Trump erupts at campaign manager Brad Parscale as reelection stress overflows...he knows he's losing, folks! Biden got him right where he wants him!

Trump is bad for America. his behavior is shameful, and everytime you call it out, the Trumpanzees pounce!
Trump is just exactly what this country needed to recover from the demodipshits and eight years of Obummer doing as much damage as he could. And the story is not done with Obummer yet as the investigations into all the shenanigans that went on with the FBI and DOJ regarding the Trump campaign continues. That asshole may go to jail yet. How would it be for your great halfblack leader to go to the slammer for criminal offences?

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
/——-/ Oh, it’s a CNN fake news story. Ha Ha, you had me going there for a moment.
You can also find this story on Drudge.

let me help ya...

just search for "Trump erupts"

Hey dumbass, that links to the same CNN report! What a freaking loser!

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale! should run and tell President hilary the good news. Asshats like you told us she was over 90% sure to beat Trump.......and we all know how accurate you morons were on that one......

And good news....Creepy joe just hired Chris Dodd to vet his female V.P. picks..showing that the biden campaign truly is at the top of their game.

Who is Chris Dodd.....? No one will remember this since the democrat party members of the press didn't care about it at the time....but he and ted kennedy grabbed a waitress and made a "Waitress Sandwich," when they were out drinking and whoring together......

I hope this is an accurate story...cause it is too good to be fake...

I wonder if Dodd will rate them by how many fingers...

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!

I'll bump your thread so it goes to the top again.

The Trumpanzees are purposefully ignoring this story, they just can't handle hearing bad news, just like their Dear Leader.

Yeah, Trump's advisors are telling him to stop the daily COVID pressers cuz' it's driving his numbers down in key battleground states.

Can't wait to see the Gallup update after the disinfectant and UV light debacle.

Trump is such a fucking idiot.

'I'm not f---ing losing to Joe Biden': Trump reportedly cursed at his campaign manager and threatened to sue him over damaging poll numbers"""

  • President Donald Trump threatened to sue his campaign manager, Brad Parscale, over a slew of damaging poll numbers, CNN and The Washington Post reported.
  • Trump erupted at Parscale during a phone conversation Friday evening, saying, "I'm not f---ing losing to Joe Biden," five sources told the AP.
  • Two days earlier, Parscale and other top advisers reportedly showed the president internal polling data that showed him losing to Biden in critical battleground states and urged him to scale back his coronavirus briefings.
  • Trump initially refused but later relented after making headlines by suggesting injections of disinfectant could treat the coronavirus.
  • "He's pissed because he knows he messed up in those briefings," a Republican close to the White House told CNN. The Post cited another official as saying Trump was "in a terrible mood with everyone late last week."
Trump Responds to Reports That He ‘Threatened to Sue’ Campaign Manager Over Plummeting Poll Numbers
by Jerry Lambe | 11:13 am, April 30th, 2020

""""President Donald Trump threatened to sue his campaign manager Brad Parscale last week, blaming Parscale for his recent slide in swing state polls, according to Wednesday and Thursday reports from The Washington Post and CNN. Trump was reportedly upset that his campaign’s internal polling data showed him trailing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in several states key to his re-election bid.

Trump, who is notoriously litigious, was surrounded by several advisors as he reportedly “berated” Parscale and threatened to file a lawsuit.

“Within moments, the President was shouting — not at the aides in the room, but into the phone — at his campaign manager Brad Parscale, three people familiar with the matter told CNN. Shifting the blame away from himself, Trump berated Parscale for a recent spate of damaging poll numbers, even at one point threatening to sue Parscale,” CNN reported, adding, “It’s not clear how serious the President’s threat of a lawsuit was.”"""

"""Both outlets also reported that advisors were showing Trump his declining numbers–a trend that has been consistent for several weeks–in order to convince him to scale back on his public press briefings, during which he has become increasingly untethered from facts and unrestrained.

According to the Post, prior to his call with Parscale, Trump was in a particularly foul mood over a surge in criticism he’d been receiving for comments made during the prior day’s press briefing during which he wondered aloud if the COVID-19 coronavirus could be killed in humans by injecting or ingesting disinfectants."""

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I love seeing far leftists and Americans so desperate. The victory is almost here folks!
Looking bad for the Man Baby when even Fox News shows you're LOSING:

Biden up 50-42 over Trump in New Hampshire: poll
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News
Published 15 hours ago

Trump will mop the floor with pathetic Joe Biden this fall, he doesn't need to win any of Hillary's states to win a 2nd term hence polls including people in those states are skewed.
Trump is bad for America. his behavior is shameful, and everytime you call it out, the Trumpanzees pounce!
Trump is just exactly what this country needed to recover from the demodipshits and eight years of Obummer doing as much damage as he could. And the story is not done with Obummer yet as the investigations into all the shenanigans that went on with the FBI and DOJ regarding the Trump campaign continues. That asshole may go to jail yet. How would it be for your great halfblack leader to go to the slammer for criminal offences?
When pigs fly
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Trump will mop the floor with pathetic Joe Biden this fall, he doesn't need to win any of Hillary's states to win a 2nd term hence polls including people in those states are skewed.
If he loses Penn Mich and Wisc which seems very doable you think he still wins?
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This is true. trump is losing and he knows it. Enjoy these last few months trumpers, Time has come for trump.
i always had a certain knowledge that Trump would self-destruct, and basically destroy himself, so this is not to surprising. NOTHING'S SHOCKING!

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
Exactly what are you planning to do with yourself the morning of the election when you find that Trump has been reelected by a landslide? Are you going to find a tall building or bridge and take the leap, gunshot to the temple, jump in front of a speeding truck or train, poison, shove your head so far up your ass you suffocate, hang yourself, just how will you choose to end it?
That's not what is going to happen. Unless barr interferes with the election.
i have never seen a public figure or celebrity crazier or more vicious than Trump. have you?
To decompensate means to lose the ability to maintain one's state of mental health, typically due to some kind of stress. The word decompensate is most often applied to someone who is having a breakdown in their mental health mechanisms, especially someone who has an existing mental illness or psychological condition; . to lose the ability to maintain normal or appropriate psychological defenses, sometimes resulting in depression, anxiety, or delusions.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump erupted at his top political advisers last week when they presented him with worrisome polling data that showed his support eroding in a series of battleground states as his response to the coronavirus comes under criticism.

As the virus takes its deadly toll and much of the nation's economy remains shuttered, new surveys by the Republican National Committee and Trump's campaign pointed to a harrowing picture for the president as he faces reelection.

While Trump saw some of the best approval ratings of his presidency during the early weeks of the crisis, aides highlighted the growing political cost of the crisis and the unforced errors by Trump in his freewheeling press briefings.

Do you, the reader, really want this mentally fractured man-child to remain in power?
Election polls are useless right now, absolutely useless. That being said if the election were held tomorrow Trump would be toast.
They weren't usless to the media in 2016 when the predicted Hillary would win..... :dunno:
This ain't 2016, and there was no pandemic that the president decided to sit on his hands and watch.

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