Trump escalates his promised war on the free market

"America First" means tap the American taxpayer dry first, then borrow more from China.
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.

You have your history all wrong. The Republican Party was the party of high tariffs and protectionism until well into the 20th century. Abe Lincoln was an ardent protectionist. So were Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt, and Robert Taft. America thrived and grew mightily when our industries were able to operate under the protection of high tariffs.

On the other hand, the same Democratic Party that defended slavery, cheered the Dred Scott decision, and wanted to extend slavery into the territories ardently opposed protectionism and passionately advocated free trade and very low tariffs.
Trump proves once again he is no conservative and neither are his zealots.

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He won in the rust belt with his protectionist promises. That position has been popular going back to Perot's run in 1992. It's the mainstream GOP party position though.

This is a liberal idea going back 200 plus years.

So you agree that Trump won the election by going to the left of Hillary Clinton on trade.

lol, I said that the day or so after the election.

Ok I admit people that voted for Trump were stupid on this policie its totatal left wing philosophy.

People aren’t supporting legislation on whether it’s right wing or left wing, they’re supporting it based on which party proposed it. They opposed assistance for Flint Michigan when Obama proposed it and supported it when Trump proposed it.

They like the Affordable Care Act but hate Obamacare and want it repealed.
Trump proves once again he is no conservative and neither are his zealots.

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He won in the rust belt with his protectionist promises. That position has been popular going back to Perot's run in 1992. It's the mainstream GOP party position though.

This is a liberal idea going back 200 plus years.

So you agree that Trump won the election by going to the left of Hillary Clinton on trade.

lol, I said that the day or so after the election.

Ok I admit people that voted for Trump were stupid on this policie its totatal left wing philosophy.

People aren’t supporting legislation on whether it’s right wing or left wing, they’re supporting it based on which party proposed it. They opposed assistance for Flint Michigan when Obama proposed it and supported it when Trump proposed it.

They like the Affordable Care Act but hate Obamacare and want it repealed.

No we never liked it...
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!

Well, you see, there are marxist like yourself and then there are free market people like some of us.
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!

Well, you see, there are marxist like yourself and then there are free market people like some of us.
Why do you and Schumer hate Americans so much?
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!

Well, you see, there are marxist like yourself and then there are free market people like some of us.
Why do you and Schumer hate Americans so much?

Why do you and Trump hate freedom so much?
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!
Yes the only way to beat socialism, is with more socialism :rolleyes:
The Korean washing machines get subsidies making them cheaper to sell here. The tariff simply levels the inequality. Same for solar panels.
Trump is about to learn the lesson Obama learned about tariffs. They are going to blow up in his face.

Trump is an idiot. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others.

Trump bluffs a lot. People seem to react and often he gets at least part of what he wants without even bargaining.
Trump ran on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies. These feel like feeler tariffs, since his base opposes retail and new technologies. If they respond well, expect more Marxist trade policies. It's interesting that, with all the North Korea tensions, the tariffs on washing machines are directly aimed at damaging our ally South Korea.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

Today's GOP continues it's march towards becoming the pre-civil rights Democrat Party.
Why am I not surprised, after Schumer just shut down the government to stand with illegals instead of Americans, that snowflakes are now pissed off that Trump just acted to protect American businesses from unfair practices and tariffs abroad?!

Except that this is not what he’s done. Thousands of Americans are about to lose their jobs BECAUSE of the solar panel tariff.
Yet the Stock Market continues breaking new records daily, the Unemployment Rate is the lowest in 17yrs, and overall confidence in the US Economy is the highest ever recorded.

I'd say Trump's doing just fine. Dude's on a roll. :dance:

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