Trump Humpers are enablers for wrong doing.

The only thing that the libs have really said he's done wrong is to bypass them. That was the whole testimony of the parade of Schiff witnesses that appeared last year. Trump bypassed all of their "expertise" and didn't let them in the loop.
Step 1 is jobs.
Step 2 is increase of wages, which is happening now that the pool is small.
Step 3 is people buying things with those wages.

What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.

The reason why investigations are "needed" is that this is the whole Democrat Party strategery for 2020. Investigate, impeach, impugn their President and hope it sticks.

Attacking the President based on his performance is futile. Record low unemployment, record high markets, peace abroad, those are all popular positions.
Bullshit scandals and witch hunts are their own viable strategy

So you really don't see anything that Trump has done wrong, wow.

Republicans and Trump Humpers are enablers for wrong doing.
Just 5 more years to go for you America haters!
Simple economics is the answer. FTA: Economists say that the slowing of job creation is not surprising. There are fewer empty jobs and fewer unemployed people available to fill them as the economy gets closer to full employment.
Full employment with a 63.2 percent labor participation rate?

Giving tax cuts to billionaires only helps in a supply constrained economy, which we havent had for decades.
What are the main jobs people are getting?

Do these jobs have healthcare benefits?

Do these jobs have retirement opportunities?

Good questions. Perhaps Democrats should stop wasting time and money with the Russia investigations, Ukraine and impeachment scam and work with Trump.

If he was doing things above board there would be no need for investigations, but as long as we have those weak ass Republicans in the Senate he is covered.

The reason why investigations are "needed" is that this is the whole Democrat Party strategery for 2020. Investigate, impeach, impugn their President and hope it sticks.

Attacking the President based on his performance is futile. Record low unemployment, record high markets, peace abroad, those are all popular positions.
Bullshit scandals and witch hunts are their own viable strategy

So you really don't see anything that Trump has done wrong, wow.

Republicans and Trump Humpers are enablers for wrong doing.
Just 5 more years to go for you America haters!
Simple economics is the answer. FTA: Economists say that the slowing of job creation is not surprising. There are fewer empty jobs and fewer unemployed people available to fill them as the economy gets closer to full employment.
Full employment with a 63.2 percent labor participation rate?

Giving tax cuts to billionaires only helps in a supply constrained economy, which we havent had for decades.
I got a taxcut and I'm not a billionaire.

The Labor Force Participation rate was 65.8 when Obama took over, 62.7% when Obama left.

But Trump's got it up to the best showing in 7 years! In just 3 years he has reversed the entire decline that occurred on this measure in Obama's second term, and you ain't seen nothin' yet!



Trump's Just Amazing On The Labor Force Participation Rate!

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