Trump Eerie Similarities Today ~ Nixon's 1973 Wategate Scandal Speech (Youtube)

Mattis, Masterson, Pence, and Ryan are talking to each other now. If they can get Gowdy and McCarthy on board, . . .
The Trump supporters reek of fear.

That's called projection. See, the Conservatives kicked liberal ass because the liberal message is deception, inviting weakness and promoting racism and divide. Liberals are now drowning in quicksand. The more they move the worse their disposition.
The GOP barely won with 65 thousand votes. The fear is seeping throughout the Trump movement as the pursuers close in. You thought you had all power and now it is slipping away. You were warned that you would be caught. And the net closes.

Neato. But that's your butt talking. Can your brain articulate the what and why for supporting your emotions?

Time Travel..back to August 15, 1973



So did you watch the video Marty, ? I never made a thread like this before.

it references nixon, you think he's going to be impeached, blah blah blah connected.

When you think of something original maybe I'll spend time on it.

I didn't say that he will be impeached..but it is just creepy how nothing has changed in 55 years. Calling the media fake, and investigations to make him look bad.

The media sure has hell changed, and not for the better. We may have a free press, but we don't have an impartial one, despite the lamentations of the lefties in the media trying to say "we are teh center"

Yes, 24/7 news slamming each other anytime you want. Back then it was the nightly news, and Nixon said in the video 22 hours of fake news a week.

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Trump is very similar to theNixon pathology. This President must be removed from office.

Again, because he beat Hillary?

Ya know how you can tell when you are talking to a snowflake Because they randomly scream out 'Trump must be removed from office', like some form or bizarre form of partisan Turrets Syndrome, without having any evidence / crime / justification for their claim.

You mean like the Righties always making sure to say that Trump beat Hillary?:biggrin:

Its over we have moved on, we just want transparency..

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I ain't reading any more, this is another whiner thread. flushed!!!!!!
In the Nixon Case, Nixon was the President who learned of the illegal wire-tapping and helped cover it up.

In the Trump case, Trump was the victim of the Obama administration illegally using 'Protected Personal Classified Info', illegally sharing classified information, illegally unmasking Trump team members, committing what Obama's Directors of his NSA and FBI called 'Felony Espionage.

In the Trump case, it was the former President, Susan Rice, and loyalists committed the they are more like Nixon, not Trump.

Easy, Easy, Easy~

It was Obama's fault worked last year... This is 2017 and Trump has been into office for 6 months claiming how he has turned things around in America..
More like Upside Down

The only eerie thing these days is the left's constant fixation on Nixon. Granted it was the MSM's finest hour when they got away with using an unverified, unidentified informant who's identity wasn't revealed until he was dead and couldn't (of course) answer any questions. There is little doubt that Bill Clinton was the most interesting president in the 20th century. His administration of sex, drugs and rock and roll makes a 3rd rate burglary look like child's play. Imagine using an unverified informant in the Clinton administration and not revealing his/her identity? Democrats would have a heart attack.
The only eerie thing these days is the left's constant fixation on Nixon. Granted it was the MSM's finest hour when they got away with using an unverified, unidentified informant who's identity wasn't revealed until he was dead and couldn't (of course) answer any questions. There is little doubt that Bill Clinton was the most interesting president in the 20th century. His administration of sex, drugs and rock and roll makes a 3rd rate burglary look like child's play. Imagine using an unverified informant in the Clinton administration and not revealing his/her identity? Democrats would have a heart attack.

In 6 months I have seen you all excuse Trump behavior , but slammed Obama for almost everything you are excusing..
Let's see what 6 more months bring to the table..

Wow a Watergate comparison been awhile since the left has trotted that one out.
You mean like the Righties always making sure to say that Trump beat Hillary?

When you eventually DO move on from that - which you have not because the subversion, sedition, witch hunts, etc continue - we will stop reminding you.

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