Trump expected to sign border compromise

Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
it's time to take the win as little of one it is. What it does is better define his emergency order in court. It will be evidence that everyone agrees a wall is necessary. so much so they gave him money. Oops, big misplay by the left. Sign it and immediately declare the emergency. let's let that one settle in.

The dems were trapped. either they gave him money or go to a shutdown and trump can blame them, issues the emergency order and then goes to court and wins.
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You must have missed the part where Trump said he found lots more money to use on the wall?! The fight will be if he can just "notify" congress that he's moving money, or if congress can block him from moving money. Weird that no one knows the "legal" answer to this??
If he does that, he’s doomed to be a one term POTUS, and he might find himself with more of Congress willing to consider impeachment.
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
/----/ How is it Trump caving if democRATs go from NO money for a wall to $1.3 billion?
If he does that, he’s doomed to be a one term POTUS, and he might find himself with more of Congress willing to consider impeachment.
Ok, that's your "opinion". Most voters approve of more border security. No one cares if the House impeaches Trump, the Senate would never remove him.
it's time to take the win as little of one it is. What it does is better define his emergency order in court. It will be evidence that everyone agrees a wall is necessary. so much so they gave him money. Oops, big misplay by the left. Sign it and immediately declare the emergency. let's let that one settle in.

The dems were trapped. either they gave him money or go to a shutdown and trump can blame them. issues the emergency order and then goes to court and wins.
It's not a win...It's less money than was in the bill that he refused to sign last December.

There is more than likely a lot of idiotic wasteful crap that was added in to get the "compromise", that was also probably not in the December bill.....He signs it and we get all that shit too.
Ok, that's your "opinion". Most voters approve of more border security. No one cares if the House impeaches Trump, the Senate would never remove him.

Yes it is my opinion. I get the feeling there are some in the Senste who might want to make some major hay with the Canservatives and Right Wing by taking Trump to task if/when he caves again to centrist/establishment whores.
You must have missed the part where Trump said he found lots more money to use on the wall?! The fight will be if he can just "notify" congress that he's moving money, or if congress can block him from moving money. Weird that no one knows the "legal" answer to this??

Congress appropriates money under the Constitution, not the president. Seems pretty straight forward to me
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?
Ok, that's your "opinion". Most voters approve of more border security. No one cares if the House impeaches Trump, the Senate would never remove him.

Yes it is my opinion. I get the feeling there are some in the Senste who might want to make some major hay with the Canservatives and Right Wing by taking Trump to task if/when he caves again to centrist/establishment whores.

With all due respect, the DemRino is thick. More likely to impeach IF he builds 55 miles of wall.
You must have missed the part where Trump said he found lots more money to use on the wall?! The fight will be if he can just "notify" congress that he's moving money, or if congress can block him from moving money. Weird that no one knows the "legal" answer to this??

Congress appropriates money under the Constitution, not the president. Seems pretty straight forward to me

Correct. DOD Homeland ICE are funded. Do the heads have the right to shift funding? From say.......rebuilding a levy to rebuilding a fence?
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
it's time to take the win as little of one it is. What it does is better define his emergency order in court. It will be evidence that everyone agrees a wall is necessary. so much so they gave him money. Oops, big misplay by the left. Sign it and immediately declare the emergency. let's let that one settle in.

The dems were trapped. either they gave him money or go to a shutdown and trump can blame them, issues the emergency order and then goes to court and wins.

Agree, once again TRUMP is going to have to do this on his own, we may have got rid of Ryan, but we're still stuck with McConnnell. IMO we need to get rid of Mitch even if we have to sacrifice his seat.
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
it's time to take the win as little of one it is. What it does is better define his emergency order in court. It will be evidence that everyone agrees a wall is necessary. so much so they gave him money. Oops, big misplay by the left. Sign it and immediately declare the emergency. let's let that one settle in.

The dems were trapped. either they gave him money or go to a shutdown and trump can blame them, issues the emergency order and then goes to court and wins.

Agree, once again TRUMP is going to have to do this on his own, we may have got rid of Ryan, but we're still stuck with McConnnell. IMO we need to get rid of Mitch even if we have to sacrifice his seat.
he won't be re-elected.
With all due respect, the DemRino is thick. More likely to impeach IF he builds 55 miles of wall.

I don’t see it happening. Considering the moderate chance that Trump is gonna get Primaried; I see some young buck without too much of a record to overcome suddenly lurching far to the Right y try and become the next Conservative Savior.
If he does that, he’s doomed to be a one term POTUS, and he might find himself with more of Congress willing to consider impeachment.

If TRUMP get's the wall he wouldn't even have to campaign to get re-elected, democrats know this which is why they are doing everything they can to not give him a win on the wall.
And republicans in the senate know voting to impeach TRUMP, would end their careers. Whether they realize it or not their re-election depends on TRUMP getting the wall.
If TRUMP doesn't get the wall as much as many will want to blame democrats, many conservatives will blame republicans in congress for not backing and in many cases opposing and obstructing TRUMP's push for the wall.
Many will have no problem voting only for TRUMP in 2020 viewing republicans controlling the house and or senate as no different then democrats.
The wall is being constructed as we speak. The gov't loses track of more than $5Billion dollars every year in fraudulent returns for Christ's Sake, the whole political shit show was theater, laughable theater and the World's Richest Professional Clown held the center ring for the last 2 years even with lunatics like Alexandria Occasional Cortex eating their own shit on his left, and Senator Turtle looking for his glasses on his right.

I never would have believed it right up until I saw it, but Trump is getting shit done and keeping the moonbat's attention focused on the side show freaks.

I would say HELL NO !

Problem is, you're fighting a party that now controls the House, and they want no part of securing our borders, and they could care less how many illegals are here. They know they come into the country with their palms out, so obviously they will be future Dimocrat voters.

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