Trump Eerie Similarities Today ~ Nixon's 1973 Wategate Scandal Speech (Youtube)

?? - I find no similarities to Nixon's speech and Trumps statements?
Other than Nixon denied, and Trump is we are supposed to assume everyone who denies an allegation is guilty?
I don't see what this is about.
Trump is very similar to theNixon pathology. This President must be removed from office.

Again, because he beat Hillary?

Ya know how you can tell when you are talking to a snowflake Because they randomly scream out 'Trump must be removed from office', like some form or bizarre form of partisan Turrets Syndrome, without having any evidence / crime / justification for their claim.
In the Nixon Case, Nixon was the President who learned of the illegal wire-tapping and helped cover it up.

In the Trump case, Trump was the victim of the Obama administration illegally using 'Protected Personal Classified Info', illegally sharing classified information, illegally unmasking Trump team members, committing what Obama's Directors of his NSA and FBI called 'Felony Espionage.

In the Trump case, it was the former President, Susan Rice, and loyalists committed the they are more like Nixon, not Trump.

Ha ha ha......Most likely the real story. I hope the liberals keep it up.
Trump is creepy, he may have conspired with the Russians, the investigators seem to think his people may have conspired with the bad guys, they think Trump have obstructed justice. Yes, Trump is Nixonesque. And when you have Trump mirrors like easyt65 almost to the bone, then, yeah, bad things have happened and will continue happening until the FBI and the special counsel gets to the bottom of it all.
?? - I find no similarities to Nixon's speech and Trumps statements?
Other than Nixon denied, and Trump is we are supposed to assume everyone who denies an allegation is guilty?
I don't see what this is about.

Yes, Trump is guilty by denial. These are the same people who suggest capital punishment is wrong because they might be innocent.
Trump is creepy, he may have conspired with the Russians, the investigators seem to think his people may have conspired with the bad guys, they think Trump have obstructed justice. Yes, Trump is Nixonesque.
False, un-proven accusations from mentally disturbed partisans who have completely melted down after the loss of their criminal candidate to the point of engaging in criminal activity to manufacture false cases against the newly elected President does not make 'Nixonesque'.

You said it yourself:

"he may have...the investigators seem to think...his people may have...they think"

...and after almost 11 months, multiple investigations, numerous exposed Obama administration / DNC exposed crimes, and a host of snowflake attempted scams that have blown up in their faces, all that is left is 'May Have', Seem to Think', Believe to have' and NO PROOF!

BS speculation, fantasy, and false accusations does not a crime make...but illegally sharing classifies, illegally leaking classified, and illegally unmasking US citizens ARE CRIMES!
The Trump supporters reek of fear.

That's called projection. See, the Conservatives kicked liberal ass because the liberal message is deception, inviting weakness and promoting racism and divide. Liberals are now drowning in quicksand. The more they move the worse their disposition.

Time Travel..back to August 15, 1973



So did you watch the video Marty, ? I never made a thread like this before.

it references nixon, you think he's going to be impeached, blah blah blah connected.

When you think of something original maybe I'll spend time on it.

I didn't say that he will be impeached..but it is just creepy how nothing has changed in 55 years. Calling the media fake, and investigations to make him look bad.

the media making shit up makes them look bad.

WE NEED OUR WEAVES will be the rally cry of fake news everywhere.
The Trump supporters reek of fear.
Fear Of what?

Democrats who...

Rigged their Primaries
Cheated In Debates
Engaged in violence against the Opposition
A candidate who financed violent agitators
Engaged in Arson
Engaged in Terrorism
Colluded with the Russians and Ukrainians
Protected Proven Criminals from prosecution because the criminal was their candidate
Used violence to shut down freedom of speech
Threatened the lives of Electoral College Voters to change the election results
Called for military coups
Called for assassinations
ATTEMPTED assassinations

...yeah, Americans should be a little scared of DOMESTIC ENEMIES who have gone to such un-American, violent, subversive, seditious, criminal means to steal power and control over the American people.
I did not have sex with that woman.

Yes, lol...These people get into power and think they are above the law..

Kennedy was a horn dog too , but never got caught. They kept things quiet back then..
yea! they they go out and use gov offices to harass the other parties. they spy on you and then "unmask" you when it suits their goals. run guns to mexico in a fashion anyone else would be in federal prison for...

I did not have sex with that woman.
that's not what she said...
upload_2017-7-25_15-20-38.jpeg [URL='']upload_2017-7-25_15-23-22.jpeg[/URL]

The Trump supporters reek of fear.

That's called projection. See, the Conservatives kicked liberal ass because the liberal message is deception, inviting weakness and promoting racism and divide. Liberals are now drowning in quicksand. The more they move the worse their disposition.
The GOP barely won with 65 thousand votes. The fear is seeping throughout the Trump movement as the pursuers close in. You thought you had all power and now it is slipping away. You were warned that you would be caught. And the net closes.

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